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华为企业网 https://e.huawei.com/cn/   (技术支持---产品支持---软件下载--找到设备型号--下载,需要权限,可以用设备的ESN提升权限


  • 设备与PC要直连

  • 解压固件包(华为不需要解压),放到桌面或者指定文件夹

  • 准备TFTP/FTP软件,建议3CDaemon,支持FTP,设置好固件路径

  • 关闭个人防火墙

  •  「模拟器、工具合集」复制整段内容



BootFail.....................Boot from another Area(Fail) End.BootFail...............................AutoSearch Begin.!!!NOTE: Auto searchpacket file and startup!!!Auto search packet filefail! Please set startup file.Now boot fromflash:/AR150-S-V200R009C00SPC500.cc, please wait...Open file FAIL!Get file tail fail!Bootfile[flash:/AR150-S-V200R009C00SPC500.cc] error ornot for this device!BootFail...............................AutoSearch(Fail) END.Save load stateword...OKOct 25 2019, 14:14:44Start Memory Test ?('t' or 'T' is test):skipCopying Data : DoneUncompressing : DoneCS Config successInitializing SMI Bus:OKInit flash, pleasewait......OKUSB2 Host StackInitialized.USB Hub DriverInitializedUSBD  Wind River Systems, Inc. 562 InitializedEHCI Controller found.Waiting to attach toUSBD...Done.#当看到提示设备镜像丢失的情况下,那么就启动不了了,必须灌入新固件才行
Press Ctrl+B to break auto startup ... 3EnterPassword:************                                            //输入Bootrom密码Default Password,PleaseSet New Password.#确认存储是好的
 Main Menu 1. Default Startup 2. Serial Menu 3. Network Menu 4. Startup Select 5. File Manager 6. Reboot 7. Password ManagerEnteryour choice(1-7):5
File Menu 1. Flash file system 0. ReturnEnter your choice(0-1):1 Flash file system MENU   1. List file in flash 2. Delete file in flash 3. Rename file in flash 4. Format Flash file system 5. Check Flash file system 0. ReturnEnter your choice(0-5):1
Files of the device:-rwxrwxrwx      1024 Nov 10 2021 07:31:34  Boot_LogFile1 files found!479838208 Byte total, 479772672 Byte free.        //确认flash存储没问题 Flash file system MENU 1. List file in flash 2. Delete file in flash 3. Rename file in flash 4. Format Flash file system 5. Check Flash file system 0. ReturnEnter
your choice(0-5):0Enter your choice(0-5):0 File Menu 1. Flash file system 0. ReturnEnter your choice(0-1):0
#网络参数调整Main Menu 1. Default Startup 2. Serial Menu 3. Network Menu 4. Startup Select 5. File Manager 6. Reboot 7. Password ManagerEnteryour choice(1-7):3
Network Menu 1. Display parameter 2. Modify parameter 3. Save parameter 4. Download file 5. Upload file 0. ReturnEnter
your choice(0-5):2NOTE:Ftp type define:  0(ftp), 1(tftp),ENTER = no change; '.'= clear;Ftptype : 0     //FTP类型Filename :AR150-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc    //定义镜像文件名 Ethernet ip address :                   //  设备本机IPEthernetip mask : ffffff00              //掩码默认,这个表示255.255.255.0Gatewayip address :                                                       //网关空 Ftphost ip address :      //指定FTP的地址 Ftpuser : c02 a         //FTP的用户名 Ftppassword : ***********     //FTP的密码 Network Menu 1. Display parameter 2. Modify parameter 3. Saveparameter 4. Download file 5. Upload file 0. ReturnEnteryour choice(0-5):3



AR150系列设备的Ethernet 0/0/3,AR200系列设备的Ethernet 0/0/6,AR1200系列和AR2220设备主控板GE0/0/0,AR2240设备前面板GE0/0/2,AR3200系列设备主控板GE0/0/2)直接相连并保证两者能在同一网段内互通。




下载完成后,按0返回Enter your choice(0-5):0 Main Menu 1. Default Startup 2. Serial Menu 3. Network Menu 4. Startup Select 5. File Manager 6. Reboot 7. Password ManagerEnter your choice(1-7):1Enter auto startupNow boot fromflash:/AR150-S-V200R009C00SPC500.cc, please wait...Open file FAIL!Get file tail fail!Bootfile[flash:/AR150-S-V200R009C00SPC500.cc] error or not for this device!Save load stateword...OK!BootFail.....................Boot from Backup(Fail) End.BootFail.....................Boot from another Area Begin.Save load stateword...OK!Now boot fromflash:/AR150-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc, please wait...Check Bootrom version.Check CPLD Version#选择1启动后,它会先启动之前记录的发现没有,启动新的镜像。





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