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1、 [单选] 根据项目的特点,项目经理建议选择一种敏捷方法,该方法限制团队成员在任何给定时间执行的任务数。此方法还允许团队提高工作过程中问题和瓶颈的可见性。项目经理建议采用以下哪种方法?
Based on the characteristics of the project, the project manager suggests selecting an agile method that limits the number of tasks being worked on by the team members at any given time. This method will also allow the team to increase the visibility of issues and bottlenecks in their work process. Which of the following methods does the project manager suggest?

  • A:看板 Kanban

  • B:Scrum Scrum

  • C:水晶 Crystal

  • D:改善 Kaizen

2、 [单选] 在获取成功完成项目的活动中,项目团队喜欢互动和交流项目执行的故事,此时项目团队处于什么阶段?
In the event of successful completion of the project, the project team likes to interact and exchange project execution stories. What phase is the project team in?

  • A:震荡阶段 Oscillation phase

  • B:调整阶段 Adjustment phase

  • C:成熟阶段 Performing phase

  • D:规范阶段 Specification phase

3、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目中,开发人员发现一个可以提高速度的新工具。项目经理分析发现这种新工具能够缩短当前开发阶段20%的时间,并节省10%的项目成本。在变更控制委员会批准之后,项目经理修订了项目进度。这属于哪种风险应对类型?
During a software development project, a developer discovers a new tool that could increase development speed. The project manager’s analysis finds implementing the new tool could shorten the current development phase by 20% and save 10% of the project’s cost. After approval from the change control board, the project manager revises the project schedule. What is the type of risk response?

  • A:开拓 Exploit

  • B:接受 Accept

  • C:增强 Enhance

  • D:转移 Transfer

4、 [单选] 一个在瀑布式项目管理方法方面经验丰富的项目团队被分配到一个敏捷项目中。为了使转换更容易,已经决定保留瀑布方法的一些要素。在迭代审查期间,意识到开发团队之间的误解导致了工作的重复。项目经理如何处理这个问题?
A project team that is experienced in the waterfall project management approach has been assigned to their first agile project. To make the transition easier, it has been decided to keep some elements of the waterfall approach in place. During the iteration review, it was realized that a misunderstanding among the development team has led to a duplication of efforts. How might the project manager address this issue?

  • A:在即将到来的迭代回顾中提出该话题 Bring up the topic during the upcoming iteration retrospective

  • B:什么都不做,因为团队成员正在从瀑布过渡到敏捷 Do nothing since the team members are transitioning from waterfall to agile

  • C:弹回到瀑布项目管理框架 Fallback to a waterfall project management framework going forward

  • D:提交变更请求以更新沟通管理计划 Submit a change request to update the communications management plan

5、 [单选] 项目团队由前军事和非军事小组成员组成。没有军事背景的团队成员认为前军事团队成员在他们的项目方法中过于结构化和僵化。前军事成员认为其他团队成员更随意的方式表明他们对该项目不太投入。什么样的工具或技术对项目经理和团队成员进行有效沟通最有用?
A project team is comprised of former military and non-military team members. The team members without a military background view the former military team members as overly structured and rigid in their approach to the project. The former military members view the other team members' more casual approach as an indication that they are less committed to the project. What tool or technique will be the most useful for the project manager and the team members to communicate effectively?

  • A:政治意识 Political awareness

  • B:团队章程 Team charter

  • C:冲突管理 Conflict management

  • D:文化意识 Cultural awareness

6、 [单选] 项目落后于进度。项目团队发现,通过应用一个替代方法,他们可以加快关键路径上的一个项目可交付成果。然而,这将增加项目成本。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project is behind schedule. The project team discovers that, by applying an alternate method, they may be able to expedite a project deliverable on the critical path. However, it will increase the project's cost. What should the project manager do?

  • A:增加额外的项目资源 Add additional project resources

  • B:对所有方法开展预期货币价值分析(EMV) Conduct expected monetary value (EMV) analyses on all methods

  • C:获得替代方法的批准 Obtain approval for the alternate method

  • D:将增加的成本更新到项目预算中 Update the project budget with the increased cost

7、 [单选] 项目团队成员因杰出工作和满足项目成本目标而获得奖励,高级经理向项目经理确认谁可以获得奖励,项目经理可以在哪里获得此奖励的定义标准和频率?
The project team members are rewarded for outstanding work and meeting project cost objectives. The senior manager confirms to the project manager who can get the reward. Where can the project manager get the definition criteria and frequency of this award?

  • A:责任分配矩阵(RAM) Responsibility assignment Matrix (RAM)

  • B:项目管理计划 Project management plan

  • C:人员解散计划 Personnel dissolution plan

  • D:资源管理计划 Resources management plan

8、 [单选] 作为制定进度计划过程的一部分,项目经理使用甘特图创建项目进度计划。三个Scrum团队将开发项目的可交付成果。由于依赖关系,团队将需要通过每周两次的延长的站会来协调他们的工作。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
As part of the Develop Schedule process, the project manager creates the project schedule using a Gantt chart. Three Scrum teams will develop the project deliverables. Due to dependencies, the teams will be required to coordinate their work twice a week using extended standup meetings. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:提交将甘特图表切换到燃尽图表的变更请求 Submit a change request to switch the Gantt chart to burndown chart

  • B:在项目进度计划中包含Scrum of Scrums(SoS)会议 Include Scrum of Scrums (SoS) meetings in the project schedule

  • C:使进度赶工以消除团队之间的依赖关系 Crash the schedule to eliminate the dependencies between the teams

  • D:在项目进度计划中反映团队的实际速度 Reflect the actual velocity of the teams in the project schedule

9、 [单选] 在一个职能型组织中,一位关键的项目资源在咨询项目经理之前直接与客户进行沟通。这位资源之前经常发生这种问题,该资源已同意所有客户沟通必须先得到项目经理的批准。项目经理应该怎么做?
In a functional organization, a key project resource communicates directly with the customer without consulting the project manager. This is a common issue for this resource. The resource had agreed that all customer communications would first be approved by the project manager. What should the project manager do?

  • A:与该资源的职能经理开会,讨论该资源的行为 Meet with the resource’s functional manager to discuss the resource's behavior

  • B:召开团队会议以识别并纠正该资源的错误 Conduct a team meeting to identify and correct the resource’s mistake

  • C:与项目发起人召开会议,以讨论该资源的行为 Hold a meeting with the project sponsor to discuss the resource’s behavior

  • D:与客户开会以确认所有沟通都应该通过项目经理 Meet with the customer to confirm that all communications should go through the project manager

10、 [单选] 客户所用的软件应用程序已有10个年头,但仍需要该软件支持其业务流程,关联项目干系人认为文件已过时,并需要更换,以便满足当前的信息技术标准。一名项目经理被任命制作商业论证书。商业论证书将用来确定下列哪一项?The customer's ten year-old software application is still needed to support its business process. The key stakeholders decide that the software is outdated and needs to be replaced current information technology standards. A project manager is assigned to develop a business case. What will the business case be used to determine?

  • A:整个项目的成本The cost of the whole project

  • B:项目干系人的决策是否正确Whether stakeholders decision is correct or not

  • C:项目是否值得进行投资Whether the project is worth investing or not

  • D:整个项目的持续时间The duration of the entire project

11、 [单选] 一个敏捷的团队正在开发一个新的内容管理系统。一些团队成员正在努力交付某些特性,因为他们从未使用过这类解决方案。项目经理应该怎么做?An agile team is developing a new content management system. Some of the team members are struggling to deliver certain features since they have never worked on this type of solution. What should the project manager do?

  • A:要求团队通读所有可用的系统文档。Ask the team to read through all of the available system documents.

  • B:鼓励团队在每次迭代中举行知识分享会议。Encourage the team to hold a knowledge-sharing session in each iteration.

  • C:鼓励团队成员直接在系统中进行更改。Encourage the team members to make changes directly in the system.

  • D:用了解该系统的新成员替换这些成员。Replace the members with new members who understand the system.

12、 [单选] 敏捷团队已经完成了迭代,并向客户交付了约定的特性。令团队惊讶的是,客户不接受这些特性。项目团队进行了根本原因分析。项目经理应该做些什么来避免未来出现这种情况?An agile team has completed an iteration and delivered the agreed features to the customer. In a surprise to the team, the features are not accepted by the customer. The project team conducts a root cause analysis. What should the project manager do to avoid this situation in the future?

  • A:确保客户的要求从项目开始时就没有变更。Ensure that customer requirements do not change from the start of the project.

  • B:确保完成的定义(DoD)在未来的迭代中定义良好且完整。Ensure that the definition of done (DoD) is well defined and complete for future iterations.

  • C:确保开发和质量保证团队成员正确实现特性。Ensure that the development and quality assurance team members implement the feature correctly.

  • D:确保团队促进者正确地将任务分配给团队成员。Ensure that the team facilitator allocates tasks correctly to team members.

13、 [单选] 一家供应商称因为某项主要功能未包含在约定的范围内,所以未能实施。项目团队不认同这一说法,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A supplier said that a major function could not be implemented because it was not included in the agreed scope. The project team did not agree with this statement. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人解决 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor for resolution

  • B:签发一份报价邀请书(RFQ),聘请新的供应商 Issue an invitation to quote (RFQ) and hire a new supplier

  • C:要求法律部门对供应商采取行动 Ask the legal department to take action on the supplier

  • D:审查采购管理计划和合同协议 Review the procurement management plan and contract agreement

14、 [单选] 某供应商制造了一种复杂的产品。在一次工厂验收测试中,发现了几个缺陷。产品交付处于关键路径上,任何延迟都会影响项目的完成。项目经理应该怎么做?
A vendor has manufactured a complex product During a factory acceptance test, several deficiencies were identified. Product delivery is on the critical path, and any delay would impact project completion. What should the project manager do?

  • A:启动与供应商的定期电话会议,以更新状态,以保持项目的重点。 Initiate regular conference calls with the vendor for status updates to keep this item in focus.

  • B:在供应商工厂完成返工之前暂不发货,以减少现场额外工作。 Hold the shipment until the rework is completed at the vendor's facility to eliminate extra work on-site.

  • C:评估进度影响,并评估最可行的解决方案,以保持项目按计划进行。 Assess the schedule impact and evaluate the most feasible solution to keep the project on track.

  • D:按原样发货,现场完成结转工作,并向供应商收取返工费用。 Ship the package as is, complete carryover work on-site, and back charge the vendor for the rework.

15、 [单选] 在当前冲刺期间,产品负责人的可用性受到了其他承诺的限制。在每日站会上,团队成员抱怨他们不能从产品负责人那里得到答案,结果,产品增量的开发被延迟。对于scrum master来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
During the current sprint, the product owner's availability has been limited due to other commitments. At the daily standup, the team members complain that they cannot get answers from the product owner, and, as a result, the development of the product increment is delayed. What is the best course of action for the scrum master?

  • A:让高级开发人员做出产品决策 Let the senior developers make the product decisions

  • B:代表团队成员联系产品负责人 Contact the product owner on behalf of the team members

  • C:在冲刺审查期间提及可用性问题 Mention the availability issue during the sprint review

  • D:在冲刺回顾中讨论可用性问题 Discuss the availability issue at the sprint retrospective

16、 [单选] 项目经理正在制定一个关键项目的资源管理计划,该项目涉及位于不同国家具有不同文化的资源,下列哪一项将帮助项目经理处理这种情况?
The project manager is developing the resources management plan for a key project that involves different culture resources in different countries. Which of the following will help the project manager deal with this situation?

  • A:团队建设活动 Team building activities

  • B:事业环境因素 Business environment factors

  • C:人际关系技能 Interpersonal skills

  • D:虚拟团队 Virtual team

17、 [单选] 项目的成本绩效指数(CPI)和进度绩效指标(SPI)均大于1.0,项目经理减少投入以保持进度。在这个过程中,什么会保持不变?A project's cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) are both greater than 1.0. The project manager decreases inputs to maintain the schedule.During this process, what remains unchanged?

  • A:进度 Schedule

  • B:成本 Cost

  • C:成本与进度 Cost and schedule

  • D:进度基准 Schedule baseline

18、 [单选] 由于组织结构的变化,干系人A承担了新的责任,并已经从指导管理委员会辞职。干系人A替代者干系人B,提出与项目商业利益有关的问题。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
As a result of changes in an organization's structure,stakeholder A takes on new responsibilities and steps down from the steering committee . stakeholder A's replacement,stakeholder B, raises issues regarding the project's business benefits. What should the project manager do first?

  • A:在问题登记册中记录该问题,并更新项目利益 Document the issue in the issue log and update the project benefits.

  • B:更新项目管理计划 Update the project management plan

  • C:与干系人会面,包括项目发起人 Meet with the stakeholders,including the project sponsor

  • D:更新干系人登记册,并参考干系人管理策略 Update the stakeholder register and refer to the stakeholder management strategy

19、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,项目经理发现在规划期间未考虑政府法规。经过详细分析后,项目经理解决了这个问题。若要阻止再次发生这个问题,项目经理应该做什么?
During project execution, the project manager found that government regulations were not considered during the planning period. After a detailed analysis, the project manager resolved the issue. What should the project manager do to prevent this problem from happening again?

  • A:将该过程记录在风险登记册中 Record this process in the risk register

  • B:在问题日志中记录该事项 Record this in the issue log

  • C:更新经验教训 Update lessons learned

  • D:向指导委员会通知解决方案 Inform the steering committee of the solution

20、 [单选] 项目经理注意到一位团队成员在团队会议期间似乎越来越不满。该团队成员没有在关键的工作包上取得进展,这种进展的缺乏现在正在影响关键路径。团队成员认为他们在项目团队中没有扮演正确的角色。项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager notices that one team member seems increasingly unhappy during team meetings. The team member is not making progress on a key work package, and this lack of progress is now impacting the critical path. The team member feels that they are not in the correct role within the project team. What should the project manager do?

  • A:让团队成员相信他们的能力,提醒他们被选中是有原因的。 Reassure the team member about their abilities by reminding them that they were chosen for a reason.

  • B:与团队成员会面,基于他们的优势而讨论他们可以如何做出贡献。 Meet with the team member to discuss where they can contribute, based on their strengths.

  • C:让团队成员接受有针对性的培训,以获得他们所指定角色所需的技能。 Enroll the team member in targeted training to acquire the needed skills for their assigned role.

  • D:安排与团队成员的每周触点,以讨论可能影响他们工作的障碍。 Schedule weekly touchpoints with the team member to discuss barriers that may impact their work.

21、 [单选] 一个关键干系人坚持团队用正式的文档广泛地记录软件代码。产品负责人解释说,虽然一定数量的文档是必要的,但团队成员最好把时间花在开发软件上,因为这对客户来说代表了最大的价值。产品负责人向干系人解释了以下哪一种敏捷概念?
A key stakeholder insists that the team extensively documents the software code in a formal document. The product owner explains that while a certain amount of documentation is necessary, the team members time is better spent developing the software because it is what represents the most value to the customer. Which of the following agile concepts does the product owner explain to the stakeholder?

  • A:略微分配 Fractionally assigned

  • B:服务型领导 Servant leadership

  • C:勉强够用 Barely sufficient

  • D:结对编程 Pair programming

22、 [单选] 最后的项目迭代刚刚开始。在审查信息发射源之后,项目经理意识到团队将无法完成项目计划的所有剩余工作。很明显,如果不增加更多的开发人员,进度基准将无法实现,或者一些工作包将不得不从WBS删除。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
Last project iteration has just begun. After reviewing the information radiators, the project manager realizes that the team will be unable to complete all the remaining work planned for the project. It is evident that without adding more developers, either the schedule baseline will be unattainable, or some work packages will have to be removed from the WBS. What is the best course of action for the project manager?

  • A:在下次迭代回顾中向团队提出这个问题 Raise the issue with the team at the next iteration retrospective

  • B:和产品负责人见面,并建议赶工 Meet with the product owner and suggest crashing the schedule

  • C:要求Scrum主管找到延迟的根本原因 Request that the scrum master find the root cause for the delay

  • D:要求团队成员加班以完成所有项目目标 Ask the team to work overtime to meet all the project objectives

23、 [单选] 一个敏捷团队的任务是开发一款机器人。项目经理希望确保在机器人被实际建造之前,团队能够收到关于需求的早期反馈并相应地调整设计。项目经理应该使用以下哪一项来实现这个目标?
An agile team is tasked with the development of a robot. The project manager wants to ensure that before the actual robot is built, the team receives early feedback on requirements and adapts the design accordingly. Which of the following should the project manager use to achieve that goal?

  • A:原型设计 Prototyping

  • B:设计审查 Design review

  • C:核对单 Checklists

  • D:商业论证 Business case

24、 [单选] 项目经理在项目执行中途负责管理该项目。项目干系人对团队绩效和交付表示担忧。团队成员向项目经理保证,根据批准的范围,项目符合进度计划和预算。若要管理这项目的干系人,项目经理应查阅哪份文件?
The project manager is responsible for managing the project in the midway of the project. Project stakeholders are concerned about team performance and delivery. The team members assure the project manager that the project is in line with the schedule and budget according to the approved scope. Which document should the project manager review to manage the stakeholders involved in this project?

  • A:绩效报告 Performance Report

  • B:项目管理信息系统 (PMIS)Project Management Information System (PMIS)

  • C:绩效改进计划 Performance Improvement Plan

  • D:培训计划 Training Program

25、 [单选] 项目经理正在考虑项目风险和制约因素,然后组织了一次与高级员工召开的头脑风暴,了解当前流程,项目经理向部门经理讲述了业务影响相关问题,并审查了风险和制约的因素,在咨询信息技术部门的一名方案架构师的意见后,项目经理要求获得输入和评估。项目经理使用的是哪种工具和技术?
A project manager look at the project’s risk and constrains and then organizes a brainstorming session with senior staff to understand the current processes. The project manager speaks with department managers regarding business impacts ,and reviews risks and constraints. Consulting with a solution architect in the information technology department ,the project manager asks for inputs and assessments. What tool and technique is the project manager using?

  • A:风险登记册模板 Risk register template

  • B:专家判断 Expert judgment

  • C:组织过程资产 Organizational process assets

  • D:外部分析 External analysis

26、 [单选] 你审查了项目的WBS,意识到由于缺乏内部专业知识,一些可交付成果需要外包给供应商。然而,这些可交付成果的需求目前还没有被很好地理解。因此,你决定需要使用敏捷框架来管理外包的工作部分。在与供应商谈判协议时,你最好的方法是什么?
You review the WBS of your project and realize that due to the lack of in-house expertise, some of the deliverables will need to be outsourced to a vendor. However, the requirements for these deliverables are not well-understood at the moment. Therefore, you decide that the outsourced portion of work will need to be managed using an agile framework. What is your best approach in negotiating an agreement with the vendor?

  • A:寻求非正式协议而不是正式合同 Seek an informal agreement rather than a formal contract

  • B:为外包范围争取总价合同 Secure a fixed-price contract for the outsourced scope

  • C:积极谈判最有利的条件 Negotiate aggressively for the most advantageous terms

  • D:追求共享风险-回报合同关系 Pursue a shared-risk-reward contract relationships

27、 [单选] 在某建设工程项目的地基开挖过程中,对于因气候原因造成的进度延后风险,项目经理采取了风险接受的策略。由于在施工期间下特大雨,工程不得不停工3天。项目经理应该怎么做?
During the foundation excavation of a construction project, the project manager adopts risk acceptance strategy for the delay risk caused by climate reasons. Due to the extremely heavy rain during the construction period, the project has to be suspended for 3 days. What should project manager do?

  • A:使用应急储备 To use emergency reserves

  • B:把项目工期延长3天 To extend the project duration by 3 days

  • C:要求保险公司赔偿 To make a claim to the insurer

  • D:与团队成员开会讨论处理方案 To meet and discuss with team members for handling solutions

28、 [单选] 敏捷项目团队的成员都在一个开放的办公空间中工作,一天中有许多谈话同时发生。下列哪一项是项目经理的最佳选择?
The agile project team members are all working in an open office space arrangement. There are many conversations happening concurrently throughout the day. Which of the following is the best option for the project manager?

  • A:安排频繁的团队检查点并以透明的方式发布项目工件 Schedule frequent team checkpoints and post project artifacts in a transparent fashion

  • B:要求团队成员将谈话推迟到正式会议时间 Request team members to hold off their conversations until formal meeting times

  • C:记录对话并发布在共享知识库中 Record the conversations and post them in a shared repository

  • D:将下午指定为安静的工作时间 Designate afternoons as quiet work times

29、 [单选] 敏捷团队正试图确定理想的迭代长度。团队成员对此进行了长时间的激烈争论,但没有人愿意妥协。敏捷教练被召来帮助解决冲突。对于敏捷教练来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
An agile team is trying to determine the ideal iteration length. The team members are having a long and intense argument about it, but no one is willing to compromise. The scrum master is called in to help resolve the conflict. What is the best course of action for a scrum master?

  • A:避免参与过程并让团队达成共识 Avoid being involved in the process and let the team work out toward a consensus

  • B:建议评估每个建议的迭代长度的优缺点 Recommend evaluating the pros and cons of each one of the suggested iteration lengths

  • C:如果团队无法达成协议,以纪律处分威胁他们 Threaten the team with disciplinary actions if they are unable to come to an agreement

  • D:在关系受损之前为团队做决定,从而打破僵局 Break the impasse by making the decision for the team before relationships are damaged

30、 [单选] 项目经理在执行一个资源有限,期限严格的项目。需要注意的是,该项目目前落后于进度。德国的审查显示,一名资源被过度分配,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
The project manager is implementing an attractive project with limited resources and strict deadlines. The project is currently lagging behind the schedule. The German review shows that a resource is over-allocated. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:重新分配来自另一个项目不必要的资源 Redistribute unnecessary resources from another project

  • B:为延迟的任务增加资源,并再次执行资源平衡 Increase resources for deferred tasks and execute resource leveling again

  • C:提出一项变更请求,以减少范围 Make a change request to reduce the scope

  • D:计算关键路径以确定对项目的影响,并重新分配资源 Calculate critical path to determine the impact on the project and redistribute resources

31、 [单选] 一位敏捷教练被分配到一个新成立的团队中,负责他们的第一个项目。教练安排了团队,提供了关于敏捷最佳实践的培训,并解释说敏捷团队是自我管理的。然而,团队成员正在努力从看板面板分配用户故事,并且由于缺乏协作,生产力正在受到影响。敏捷教练的最佳行动方案是什么?
An agile coach has been assigned to a newly formed team with their first project. The coach colocated the team, provided training on agile best practices, and explained that agile teams are self-managing. However, the team members are struggling to assign user stories from the Kanban board, and productivity is suffering as a result of the lack of collaboration. What is the best course of action for the agile coach?

  • A:忽略这个问题,因为敏捷团队应该是自我管理的 Ignore the problem as agile teams are supposed to be self-managing.

  • B:从现在开始,将用户故事标记给各个团队成员 Assign the user stories to individual team members from now onward.

  • C:将团队章程替换为更有生产力的项目团队的章程 Replace the team charter with one from a more productive project team.

  • D:采取更直接的方法,由于团队仍处于形成阶段 Take a more directive approach since the team is still in its forming stage.

32、 [单选] 一家全球性公司推出一个新项目,由各分支机构共同交付一个质量体系。关键项目干系人担心位于公司总部外面的人员参与程度。若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
A global company launches a new project to deliver a quality system across its branches. Key stakeholders are concerned about the levels of engagement for those located outside of company headquarters. What should the project manager do to address this?

  • A:为位于公司总部的人员举行面对面会议,并向所有团队成员发送电子邮件会议纪要。 Conduct face-to-face meetings for those located in company headquarters, and email meeting minutes to all team members.

  • B:与所有团队成员分享主要成就,并根据需要安排后续追踪电话。 Share main achievements with all team members, and schedule follow-up calls as required.

  • C:使用电子邮件向所有团队成员发送项目相关主题。 Email all team members with topics relevant to the project.

  • D:安排运行所有参与者参加的虚拟会议,并向所有团队成员发送电子邮件会议纪要。 Schedule virtual meetings that allow all participants to attend, and email meeting minutes to all team members.

33、 [单选] 你刚刚被分配到一个即将到来的敏捷项目中。作为项目前期工作的一部分,你要审查组织关于合规性的所有政策和程序。你意识到其中只有一些可能适用于你的项目。首先你应该做什么?
You have just been assigned to an upcoming agile project. As part of pre-project work, you review all of the organization's policies and procedures regarding compliance. You realize that only some of them may be applicable to your project. What should you do first?

  • A:将项目管理方法从敏捷切换到传统 Switch the project management approach from agile to traditional

  • B:将所有合规政策和程序纳入实施战略 Incorporate all compliance policies and procedures in the implementation strategy

  • C:确保合规活动包含在项目进度基准中 Ensure compliance activities are included in the project schedule baseline

  • D:对合规性类别进行分类以确定项目资源的支出 Classify the compliance categories to determine the expenditure of project resources

34、 [单选] 在新目标国家推出产品前不久,公司意识到该产品并不完全符合当地的数据隐私法。由于预算限制,公司管理层要求项目团队将可能的罚款成本与返工成本进行比较。返工的一部分包括向产品待办事项列表中添加新需求。在这种情况下,下面哪个选项最有可能帮助到你?
Shortly before rolling out a product in a newly targeted country, a company realizes that the product does not fully comply with local data privacy laws. Due to budget constraints, the company management asks the project team to compare costs for possible fines with costs for rework. Part of the rework would involve adding new requirements to the product backlog. In this situation, which of the following is most likely to help?

  • A:重构 Refactoring

  • B:用户画像 Personas

  • C:阶段关口 A phase gate

  • D:快速跟进 Fast tracking

35、 [单选] 项目发起人通知项目经理一项新的政府法律被批准了,该法律将影响项目的进度计划和预算,这种可能性作为一种主动接受的威胁包含在风险管理计划中。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The project sponsor informs the project manager that a new government law has been approved that will affect the project's schedule and budget, and this possibility is included in the risk management plan as a proactively accepted threat. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:更新风险管理计划,并记录经验教训 Update the risk management plan and record lessons learned

  • B:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交一份变更请求 Submit a change request to the Change Control Board (CCB)

  • C:使用应急储备来管理这种情况 Use emergency reserves to manage this situation

  • D:评估管理储备来控制该风险 Assess management reserves to control the risk

36、 [单选] 敏捷教练正在进行日常的站会。开发团队的每个成员都表示,由于各种阻碍,他们的工作已经停滞。因此,整个开发团队都被闲置,并且进度基准处于危险之中。敏捷教练首先应该做什么?
A scrum master is conducting a daily standup. Each member of the development team states that their work has been stalled due to various blockers. As a result, the entire development team has been idled, and the schedule baseline is in jeopardy. What should the scrum master do first?

  • A:在会议期间努力解决问题 Attempt to resolve the problems during the meeting

  • B:分析并优先设置阻碍的优先级 Analyze and prioritize the blockers

  • C:与此同时让团队参与另一个项目 Assign the team to work on another project in the meanwhile

  • D:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor

37、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个软件开发项目的执行工作。在执行过程中,发生了一个风险应对计划中没有包括的风险。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager is managing the execution of a software development project. During the execution process, a risk that is not included in the risk response plan happens. What should the project manager do?

  • A:使用应急储备来解决风险的后果 To solve the risk consequence with emergency reserves

  • B:把风险的实际情况报告给管理层 To report the actual situation of the risk to the management

  • C:召开团队会议讨论权变措施 To hold a team meeting to discuss workaround

  • D:忽略此风险,因为它未包括在风险计划中 To ignore this risk, because this risk is not included in the plan.

38、 [单选] 项目经理通知敏捷团队成员,由于意外的个人问题,产品负责人将不能参加即将到来的冲刺审查。这种情况下最可能的结果是什么?
A project manager informs the agile team members that, due to unexpected personal issues, the product owner will be unable to attend the upcoming sprint review. What would be the most likely outcome of this situation?

  • A:不清楚团队在冲刺期间开发的产品增量是否被接受 It will be unclear whether the product increment developed by the team during the sprint is accepted or not

  • B:团队无法确定他们用于开发产品的过程是否需要改进 The team will be unable to determine if the process they used to develop the product needs improvement

  • C:不会产生任何严重后果,因为产品负责人缺席了一次冲刺审查会议 There will be no significant consequences as a result of the product owner missing one sprint review meeting

  • D:无法确定项目团队在最新冲刺期间增加了多少价值 It will be impossible to determine how much value has been added by the project team during the latest sprint

39、 [单选] 项目经理安排一次迭代审查,并了解到一些关键干系人不同意已开发功能的方法。为了解决这个问题,项目经理首先应该做什么?
The project manager schedules an iteration review and learns that a few key stakeholders do not approve of how a feature has been developed. What should the project manager do first in order to address this issue?

  • A:邀请项目团队成员参加头脑风暴会议,以确定适当的应对策略。 Invite project team members to a brainstorming session to identify an appropriate response.

  • B:只有在评估这些干系人关心的原因之后才能解决这个问题。 Address the issue only after evaluating why these stakeholders are concerned.

  • C:通过列出对情况的赞成和反对来确定冲突的影响。 Determine the impact of the conflict by listing the pros and cons of the situation.

  • D:要求项目发起人作为中立方与那些不满意的干系人进行谈判。 Ask the project sponsor to act as a neutral party in negotiation with those stakeholders who are dissatisfied.

40、 [单选] 项目经理意识到项目干系人对项目可交付成果和时间表感到担忧。项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager realizes that project stakeholders are apprehensive about project deliverables and timelines.What should the project manager do?

  • A:与每个干系人开会,以了解他们的担忧 Meet with each stakeholder to gain an understanding of their concerns

  • B:重新审视项目管理计划,以减少干系人的顾虑 Review the project management plan to reduce stakeholder uncertainties

  • C:要求发起人让干系人放心 Ask the sponsor to reassure the stakeholders

  • D:与干系人一起查阅假设日志 Review the assumption log with the stakeholders

41、 [单选] 项目经理正在与一个供应商合作交付项目的一部分,该供应商的每周状态报告表明将按时提供下一个可交付成果。但最近的供应商电子邮件却表明他们尚未开始工作。可交付成果要求于下周交付。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The project manager is working with a supplier to deliver part of the project, and the supplier's weekly status report indicates that the next deliverable will be provided on time. However, the latest supplier email indicates that they have not started work. Requested to be delivered next week.What should the project manager do next?

  • A:更新风险登记册并监控供应商的风险 Update the risk register and monitor supplier risk

  • B:要求该供应商在所有未来沟通中包含完成率 Require the supplier to include completion rates in all future communications

  • C:致电该供应商,以便在可交付成果到期日之前审查关注的领域 Call the supplier to review the areas of interest before the deliverable due date

  • D:通知该供应商有关延迟交付的处罚条款 Call the supplier to review the areas of interest before the deliverable due date

42、 [单选] 在项目最后一次迭代结束前两天,敏捷教练注意到其中一位开发人员的绩效明显下降,危及迭代目标。教练和开发人员在迭代结束后的一天安排了一对一的指导会议。在这种情况下,敏捷教练最好采取什么行动方案?
Two days before the end of the last iteration of the project, an agile coach has noticed that the performance of one of the developers significantly degraded, risking the iteration goal. The coach and the developer have a one-on-one coaching meeting scheduled a day after the iteration’s end date. What is the best course of action for the agile coach to take in this situation?

  • A:对开发人员进行个人绩效评估 Conduct the individual performance appraisal of the developer

  • B:要求团队一起完成本应分配给此开发人员的任务 Ask the team to swarm on the tasks assigned to the developer

  • C:利用实时反馈与开发人员一起解决问题 Employ real-time feedback to address the issue with the developer

  • D:等待与开发人员安排的一对一会议 Wait for the one-on-one meeting scheduled with the developer

43、 [单选] 在项目开始时,一位干系人通知项目经理他们将缺席多次项目会议,项目经理首先应该做什么?
At the beginning of the project, a related party informs the project manager that they will be absent from multiple project meetings. What should the project manager do first?

  • A:识别一位替代干系人在该干系人缺席时参加会议 Identify an alternate party to the meeting in the absence of that party.

  • B:通过映射他们的权力和影响力来分析干系人 Analyze interested parties by mapping their power and influence.

  • C:监控该干系人,并在会议之前请求提供信息 Monitor the interested party and request information before the meeting

  • D:坚持要求让该干系人参加所有会议以避免开创先例 Insist on having the relevant party participate in all meetings to avoid setting a precedent

44、 [单选] 项目发起人指示项目经理立即开始一个工期非常紧迫的关键项目,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
The project sponsor instructs the project manager to immediately kick-off a key project on very tight schedule. What should the project manager do in the first place?

  • A:与所有部门一起开会,以获得他们的认同与支持 To hold a meeting with all departments concerned to seek their approval and support

  • B:询问发起人该项目如何获得资金支持 To ask the sponsor how this project gets financial support

  • C:收集初始需求以创建项目章程 To collect initial requirements to generate the project charter

  • D:起草项目进度计划以确定截止期限是否可行 To draft the project schedule to ascertain if the deadline will be met

45、 [单选] 团队成员必须按照进度基准来完成一个复杂项目的可交付成果。但是,由于一些团队成员被其他职能经理分配给其他任务,导致项目落后。 若要将项目拉回正轨,项目经理应该做什么?
Team members must complete deliverables on a complex project per the schedule baseline.However,the project is falling behind because some team members are assigned other tasks by their functional managers. What should the project manager do to get the project back on track?

  • A:告知团队成员,他们只能被分配到一个项目上工作 Advise team members that they are allocated to only one project

  • B:提醒团队成员,将功能性任务视为第二优先事项 Remind team members to treat functional tasks as a second priority

  • C:遵循并执行资源管理计划 Follow and enforce the resource management plan

  • D:与职能经理协商,就资源分配达成共识 Negotiate with the functional members to mutually agree on resource allocation

46、 [单选] 产品已经试验性地推出市场。但客户报告存在一些问题。用于纠正这些问题的成本应归为下列哪一类成本?
A product is test launched. The customer reports a few issues. The cost of correcting these issues is classified as which of the following?

  • A:预防成本 Prevention

  • B:修复成本 Repair

  • C:内部损失成本 International (Internal) failure

  • D:外部损失成本 External failure

47、 [单选] 在迭代期间,敏捷团队的成员从迭代待办事项列表的顶部提取工作项。工作项描述了接下来要开发的功能。当团队成员阅读描述时,她意识到这些信息不足以开发该功能。团队成员向Scrum主管寻求建议。Scrum主管应该推荐什么做法?
During an iteration, a member of an agile team pulls the work item from the top of the iteration backlog. The work item describes a feature to be developed next. As the team member reads the description, she realizes that the information is insufficient to develop the feature. The team member approaches the scrum master for advice. What should the scrum master recommend?

  • A:根据可用信息开发功能 Develop the feature based on the available information

  • B:执行体系结构刺探 Perform an architectural spike

  • C:将事项返回到待办事项列表并选择另一个事项 Return the item to the backlog and select another one

  • D:咨询产品负责人 Consult with the product owner

48、 [单选] 你正在管理一个项目,该项目将为你的客户提供电子学习解决方案。这个项目的需求在一开始并未明确定义,并且随着项目的发展会根据客户的反馈进行修改。你决定做尽可能多的计划,并在继续计划的同时开始创建工作。下列哪一种技术在定义项目活动时最有帮助?
You are managing a project which would provide e-learning solutions to your customer. The requirements of this project are not clearly defined in the beginning, and there would be modifications based on customer feedback as the project evolves. You decide to plan as much as you can and begin to create work while continuing the planning. Which of the following techniques would be most helpful while defining activities for the project?

  • A:滚动式规划 Rolling Wave Planning

  • B:模板 Templates

  • C:极限编程 Extreme Programming

  • D:准时制生产方式 Just in Time

49、 [单选] 敏捷项目团队与产品负责人、项目经理和其他关键项目干系人会面,讨论项目必须经过的多层计划。参与者承认在发布和迭代级别上需要计划。项目经理指出,每天都需要规划。项目经理指的是以下哪项?
An agile project team meets with the product owner, project manager, and other key project stakeholders to discuss the multiple levels of planning that the project will have to go through. The participants acknowledge that planning will be required at the release and iteration level. The project manager indicates that planning will also be required on a day-to-day basis. Which of the following does the project manager refer to?

  • A:在项目中尽早实施体系结构刺探以降低技术风险 Carrying out an architectural spike to reduce technical risks as early as possible in the project

  • B:同步和协调导致完成任务的个别活动 Synchronizing and coordinating the individual activities that lead up to the completion of a task

  • C:获取项目团队成员,并根据资源管理计划分配任务 Acquiring project team members and assigning the tasks per the resource management plan

  • D:与组织中从事同一项目的其他团队协调团队活动 Coordinating team activities with other teams working on the same project in the organization

50、 [单选] 项目具有较短的迭代计划和执行周期,其中需求是逐步细化的。关键干系人不断地参与进来,并提供频繁的反馈,从而使团队能够更快地应对变更。在这种类型的项目环境中,项目经理管理质量的最佳方法是什么?
A project has short iterative planning and executing cycles where the requirements are progressively elaborated. The key stakeholders are continuously involved and provide frequent feedback allowing the team to respond to changes more quickly. What is the best way for the project manager to manage quality in this type of project environment?

  • A:通过定期进行质量审计 By conducting periodic quality audits

  • B:通过使用确认范围过程 By using the Validate Scope process

  • C:通过安排定期回顾 By scheduling regular retrospectives

  • D:通过使用质量控制矩阵 By using the quality control matrix

51、 [单选] 过去六个月中,项目经理一直在努力定义项目的范围。项目团队一直与客户合作,对需求进行小幅调整,但耗时超过预期。若要完成范围定义,项目经理应该做什么?
For the past six months, a project manager has struggled with defining a project’s scope. The project team has been working with the customer to make small adjustments to the requirements but is taking longer than expect. What should the project manager do to complete the scope?

  • A:安排召开研讨会,就最终需求达成一致意见 Facilitate a workshop to agree on the final requirements

  • B:为团队提供有关需求收集的最佳实践培训 Provide training to the team on collecting requirements best practices

  • C:召开数据收集会议,以审查收集到的需求 Conduct a data-gathering meeting to review the collected requirements

  • D:与团队一起在内部最终确定需求,并分享给客户 Internally finalize the requirements with the team,and share them with the client

52、 [单选] 项目经理希望将项目目标传达给团队,获得他们的承诺,并说明每个干系人的角色与职责。若要完成这些工作,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager wants to communicate project objectives to the team, gain their commitment, and explain the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder. What should the project manager do to accomplish this?

  • A:开展团队建设活动 Conduct team-building activities

  • B:召开团队开工大会 Hold a team kick-off meeting

  • C:制定基本规则,并告知团队,让团队了解期望 Set ground roles for circulation to the team so that expectations are understood

  • D:要求团队查阅项目管理计划,以了解项目 Ask the team to review the project management plan to gain an understanding of the project

53、 [单选] 意料之外的技术问题需要添加三个新的项目资源。现有团队表现良好,但由于没有跟团队新资源分享关键信息,导致落后于进度。项目经理应该怎么做?
Unexpected technical problems require the addition of three new project resources. The existing project team was performing well, but now falls behind schedule since critical information not being shared by the new resources. What should the project manager do?

  • A:指示所有团队成员查看沟通管理计划。 Direct all team members to refer to the communications management plan.

  • B:与新资源开会,说明基本规则并要求妥协。 Meet with the new resources to explain the ground rules, and request a compromise.

  • C:要求职能经理指示新团队成员遵循干系人管理计划。 Ask the functional managers to instruct the new team members to follow the stakeholder management plan.

  • D:开展团队建设活动,鼓励人际关系纽带。 Conduct team building activities to encourage interpersonal bonds.

54、 [单选] 已经决定使用敏捷框架来管理项目。项目正在实施中。在这种适应性环境中,项目经理应该关注什么?
It has been decided that a project will be managed using an agile framework. The project is now in execution. In this adaptive environment, what should be the focus of the project manager?

  • A:执行详细的产品计划和交付 Performing detailed product planning and delivery

  • B:建立合作决策的环境 Building a collaborative decision-making environment

  • C:要求项目团队对截止日期负责 Holding the project team accountable for deadlines

  • D:计划在每次迭代中将完成什么 Planning what will be accomplished during each iteration

55、 [单选] 由于三天前出现的问题没有得到解决,所以冲刺中计划好的任务未能完成。项目经理希望在未来防止这种情况的发生。项目经理应该做什么?
A planned task in a sprint does not get completed due to an issue that appeared three days ago but did not get resolved. The Project Manager wants to prevent this type of situation in the future. What should the Project Manager do?

  • A:在回顾期间检查问题 During the retrospective, examine the issue

  • B:在演示中解决这个问题 In the demo, address the issue

  • C:在下一次迭代规划会议期间讨论这个问题 During the next iteration planning meeting, discuss the issue

  • D:在接下来的每日站会上,审查该问题 In the next daily standup meeting, review the issue

56、 [单选] —个发展中国家的政治变更可能影响那里即将完成的一个项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
A political change happened in a developing country may affect a project that is about to be completed there. What should the project manager do?

  • A:接受风险 To accept the risk

  • B:执行风险分析 To perform risk analysis

  • C:通知干系人 To notify stakeholders

  • D:赶工 To rush for work

57、 [单选] 项目经理正在实施一个企业范围内的软件项目。该项目具有很大的商业影响,并得到了高级管理层的全力支持。然而,该项目经理在争取几个关键部门的支持方面遇到了困难。项目经理该怎么做呢?A project manager is implementing an enterprise wide software project. The project has a great business impact and is fully supported by senior management. However, the project manager is facing difficulties gelling the support of several key departments. What should the project manager do?

  • A:要求高层与这些部门进行沟通。Ask senior management to communicate with these departments.

  • B:雇用一名项目管理顾问协助解决问题。Hire a project management consultant to help resolve the issue.

  • C:说服高级管理人员给抗拒的部门提供奖励。Convince senior management to introduce rewards to resisting departments.

  • D:了解部门关注的问题并重新审视干系人参与计划。Understand the departments concerns and revisit the stakeholder engagement plan.

58、 [单选] 一个新组建的团队已经习惯于敏捷实践,项目负责人注意到,尽管他们的绩效符合期望,但很多团队成员对日常团队实践感到厌烦。在这种情况下,项目负责人该做什么?A newly formed team has become accustomed to agile practices. The project lead has noticed that while they are performing according to expectations, there is boredom with daily team practices among many of the team members. What should the project lead do in this situation?

  • A:允许团队自我组织,让他们在回顾会议上分析情况并自行纠正问题。Allow the team to self-organize and have them analyze the situation in their retrospective session and self correct.

  • B:强烈建议团队探索提高绩效的新方法,使情况发生改观。Challenge the team to find new ways to achieve higher levels of performance to improve the situation.

  • C:与团队成员进行个别谈话,确定他们希望做什么来使团队内的情况发生改观。Speak with individual team members to determine what they would like to do to improve the situation in the team.

  • D:让团队向高层管理人员报告这一情况,征求建议。Have the team inform senior management of the situation and ask for recommendations.

59、 [单选] 作为估算活动持续时间过程的一部分,项目经理促成了与产品负责人和Scrum团队的冲刺计划会议。项目经理将用户故事分解为较小的任务项,以小时为单位估算所需时间,并根据团队的能力确定冲刺待办事项列表。尽管计划周密,冲刺还是失败了。项目经理当初可采取什么样的不同做法?
As part of the Estimate Activity Durations process, the project manager facilitates a sprint planning meeting with the product owner and Scrum team. The project manager breaks down the user stories into low-level tasks, estimates the time required in hours, and determines the sprint backlog based on the team's capacity. Despite meticulous planning, the sprint fails. What might the project manager have done differently?

  • A:在确定冲刺待办事项列表之前,要求团队为产品待办事项列表设优先级 Asked the team to prioritize the product backlog before determining the sprint backlog

  • B:将确定的低级任务分配给项目进度计划中的特定人员 Assigned the identified low-level tasks to specific individuals in the project schedule

  • C:授权团队确定他们在冲刺期间可以完成多少用户故事 Empowered the team to determine how many user stories they can complete during the sprint

  • D:在估算用户故事和任务的大小时,使用故事点而不是小时 Used story points instead of hours while estimating the size of the user stories and tasks

60、 [单选] 在某个软件开发项目中,卖方已经按照合同要求圆满地完成了项目工作,这时,买方又要求在合同中添加一项新工作。鉴于上述情况,卖方应该如何做?
In a software development project, the seller has successfully completed the project work in accordance with the requirements as specified in the contract. At this point, the buyer requests to add a new work in the contract. Given this, what should the seller do?

  • A:开始合同收尾,并要求就新工作签订新合同 To proceed with the contract closing and to request a new contract for the new work

  • B:同意添加新工作,但要求用成本补偿的方式来做 To agree to add the new work, but request the cost reimbursement

  • C:拒绝做新工作,因为合同已经完成 To refuse to do new work because the contract has been completed

  • D:立即开展新工作,以便维护与买方的良好关系 To immediately start the new work to maintain a good relationship with the buyer

61、 [单选] 一个敏捷项目已经进入了第七次冲刺阶段。在冲刺结束前两天,客户通知产品负责人,他们忘记在冲刺中包含某个功能。高级经理无意中听到谈话,并表示包含该功能意味着范围蔓延,并不应被允许。产品负责人的最佳行动方案是什么?
An agile project has entered its seventh sprint. Two days before the end of the sprint, the customer informs the product owner that they forgot to include one feature in the sprint. A senior manager overhears the conversation and states that including the feature represents scope creep and should not be allowed. What is the product owner's best course of action?

  • A:与客户合作,在产品待办事项列表中为该功能设优先级 Work with the customer to prioritize the feature in the product backlog

  • B:请求客户提交变更请求 Request that the customer submit a change request

  • C:指导团队在当前的冲刺中开发该功能 Instruct the team to develop the feature in the current sprint

  • D:按照高级经理的指示拒绝该功能 Reject the feature as instructed by the senior manager

62、 [单选] 在一次会议上,产品负责人重申了产品愿景,描述了目标用户组,业务目标,以及敏捷项目即将发布的主要功能。随后,为了直观地描述这些功能,产品负责人创建了产品路线图。以下哪项最能描述会议目的?
During a meeting, the product owner restated the product vision, described the target user groups, the business goals, and main features to be delivered by the agile project in its upcoming releases. Then, to visually depict these features, the product owner created the product roadmap. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the meeting?

  • A:在项目干系人之间建立共享的项目愿景 Establish a shared project vision among the project stakeholders

  • B:为每个即将发布的版本创建产品待办事项列表 Create the product backlog for each one of the upcoming releases

  • C:在项目干系人之间建立共享发布愿景 Establish a shared release vision among the project stakeholders

  • D:确定项目范围、进度、成本、质量和资源 Determine the project scope, schedule, cost, quality, and resources

63、 [单选] 一个施工项目的已批准成本基准包含一些已识别风险的储备。在执行阶段,发生了一次地震,但该项目并未考虑此风险,需要资金进行灾后恢复。项目经理应该做什么?
The approval cost baseline for a construction project includes some identified risk reserves. During the implementation phase, an earthquake occurred, but the project did not consider this risk and required funding for post-disaster recovery. What should the project manager do?

  • A:无需寻求授权即可变更项目的成本基准,并继续进行项目工作 No need to seek authorization to change the cost basis of the project and continue the project work

  • B:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交申请,以获得额外资金和成本基准变更 Submit an application to the Change Control Board (CCB) for additional funding and cost baseline changes

  • C:在未咨询CCB的情况下,使用已识别风险的储备来支付灾后恢复成本 Use of identified risk reserves to pay for disaster recovery costs without consulting CCB

  • D:要求管理层授权将已识别风险的储备用于支付灾后恢复成本 Require management to authorize the use of identified risk reserves for post-disaster recovery costs

64、 [单选] 制定项目章程时,销售团队和运营团队对高层次项目描述和需求意见不一致。项目经理应该怎么做?
While developing a project charter, a disagreement on the high-level project description and requirements occurs between the sales and operational teams. What should the project manager do?

  • A:使用专家判断来完成项目章程。 Use expert judgment to complete the project charter.

  • B:安排一次与项目发起人的会议。 Schedule a meeting with the sponsor.

  • C:应用引导技术解决问题。 Apply facilitation techniques for problem solving.

  • D:使用可用的详细信息完成项目章程。 Complete the project charter with the available details.

65、 [单选] 项目经理从项目管理办公室(PMO)收到项目绩效评估报告,该报告指出,其中一位干系人认为范围控制很差,但没有提供额外的细节,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager receives a project performance evaluation report from the project management office (PMO). The report states that one stakeholder believe the scope has been poorly controlled, but no additional details is provided. What should the project manager do?

  • A:无视该反馈,因为没有任何细节可以支持这个问题 Disregard the feedback, since there were no details to support the issue

  • B:与几位干系人分别讨论该问题,以确定是谁提供了该反馈 Discuss the issue individually with several stakeholder to determine who provided the feedback

  • C:在发送工作绩效信息后,与利害干系人开会以获取更多详细信息并说明所感知的问题 After sending work performance information, meet with stakeholders to obtain more detailed and address perceived issues

  • D:与最高级别的干系人开会,详细说明是如何妥善管理范围的 Meet with the most senior stakeholders to explain in detail how the scope was properly managed

66、 [单选] 一个项目连续错过交付日期,项目团队评估完该情况后,项目经理意识到团队绩效差的原因在于团队成员对于自己的职责缺乏清晰认识。项目经理首先应该关注哪一项?
A project has consistently missed the delivery dates. After assessing the situation with the project manager realizes the poor performance is due to a lack of charity for team member’s responsibilities. What should the project manager focus on first?

  • A:创建RACI图 Create a RACI chart

  • B:巩固领导团队的角色 Consolidate the role of the leadership

  • C:协商获得具有更高技能的新团队成员 Negotiation for new team member with stronger skills

  • D:使用奖励和强制权利激励成员 Use reward and coercive power to motivate the team

67、 [单选] 项目团队刚刚完成一个新的订单跟踪系统的开发。项目发起人销售总监对新系统非常满意。而生产总监对此不满,并要求重新设计该系统以满足生产需求。项目经理估计重新设计系统会导致项目实施延迟两个月。项目经理本应如何做就可以避免发生这种情况?
A project team has just completed the development of a new order tracking system. The project sponsor, the director of sales, is pleased with the new system. However, the director of manufacturing is not pleased and has demanded that the system be re-designed to meet manufacturing concerns. The project manager estimates that a system redesign will delay implementation by two months. How could the project manager have avoided this situation?

  • A:在编制计划阶段完成角色和职责矩阵 Completed a roles and responsibility matrix in the planning phrase.

  • B:让项目干系人充分参与,确保要求不被忽略 Involved key stakeholders to ensure that requirements were not overlooked.

  • C:确保让销售总监批准该需求 Ensured that the director of sales had approved the requirements.

  • D:在编制项目计划阶段,制定有效的项目范围和变更控制流程 Developed an effective project scope and change control process during project planning.

68、 [单选] 一个敏捷团队即将开始项目的第一次迭代来为客户开发一个软件应用程序。发起人要求团队与客户紧密协作,以增加项目成功的机会。项目经理应该鼓励以下哪一项来支持发起人的要求?
An agile team is about to begin the first iteration of the project to develop a software application for a customer. The sponsor requests that the team works in close collaboration with the customer to increase the chances of the project's success. Which of the following should the project manager encourage to support the sponsor's request?

  • A:与客户谈判,制定全面的项目协议 Negotiating with the customer to formulate comprehensive project agreements

  • B:根据团队成员的动机把工作交给他们,并相信他们能完成工作 Assigning work to the team members based on their motivation and trust them to get the job done

  • C:指责客户和团队可以无限期地保持恒定的速度 Ensuring that the customer and the team can maintain a constant pace indefinitely

  • D:欢迎客户需求的变更,即使是在产品开发的后期 Welcoming changing customer requirements, even late in the development of the product

69、 [单选] 你正在领导一个本应使用敏捷方法管理的项目。然而,每周产品负责人都会与项目团队举行一个长达5小时的待办事项列表细化会议,在会上她将项目范围划分为工作包级别。在三次迭代之后,项目团队的速度比预期的要慢。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
You are leading a project that was supposed to be managed using agile methods. Every week, however, the product owner holds a five-hour backlog refinement meeting with the project team where she presents the project scope broken down to the work package level. After three iterations, the project team's velocity is slower than expected. What is your best course of action?

  • A:使产品负责人将范围分解到任务级别,并将任务分配给团队成员 Ask the product owner to decompose the scope down to the task level and assign the tasks to the team members

  • B:建议产品负责人每周召开两次5小时的待办事项列表细化会议,以进一步明确范围 Advise the product owner to hold two five-hour backlog refinement meetings per week to gain further clarity on the scope

  • C:通过每周1小时的待办事项列表细化会议,指导产品负责人介绍总体故事概念 Coach the product owner on presenting the overall story concept with one-hour weekly backlog refinement meetings

  • D:与团队成员和产品负责人进行团队建设练习,以改善他们之间的沟通 Hold a team-building exercise with the team members and product owner to improve the communication between them

70、 [单选] 项目经理应该使用什么方法来准确收集项目需求,并从多个不同国家的项目干系人获得反馈?
What method should the project manager use to accurately collect project requirement and feedback from stakeholder located in several countries?

  • A:问卷调查 Questionnaires and surveys

  • B:焦点小组 Focus groups

  • C:引导式研讨会 Facilitate workshops

  • D:访谈 Interview

71、 [单选] 在开发一个新产品时,耐久性测试是关键路径上的一项重要活动。然而,测试设施被一个优先级较高的项目占用,且占用时间比原计划长。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
In the development of a new project the endurance testing is an important activity on the critical path. However, the last facility is occupied by a higher project. Which is taking longer than initially planned. What should the project manager do text?

  • A:为延迟的项目开展根本原因分析 Perform a root cause analysis for the delayed project

  • B:审查风险登记册中的适当响应 Review the risk register for the appropriate response

  • C:将延期情况通知项目干系人 Inform the project stakeholders about the delay

  • D:将问题上报给高级管理层 Escalate the issue to senior management

72、 [单选] 一家大型、全球性公司的员工分布在七个不同国家。为确保项目成功,每个人——无论其地理位置——必须能够方便地通过安全的内部网站访问培训。这使用的是哪种沟通方法?
A large, global company has employees located in seven different countries. To ensure project success, everyone - regardless of their geographical location - must be able to easily access training through a secure internal website. What communication method is being used?

  • A:交互式沟通 Interactive

  • B:编码沟通 Encoded

  • C:拉式沟通 Pull

  • D:推式沟通 Push

73、 [单选] 一个新项目即将开始,但两位关键干系人对可交付成果的看法相互矛盾。项目经理应该怎么做?
A new project is about to start, but two key stakeholders have conflicting views on deliverables. What should the project manager do?

  • A:向干系人提供详细的客户需求 Present detailed customer requirements to the stakeholders

  • B:与干系人开会,讨论可交付成果和关键成功标准 Meet with the stakeholders to discuss deliverables and key success criteria

  • C:制定项目管理计划和项目范围 Develop the project management plan and project scope

  • D:在项目管理计划中包含不同意见 Include the different opinions in the project management plan

74、 [单选] 在项目开工大会之后,分配给项目团队的一位技术专家对被选中参与项目工作态度很消极,为避免对其他项目成员造成负面影响,项目经理应该怎么做?
After the kick-off meeting conference, a technical expert assigned to the project team was very negative about being selected to participate in the project. To avoid negative impact on other project members, what should the project manager do?

  • A:请求人力资源部门替换这位技术专家 Request the human resources department to replace this technical expert

  • B:尝试去理解这位技术专家的态度,并基于收集到的信息再采取进一步行动 Try to understand the attitude of this technical expert and take further action based on the information collected

  • C:给该技术专家发出书面警告他言行的不当,以避免对其他成员造成负面影响 Give the technical expert a written warning of his improper words and actions to avoid negative impact on other members

  • D:给该技术专家分配一项可以避免跟其他人有互动的任务 Assign this technical expert a task that can avoid interaction with other members

75、 [单选] 一个开发团队正在为他们的敏捷项目进行计划中的一次冲刺。一位干系人找到敏捷教练,想知道为什么在上一次冲刺中删除某一功能、在下次冲刺中交付什么功能计划,以及钱是如何花在项目上的。在这种情况下,敏捷教练最好采取什么行动方案?
A development team is working through one of the sprints planned for their agile project. A stakeholder approaches the scrum master wondering why a certain feature was removed from the last sprint, what features are planned to be delivered in the next sprint, and how the money is being spent on the project. What is the best course of action for the scrum master to take in this situation?

  • A:建议干系人查阅项目燃尽图 Advise the stakeholder to consult the project burndown charts

  • B:将干系人推荐给团队成员以获取信息 Refer the stakeholder to the team members to get the information

  • C:建议干系人与产品负责人交谈 Recommend that the stakeholder talk to the product owner

  • D:在每日站会上提供所要求的信息 Provide the requested information at the daily standup meeting

76、 [单选] 一位先前不活跃的干系人参与程度突然增加,这种意外的参与导致了一些变更请求。项目经理应该做什么?
The involvement of a previously inactive interested party suddenly increased, and this unexpected participation led to some change requests. What should the project manager do?

  • A:向干系人解释变更请求过程 Explain the change request process to interested parties

  • B:审查已批准的有关干系人请求的期望 Review approved expectations regarding stakeholder requests

  • C:与该干系人开会,以评估变更请求 Meet with the interested party to evaluate the change request

  • D:要求干系人与发起人讨论这些请求 Ask interested parties to discuss these requests with the sponsor

77、 [单选] 公司的新产品系列将在两个月内发布,95%的项目任务均已完成。但是,管理层却决定终止产品发布并取消项目。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
The Company's new product line will be launched in two months, and 95% of the project tasks have been completed. However, the management decides to terminate the product launch and cancel the project. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:立即停止所有项目任务 To stop all project tasks immediately

  • B:按原计划完成项目 To complete the project as per the original plan

  • C:释放资源并记录项目状态 To release resources and record the project status

  • D:收尾项目并更新经验教训 To close the project and update lessons learned

78、 [单选] 项目经理发现项目可交付成果与发起人期望之间存在若干不一致之处,为确保一致,项目经理应该制定下列哪一项?
A project manager finds several inconsistencies between project deliverables and sponsor expectations. To ensure alignment, what should the project manager develop?

  • A:风险登记册 Risk register

  • B:干系人参与计划 Stakeholder management plan

  • C:沟通管理计划 Communications management plan

  • D:工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure (WBS)

79、 [单选] 在迭代的中途,敏捷团队遇到了一个小的技术问题。其中一位团队成员回忆说,敏捷教练从她过去作为高级开发人员的经验来看,是这个领域的专家。团队要求教练帮助解决这个问题。敏捷教练首先应该做什么?
Midway into an iteration, an agile team faces a minor technical issue. One of the team members recalls that the agile coach is an expert in the field from her past experience as a senior developer. The team requests that the coach help resolve the issue. What should the agile coach do first?

  • A:让团队解决问题 Let the team resolve the issue

  • B:帮助团队解决问题 Help the team resolve the issue

  • C:为团队解决问题 Resolve the issue for the team

  • D:咨询产品负责人 Consult with the product owner

80、 [单选] 一家公司正在努力定义新项目的范围,该项目有多个阶段,阶段之间有高度的依赖关系。项目经理应该如何应对这个挑战?
A company is struggling to define the scope of a new project that has multiple phases with a high level of dependency between the phases. How should the project manager approach this challenge?

  • A:与专门帮助企业定义大型项目的工作范围的第三方公司签订合同。 Contract with a third-party company that specializes in helping businesses define scope of work on large projects.

  • B:与项目干系人合作,以推荐将有助于定义项目的范围的迭代方法。 Work with project stakeholders to recommend an iterative approach that will then help to define the project's scope.

  • C:制定在进度计划中提供额外时间的项目管理计划,然后试图修改工作范围。 Construct a project management plan that provides extra time within the schedule, then seek to revise the scope of work.

  • D:暂停项目的最终交付日期,以便在明确工作范围后有时间修改时间表。 Suspend final delivery dates for the project in order to have time to revise the schedule once there is clarity on the scope of work.

81、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目的项目执行阶段举行的评审会议期间,最终用户和项目发起人对一项关键功能的演示感到满意,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
During a review meeting in the project execution phase of a software development project, end users and the project sponsor are pleased with the demonstration of a key feature. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:指示团队进行收益评估 Direct the team to conduct a benefit assessment

  • B:请求在用户验收报告上签字 Request sign off on the user acceptance report

  • C:执行质量管理计划中的活动 Execute activities in the quality management plan

  • D:更新测试计划以减少测试工作 Update test plans to reduce testing efforts

82、 [单选] 干系人称一个可交付成果中遗漏一项功能,之前的任何讨论中都没有提及该项功能,也不在验收标准中,然而干系人却坚称这项功能是必须的,可以充分利用该可交付成果。项目经理应该怎么做?
Stakeholders claimed that a function was missed in the deliverables, but this function was not mentioned in any of the previous discussions or was not in the acceptance criteria. However, stakeholders insisted that this function was necessary and the deliverables could be fully utilized. What should the project manager do?

  • A:实施该可交付成果并为遗漏的功能提交变更请求 Implement the deliverables and submit a change request for the missing function

  • B:实施该可交付成果并开始遗漏功能的工作 Implement the deliverables and begin to work on the missing function

  • C:推迟实施该可交付成果并为遗漏的功能提交变更请求 Postpone the implementation of the deliverables and submit a change request for the missing function

  • D:推迟实施该可交付成果并开始遗漏功能的工作 Postpone the implementation of the deliverables and begin to work on the missing function

83、 [单选] 敏捷项目的第一次迭代即将开始。发起人召集团队、Scrum主管、产品负责人和其他项目干系人参加启动会议。发起人强调需要在项目尽可能早的时候以最小的成本识别和应对项目风险。与会者实现发起人要求的最佳方式是什么?
The first iteration of an agile project is about to begin. The sponsor gathers the team, the scrum master, the product owner, and other project stakeholders for the kick-off meeting. The sponsor emphasizes the need to identify and respond to the project risks as early in the project as possible and at the minimal cost. What is the best way for the meeting participants to implement the sponsor's request?

  • A:团队和干系人应该经常审查产品增量 The team and stakeholders should frequently review product increments.

  • B:项目干系人应该在每次冲刺中执行基于风险的刺探 The project stakeholders should conduct risk-based spikes in each sprint.

  • C:产品负责人和发起人应该对高风险的用户故事进行优先级排序 The product owner and the sponsor should prioritize high-risk user stories.

  • D:团队应该与Scrum主管一起实现结对编程 The team should implement pair programming with the scrum master.

84、 [单选] 项目经理与外部干系人会面,解释一个新项目的目标,并概述对该新项目的期望。其中一位关键干系人似乎支持该项目,但设定了条件,即必须为其他不相关的项目提供财务支持。鉴于文化敏感性,项目经理不愿为此对该关键干系人直言相告。结果,项目在未获该干系人支持的情况下无法继续开展,项目经理应该做什么?A project manager meets with external stakeholders to explain the objectives and outline expectations for a new project. A key stakeholder appears to support the project, with the condition that other unrelated projects will receive financial support. Due to cultural sensitivities, the project manager is reluctant to be direct with the key stakeholder on this matter.The project cannot proceed without the support of this stakeholder.What should the project manager do?

  • A:在不允许发生“范围蔓延”的前提下,继续开展项目。Proceed with the project without allowing scope creep to occur.

  • B:将情况告知发起人,并在干系人参与计划中记录该关键干系人的这一请求。Inform the sponsor and document the request in the stakeholder engagement plan.

  • C:取消该项目,因为该干系人的请求超出了范围。Cancel the project since the stakeholder's request is out of scope.

  • D:动用应急资金为所请求项目提供支持。Use the contingency funds to provide support for the requested projects.

85、 [单选] 一个自组织团队正在按照承诺交付。团队接受了使用新技术的开发任务,迭代开始降低速度。什么样的管理决策适合这种情况?A self-organizing team was delivering as committed. The team accepted a development task with new technology and the iterations started to have reduced velocity. What management decision is suited for this situation?

  • A:为团队成员提供学习和适应技术的机会。Provide opportunity for team members to learn and adjust to the technology.

  • B:把表现不佳的团队成员从团队中移走。Move team members who are not performing from the team.

  • C:为团队添加新成员,提高速度。Add new members to the team and increase the velocity.

  • D:将项目重新分配给使用过这种技术的团队。Re-assign the project to a team that has worked with this technology.

86、 [单选] 一个项目经理刚刚被任命为一个经验丰富的敏捷团队的领导。项目经理应该如何影响团队完成项目目标?A project manager was just assigned to a project as the leader of an experienced agile team. How should the project manager influence the team to accomplish the project objectives?

  • A:对团队完成必要可交付物的能力表示信任。Express trust in the team's ability to fulfill the necessary deliverables.

  • B:对团队施加判断。Assert judgment over the team.

  • C:使用计划驱动方法以显示对项目的控制。Use a plan-driven approach in order to demonstrate control over the project.

  • D:增加主题专家(SMEs)的数量,以获得更好的结果。Increase the amount of subject matter experts (SMEs) to get better results.

87、 [单选] 一个项目经理正在开始一个新的项目,并且项目团队位于不同的国家。该团队将使用一个特定的工具来举行虚拟会议。但是,该工具在一个团队成员的国家中是不可用的。项目经理应该如何处理这种情况?A project manager is starting a new project, and the project team is located in different countries. The team was going to use a specific tool to hold virtual meetings. However, that tool is not available in one team member's country. How should the project manager deal with this situation?

  • A:联系项目发起人,将团队成员从项目中移除。Contact the project sponsor to have the team member removed from the project.

  • B:要求团队成员搬到工具可用的地区。Ask the team member to move to another location where the tool is available.

  • C:寻找对所有团队成员都可用的虚拟会议的替代工具。Investigate alternative tools for virtual meetings that are available to all team members.

  • D:启动项目,通过电子邮件与团队成员沟通,直到工具可用。Start the project and use email to communicate with the team member until the tool is available.

88、 [单选] 在海上建筑工程项目中,海事主管部门会通知项目经理,在完成某些环境加固工程之前,不会发出工作许可证。审查项目管理计划后,发现加固工作不在项目范围内。项目经理该怎么做?In a marine construction project, the project manager is informed by the marine authority that the work permit will not be issued until certain environmental reinforcement work has been completed. After reviewing the project management plan, the reinforcement work is not included in the project scope. What should the project manager do?

  • A:组织与团队的会议,更新工作分解结构(WBS)。Organize a meeting with the team and update the work breakdown structure (WBS).

  • B:提出这个问题,并为下一个月的项目会议审查和更新进度报告。Raise this issue, and review and update the progress report for the next monthly project meeting.

  • C:发起变更请求启动组织的变更控制流程。Start the organization's change control process via a change request.

  • D:与环境保护部门的官员沟通,检查是否有必要。Communicate with an officer in the environmental protection department to check if it is necessary.

89、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,一名外部干系人反对一项重大范围变更。除非重新评估干系人的决定,否则项目进展将受到影响。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
During the project implementation, an external stakeholder is opposed to a major scope change. Unless the stakeholder's decision is reassessed, the project progress will be impacted.What should the project manager do next?

  • A:审查干系人管理计划评估影响 To review the stakeholder's effort for the plan to assess the impact

  • B:请求项目发起人解决干系人的问题 To request the project sponsor to solve the problem encountered by the stakeholder

  • C:修订预算,反映可选方案的成本 To revise the budget to reflect the cost of the alternative

  • D:调查干系人反对背后的理由 To investigate the reason behind the opposition

90、 [单选] 一客户给你一复杂项目的采购工作说明书,该项目为期 8 个月,未知的东西不多。客户只要你将它完成,并只希望在 8 月末你交付完成项目的时候见你。在这种情况下,下列哪种做法最好?
A customer has given you a contract statement of work for a complex, eight month project that has a few unknowns. The customer has asked you to just get it done and onlywants to see you at the end of eight months when you deliver the finished project. Under these circumstances, which of the following is the BEST thing to do?

  • A:按要求完成项目,但是一直与客户时不时地确认其范围 Complete the project as requested, but validate its scope with the customer occasionally throughout.

  • B:在 8 个月内完成项目,期间不联系客户 Complete the project within eight months without contacting the customer during this time.

  • C:让管理层时不时地和客户联系 Ask management to check in with the customer occasionally.

  • D:完成项目,但是记录下客户不想联系 Complete the project, but document that the customer did not want contact.

91、 [单选] 项目经理为一个具有按时完成盈利项目历史记录的组织工作。然而,由于缺乏干系人的支持以及他们未能提供信息,这些项目都经历过问题。若要避免这些问题,项目经理在新项目开始时应该做些什么? A project manager works for an organization with a history of completing projects on time. However, these projects have all experienced issues due to a lack of stakeholder's support and their failure to provide information. What should the project manager do at the beginning of a new project to avoid these issues?

  • A:管理所有干系人的期望,并为每个人提供解决方案 Manage all stakeholder's expectation,and provide a solution for each one

  • B:准备一份包含所有干系人的沟通管理计划 Prepare a communications management plan that includes all stakeholders

  • C:在启动阶段识别关键干系人并进行优先级排序 Identify and prioritize the key stakeholders during the initiating stage

  • D:复制之前项目的工作,因为这些项目结束时都很好 Duplicate efforts from previous projects since they ended well

92、 [单选] 你领导的项目应该升级你们公司在台式电脑和移动设备上开发的应用程序。上周,一家主要电子产品供应商出人意料地发布了一款新的移动设备。你意识到,只需稍加修改,你的应用程序就可以在新设备上运行得更快、更安全。对于这个机会,你接下来应该做什么?
The project you are leading is supposed to upgrade the application developed by your company on desktop computers and mobile devices. Last week, a major supplier of electronics unexpectedly released a new mobile device. You realize that your application, with a little bit of modification, can run much faster and more securely on the new device. What should you do next in regards to this opportunity?

  • A:创建成本预测并将其传达给干系人 Create a cost forecast and communicate it to stakeholders

  • B:提交变更请求以修改应用程序 Submit a change request to modify the application

  • C:考虑到意外工作,更新项目资金要求 Update project funding requirements in consideration for the unexpected work

  • D:对适当的储备金金额进行偏差分析 Conduct variance analysis for an appropriate reserve amount

93、 [单选] 由于客户认为项目不满足要求,因此不愿对项目签字同意。客户希望对某些可交付成果进行返工,团队不同意,因为这不属于约定项目需求的组成部分。项目经理应该做什么?
The client is unwilling to sign the project because the client believes that the project does not meet the requirements. The client wants to rework some deliverable. The team does not agree because this is not part of the agreed project requirements.What should the project manager do?

  • A:审查验收标准和其他项目输出文件 Review the acceptance criteria and other project output documents

  • B:让团队遵守客户要求,对可交付成果进行返工 Have the team comply with customer requirements and rework deliverable

  • C:要求团队确定未满足需求的原因 Ask the team to determine the cause of the unmet need

  • D:请求额外资金以满足对可交付成果进行返工的要求 Request additional funding to meet rework requirements for deliverable

94、 [单选] 你正在为一个软件开发项目起草一个干系人参与计划。该产品将使用Scrum框架构建。你希望确保分析和分类干系人对产品开发的影响程度。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
You are drafting a stakeholder engagement plan for a software development project. The product will be built using a scrum framework. You want to ensure that the stakeholders' level of influence on product development is analyzed and categorized. What is your best course of action?

  • A:提交变更请求以更新干系人登记册 Submit a change request to update the stakeholder register

  • B:等待,直到干系人参加第一次冲刺审查 Wait until the stakeholders attend the first sprint review

  • C:建议产品负责人使用权力/影响方格 Suggest that the product owner use a power/influence grid

  • D:使用分层图表自己执行分析 Conduct the analysis yourself using hierarchical charts

95、 [单选] 在即将到来的敏捷项目中,执行组织雇佣了来自不同国家但使用相同语言的开发人员。团队将被安排在同一地点,并且项目经理理解在文化多样性的情况下,提供一个有效沟通和协作的环境将是项目成功的一个重要因素。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
For its upcoming agile project, the performing organization has hired developers of various nationalities but speaking a common language. The team will be colocated, and the project manager understands that given the cultural diversity, providing an environment of effective communication and collaboration will be an important factor in project success. What is the best course of action for the project manager

  • A:设置虚拟沟通工具 Set up virtual communication tools

  • B:为团队提供作战室 Provide the team with a war room

  • C:只配置私人办公区域不设立公共办公区域 Utilize only caves from the caves and common

  • D:结合使用Scrum of Scrums Incorporate the use of a scrum of scrums

96、 [单选] 你是一家大型组织的主管,考虑从预测性项目管理方法逐步过渡到敏捷项目管理方法。你聘请了一家外部咨询公司来评估当前的做法,并提出最好的过渡方式。在观察你的组织几个月后,顾问提出了几个选择。你最不可能选择哪个选项?
You are an executive in a large organization that considers a gradual transition from a predictive to the agile project management approach. You hire an external consulting company to evaluate the current practices and propose the best way for the transition. After observing your organization for several months, the consultant lays out several options. Which option would you least likely to select?

  • A:以两到四周的迭代周期开发产品 Developing the product in two- to four-week iterations

  • B:将每日站会纳入团队的日常工作 Incorporating daily standup meetings into the team's routine

  • C:使用每周会议跟踪项目进展 Tracking the project progress using weekly meetings

  • D:在每次迭代的末尾进行团队回顾 Holding team retrospectives at the end of each iteration

97、 [单选] 一项目经理刚刚为一个387,000美元的工程项目编制完风险应对计划。他下一步很可能怎么做?
A project manager has just finished the risk response plan for a U.S. $387,000 engineering project. Which of the following should he probably do NEXT?

  • A:确定项目总体的风险级别 Determine the overall risk rating of the project.

  • B:开始分析项目图纸上出现的问题 Begin to analyze the risks that show up in the project drawings.

  • C:在项目的工作分解结构中增加工作包 Add work packages to the project work breakdown structure.

  • D:重估项目风险 Hold a project risk reassessment.

98、 [单选] 在项目即将进入收尾阶段时,项目经理发现了一项原来没有考虑到的新风险。该风险一旦发生,可能给最终的可交付成果带来重要影响,甚至可能使其不能被客户接受。项目经理应该怎么做?
When the project is about to close, the project manager has identified a new risk that was not considered previously. Should this risk occur, it may cause a significant impact on the final deliverables, and may even make it unacceptable to the client. Then, what should the project manager do?

  • A:把该风险的影响通知管理层和客户 To inform the management and client of the impact of such risk

  • B:进行定性风险分析 To perform qualitative risk analysis

  • C:制定风险缓解措施 To work out risk mitigation action

  • D:增加应急储备 To increase emergency reserves

99、 [单选] 在敏捷迭代中,由于意外的挑战,任务1无法按时完成。项目中的另一个团队依赖于任务1的及时完成以完成他们的项目部分。项目经理应该如何解决这个问题?
During an agile iteration, Task 1 cannot be completed on time due to unexpected challenges. Another team within the project is depending on timely completion of Task 1 in order to fulfill their part of the project. How should the Project Manager resolve this issue?

  • A:分别与两个团队会面,让他们想出一个方法来满足要求的最后期限并按时完成项目 Meet with both teams separately and ask them to figure out a way to meet the required deadlines and complete the project on time

  • B:与产品负责人会面,重新确定迭代待办事项列表的优先级,以免影响其他团队或义务 Meet with the product owner to reprioritize the iteration backlog so that it does not impact other teams or obligations

  • C:增加项目团队的成员数量,并增加迭代长度,以确保工作将按照进度计划完成 Increase the number of team members for the project team and increase the iteration length ensuring that the work will be completed according to schedule

  • D:让团队成员知道你希望他们在困难条件下尽最大努力,并确保在经验教训中注意迭代的挑战 Let team members know you want them to do their best under difficult circumstances, and make sure to note the iteration's challenges in lessons learned

100、 [单选] 一位新的项目经理最近在他们当前的组织中结束了一个项目。新项目经理使用了他们之前公司的最终项目报告格式,一位干系人评论说,虽然缺少了几条关键信息,但他们更喜欢这种格式。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A new project manager recently ended a project in their current organization. The new project manager used the format of the final project report of their previous company, and a related party commented that although a few key pieces of information were missing, But they prefer this format.What should the project manager do next?

  • A:向其他项目经理提供报告的副本,并鼓励他们使用该报告 Provide copies of the report to other project managers and encourage them to use the report

  • B:使用批准的格式重新编写报告,然后与他们的经理讨论如何改进报告 Rewrite the report using an approved format and then discuss with their manager how to improve the report

  • C:考虑项目收尾完成的报告,并将该报告的副本存档 Consider a report on the completion of the project and archive a copy of the report

  • D:与项目团队开会,以审查项目报告格式并获得反馈意见 Meeting with the project team to review the project report format and get feedback

101、 [单选] 在项目实施期间发生组织重组,一名关键干系人被替换。新的干系人对项目成功存在很高的兴趣并拥有足够的影响力,对项目结果产生重大影响。在执行干系人分析之后,项目经理该如何处理该新项目干系人?
Organizational restructuring occurred during a project's implementation and a key stakeholder was replaced. The new stakeholder has high interest in the project's success and enough influence and can significantly impact its outcome. After performing a stakeholder analysis, how should the project manager handle this new stakeholder?

  • A:监测干系人期望发生的任何变化。 Monitor any change in stakeholder in stakeholder expectation.

  • B:保持向干系人通知项目进度/状态。 Keep the stakeholder informed of the project’s progress/status.

  • C:确保干系人满意项目进度/状态。 Ensure stakeholder id satisfied with the project’s progress/status.

  • D:密切管理干系人的期望。 Manage the stakeholder’s expectation closely.

102、 [单选] 一个涉及多个国家/地区和多个供应商的敏捷项目已完成其最终的迭代开发。此项目要被移交给运营团队。项目经理接下来应该关注什么?An agile project involving multiple countries and multiple vendors has completed its final iteration. The project will be handed over to the operations team. What should project managers focus on next?

  • A:向管理层通报移交的最新情况。Update management on the transition.

  • B:检查维护环境是否准备妥当。Check whether the maintenance environment is ready.

  • C:使用技术债务更新迭代待办事项列表。Update the iterative to-do list with technical debt.

  • D:解散开发团队成员。Disband development team members.

103、 [单选] 项目经理在产品开发的第三次迭代中意识到,用于项目管理计划的模板没有显示更新。项目经理应该采取什么行动?
A Project Manager realizes during the third iteration of product development that the template used for the project management plan is not showing updates. Which action should the project manager take?

  • A:指派一名团队成员更新项目管理计划模板并记录任何风险 Assign one team member to update the project management plan template and document any risk

  • B:根据即将到来的迭代的商业价值而对更新模板的需求进行排序 Rank the need to update the template according to the business value for the upcoming iterations

  • C:避免通过独立修复问题而使团队分心 Avoid adding to team distraction by fixing the issue independently

  • D:将问题记录为新的项目风险并提出解决方案 Document the issue as a new project risk and propose a solution

104、 [单选] 一家沉浸于传统瀑布式项目管理中的PMO聘请了你,作为敏捷实践者,来指导组织向敏捷的转变。在完成对组织文化的初步评估之后,你已经意识到许多干系人都抵制变更。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
A PMO steeped in traditional waterfall project management has hired you, as an agile practitioner, to guide the organization's transformation to agile. After completing an initial assessment of the organizational culture, you have realized that many of the stakeholders are resistant to the change. What is your best course of action?

  • A:提供培训来确保员工更加专业化 Provide training to ensure the employees are more highly specialized

  • B:同时将所有项目向敏捷过渡 Transition all projects to agile at the same time

  • C:寻求愿意支持这一事业的高层高管 Seek a high-level executive willing to champion the cause

  • D:确保工作分解成孤岛 Ensure the work is decomposed into silos

105、 [单选] 作为向敏捷转变的一部分,一个组织为一个项目选择一个试点团队来开发一个软件工具。一位敏捷教练被分配到团队中,在整个过渡过程中指导他们。在最初的几次迭代中,教练与项目经理和团队一起指导他们进行敏捷实践,并将任务分配给团队成员。敏捷教练采用什么最佳行动方案来确定团队是否获得了在没有教练的情况下执行即将到来的迭代所需的技能?
As part of its transformation to agile, an organization selects a pilot team for a project to develop a software tool. An agile coach is assigned to the team to guide them throughout their transition. For the first few iterations, the coach works with the project manager and team to coach them on agile practices and assign tasks to the team members. What is agile coach's best course of action to determine if the team has acquired the required skills to perform the upcoming iterations without coaching?

  • A:参加每日站会 Attend daily standup meetings

  • B:进行产品演示 Conduct product demonstrations

  • C:举行迭代回顾 Hold iteration retrospectives

  • D:开展团队建设活动 Carry out team building activities

106、 [单选] 项目经理接管一个执行阶段的项目,在对项目进度进行初步审查期间,项目经理注意到与特定关键路径活动有关的信息不完整,有些活动还存在风险。项目经理如何才能确定每项活动的责任?
A project manager takes over a project in the execution phase,during an initial review of the progress, the project manager notices that information relevant to specific critical path activities is incomplete, and some activities are at risk. How could the project manager identify accountability for each activity?

  • A:工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure

  • B:责任分配矩阵 Responsibility assignment

  • C:组织分解结构 Organizational breakdown structure

  • D:风险登记册 Risk register

107、 [单选] 你将与你的团队会面来确定项目的生命周期。在分析了定义和管理需求、开发可交付成果、处理变更、控制风险和成本,以及与关键干系人合作的最佳方式之后,做出了选择混合生命周期的决定。在选定项目生命周期后,关键干系人多久参与一次?
You meet with your team to determine the life cycle for your project. After analyzing the best way to define and manage requirements, develop deliverables, handle changes, control risk and cost, and engage key stakeholders, the decision is made to select a hybrid life cycle. With the project life cycle selected, how often will the key stakeholders be involved?

  • A:持续参与 Continuously

  • B:在特定里程碑参与 At specific milestones

  • C:定期参与 Regularly

  • D:完全不参与 Not involved at all

108、 [单选] 干系人感觉他们收到的信息十分复杂,难以理解,因此不能正确做出决定。若要解决这个问题,应该怎么做?
The stakeholders feel that information they receive is complex and difficult to understand. And because of this decisions cannot be properly made. What should be done be resolve this situation?

  • A:审查沟通需求 Review the communication requirements

  • B:减少报告数量 Reduce the number of reports

  • C:包含一个常用术语表 Include a glossary of common terminology

  • D:添加解释性附件 Add an explanatory addendum

109、 [单选] 一个专注于预测性项目管理方法中的组织决定采用混合方法作为敏捷项目管理的过渡策略。已经特许了一个试点Scrum项目,并分配了Scrum角色和职责。项目经理希望确保向客户提供最优的价值。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
An organization that is steeped in a predictive project management approach has decided to adopt hybrid methods as a transition strategy to agile project management. A pilot scrum project has been chartered and scrum roles and responsibilities assigned. The project manager wants to ensure the optimal delivery of value to the customer. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:分配故事点以确定产品待办事项列表的优先级 Assign story points to prioritize the product backlog

  • B:要求该团队采用MoSCoW方法 Request that the team use the MoSCoW method

  • C:为产品负责人安排Scrum培训 Schedule scrum training for the product owner

  • D:将WBS分解为Scrum用户故事 Decompose the WBS into scrum user stories

110、 [单选] 当新进公司的发起人B替代A时,项目已接近完工,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
When the sponsor B of the new company replaces A, the project is almost complete. What should the project manager do first?

  • A:与发起人B会面,确定是否需要任何项目变更 Meet with sponsor B to determine if any project changes are needed

  • B:根据发起人A 的目标完成项目 Finish the project based on the sponsor A's goals

  • C:开始变更控制 Begin change control procedures

  • D:更新干系人登记册 Update the stakeholder register

111、 [单选] 一个运营团队认为他们的技能在项目上是不必要的,团队士气低落,且团队成员试图阻止项目目标。项目经理应该怎么做?
An operating team believes that their skills are unnecessary on the project, the team morale is low, and team members try to stop the project objectives. What should the project manager do?

  • A:建议公司改变策略,并立即停止项目 Recommend the company to change its strategy and stop the project immediately

  • B:要求工会的支持来激励团队 Request the support of the labor union to motivate the team

  • C:根据项目成果的要求对运营团队进行培训 Train the operation team according to the requirements of project results

  • D:更换不满的团队成员 Replace dissatisfied team members

112、 [单选] 一个敏捷团队正在为客户开发定制制造设备。经过三次迭代,一个功能原型已经就绪,但是它缺乏关键的安全功能,以及一些可以在未来版本中现场安装的增强功能。为了尽早得到客户的反馈,产品负责人要求团队尽快交付MVP。项目经理应如何处理产品负责人的要求?
An agile team is developing custom manufacturing equipment for a client. After three iterations, a functional prototype is ready, but it lacks critical safety features as well as several enhancements that can be installed on-site in future releases. To get early feedback from the client, the product owner requests that the team deliver an MVP as soon as possible. What should the project manager do to address the product owner's request?

  • A:在原型上安装安全功能和增强功能,并交付给客户端 Install safety features and enhancements on the prototype and deliver it to the client

  • B:仅安装原型上的安全功能,然后交付给客户端 Install only the safety features on the prototype and deliver it to the client

  • C:将原型以当前状态交付给客户端,因为它已经正常运行 Deliver the prototype to the client in its current condition as it is already functional

  • D:仅安装原型上的增强功能并交付给客户端 Install only the enhancements on the prototype and deliver it to the client

113、 [单选] 一个敏捷团队在最近的几次迭代中加班加点地工作。项目经理决定,从现在开始,团队应该保持每周40小时的工作时间。项目经理做出这个决定最可能的目的是什么?
An agile team has been working overtime for the last few iterations. The project manager has decided that from now on the team should maintain a 40-hour workweek. What is the most likely reason behind the project manager's decision?

  • A:最大化未完成的工作量 To maximize the amount of work not done

  • B:最小化在进行中的工作量 To minimize the amount of work in progress

  • C:频繁交付工作软件 To deliver working software frequently

  • D:促进可持续发展 To promote sustainable development

114、 [单选] 项目经理资源有限,无法获得更多资源。项目经理应该使用什么技术来充分利用现有资源,而不会令项目完成时间延期?
A project manager has limited resources and is unable to obtain more. What technique should the project manager use to fully exploit the existing resources without delaying project completion?

  • A:快速跟进 Fast tracking

  • B:赶工 Crashing

  • C:资源平滑 Resource smoothing

  • D:资源平衡 Resource leveling

115、 [单选] 针对设计经理提出的某个问题的解决方案,项目经理必须收集分析信息。以下哪一项能防止任何人对结果产生不适当的影响?
Regarding the resolution of an issue identified by the engineering manager, the project manager must gather information and reach a consensus of analysis. Which of the following presents any one person from having undue influence on the outcome?

  • A:德尔菲技术 Delphi technique

  • B:名义组技术 Nominal group technique

  • C:价值工程 Value engineering

  • D:虚拟团队 Virtual team

116、 [单选] 项目经理被分配到一个项目,该项目将把一个大型组织从预测环境转变为敏捷方法。在当前状态下,组织中的工作被分解成部门孤岛,而员工被描述为专业的贡献者。这种敏捷转换的最佳策略是什么?
A project manager has been assigned to a project that will transform a large organization from a predictive environment to agile methodologies. In its current state, the work in the organization is decomposed into departmental silos, and the employees are best described as specialized contributors. What is the best strategy for this agile transformation?

  • A:使用混合生命周期作为预测到敏捷的过渡策略 Use hybrid life cycles as a transition strategy from predictive to agile

  • B:为所有从预测性到敏捷的项目建立一个固定的日期 Establish a fixed date for all projects to transition from predictive to agile

  • C:介绍一些针对大型复杂项目的敏捷技术 Introduce some agile techniques on a large and complex project

  • D:调整项目,使其范围是固定的,时间和成本是可变的 Tailor projects so that the scope is fixed with time and cost being variable

117、 [单选] 项目经理负责一个有100多个干系人的跨国项目。项目经理关心的是成功交付项目所需的适当的干系人参与和参与水平。项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is working on a multinational project that has more than 100 stakeholders. The project manager is concerned about the appropriate stakeholder participation and involvement level required for successful project delivery. What should the project manager do?

  • A:与干系人沟通,寻找解决方案。 Communicate with the stakeholders to find a solution.

  • B:与项目干系人一起审查问题日志。 Review the issue log with the project stakeholders.

  • C:评估干系人参与评估矩阵。 Evaluate the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix.

  • D:进行干系人假设条件和约束分析。 Perform a stakeholder assumption and constraint analysis.

118、 [单选] 在执行阶段,项目经理发现一个团队成员不能按时完成他们的工作,运行时间比预期的要晚。这种延迟可能会潜在地影响项目的里程碑。项目经理首先应该做什么?
During the execution stage, the project manager discovered that one team member is not able to complete their work on time and is running later than expected. This delay may potentially impact a project milestone. What should the project manager do first?

  • A:与团队讨论并评估导致延迟的原因。 Discuss with the team and assess the reasons that led to the delay.

  • B:与高级管理人员讨论并寻求他们的指导。 Discuss with senior management and seek their guidance.

  • C:要求团队成员的经理找到解决方案。 Request the team member's manager to find a solution.

  • D:在后期工作中从其他团队分配更多的资源。 Assign more resources from other teams on the late work.

119、 [单选] 一个项目团队确定了一个可以购买的低成本软件产品,这将大大减少开发的范围。开发经理已经确认该工具将满足业务需求。项目经理应该怎么做?A project team identified a low-cost software product available for purchase that would drastically reduce the scope of development. The development manager has confirmed that this tool would fulfill the business need. What should the project manager do?

  • A:提醒团队他们的主要职责是软件开发。Remind the team that their primary responsibility is software development.

  • B:向产品待办事项列表中添加用户故事以测试软件产品。Add a user story to the product backlog to test the software product.

  • C:在下一次每日站会上讨论这个选择,以最后作出决定。Discuss the option in the next daily standup meeting to finalize the decision.

  • D:将该选项推荐给产品负责人考虑。Recommend the option to the product owner for consideration.

120、 [单选] 项目获批后,一位关键干系人告知项目经理,当前的项目管理策略未界定清楚,该关键干系人还向项目经理表明其不想举行会议,项目经理首先应该做什么?After a project has been approved, a key stakeholder tells the project manager that the current project management strategy is not well defined.The project manager is also informed that the key stakeholder does not want to hold a working session. What should the project manager do first?

  • A:继续与不隶属于该关键干系人的团队举行会议。Proceed with a working session for teams that do not belong to that key stakeholder.

  • B:让项目发起人运用权力对该关键干系人施压,以便按获批的期限推进项目。Ask the project sponsor to exert authority on the key stakeholder in order to maintain the approved timeline.

  • C:邀请该关键干系人加入项目的变更控制委员会(CCB),讨论项目策略调整事宜。Invite the key stakeholder to the project's change control board (CCB) to discuss adjustment of the project strategy.

  • D:分享项目文件,邀请该关键干系人讨论其任何顾虑。Share the project documents and invite the key stakeholder to discuss any concerns.

121、 [单选] 有一部分项目工作从外部资源采购,项目团队制定采购计划,并向多个供应商发出建议邀请书,团队从潜在供应商那里获得关于工作的询问,为向潜在供应商提供响应,项目团队应该怎么做?
A portion of the project work is sourced from external sources, the project team makes the purchase plan and sends out a proposal invitation to multiple vendors, the team obtains inquiries about the work from the potential suppliers, and what the project team should do to provide responses to potential suppliers?

  • A:向每一位供应商发送单独回复 Send a separate reply to each supplier

  • B:在项目团队中为每一位供应商指定单个联系人 Assign individual contacts to each vendor in the project team

  • C:修订建议邀请书,将对所有问题的回复包含在内,并分发给所有供应商 Revised proposal invitation to include responses to all questions and distribute to all suppliers

  • D:召开投标人会议,澄清所有供应商的全部问题 Convene a meeting of bidders to clarify all suppliers' issues

122、 [单选] 几个星期以来,项目经理一直报告项目在正常进行中,现在却突然报告项目滞后于进度计划,项目经理意识到某个项目风险管理不当,且其负责人在不同时区远程工作。项目经理应当更加注意下列哪一项?
For several weeks, the project manager has been reporting that the project is progressing normally, but now suddenly reports that the project lags behind the schedule, the project manager realizes that the risk management of a certain project is improper, and its leader works remotely in different time zones. Project managers should pay more attention to which of the following?

  • A:资源过度承诺和沟通不畅 Over commitment of resources and poor communication

  • B:包容性和资源隔离不足 Inclusiveness and insufficient resource isolation

  • C:语言障碍和缺乏问责制 Language barriers and lack of accountability

  • D:项目发起人的指导不足 Insufficient guidance from project sponsors

123、 [单选] 在项目实施期间,一些团队成员抱怨说他们对项目可交付成果不确定。若要确保项目团队按照项目范围工作,项目经理应该怎么做?
During project implementation, some team members complain that they are unsure about the project’s deliverables. What should the project manager do to ensure that the project team is working according to project scope?

  • A:审查执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵。 Review the responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) matrix.

  • B:更新沟通管理计划,澄清期望。 Update the communications management plan to clarify

  • C:与团队分享项目章程。 Share the project charter with the team.

  • D:将工作分解结构(WBS)分发给团队。 Distribute the work breakdown structure (WBS) to the team.

124、 [单选] 项目经理正在整理用于验收产品可交付成果的文件。验收可交付成果时,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is assembling the documents for the acceptance of product deliverables. Upon acceptance of the deliverables, what should the project manager do?

  • A:收尾项目可交付结果 Close the project deliverables

  • B:将可交付成果文件存档 Archive the deliverable documents

  • C:转移可交付成果的所有权 Transfer ownership of the deliverables

  • D:获得客户对可交付成果的反馈 Obtain customer feedback on the deliverables

125、 [单选] 在项目开工会议期间,一个干系人公开反对该项目在组织内的必要性和优先级。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
During a project kick-off meeting,one stakeholder openly rejects the project's necessity and priority within the organization. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:在干系人登记册中记录该干系人的评估 Document the stakeholder's assessment in the stakeholder register

  • B:将该干系人的问题升级上报给项目发起人 Escalate the stakeholder's concern to the project sponsor

  • C:了解该干系人的立场,并更新风险登记册 Gain an understanding of the stakeholder's position,and update the risk register

  • D:考虑该干系人的立场,并制定干系人参与计划 Consider the stakeholder's position,and develop the stakeholder engagement plan

126、 [单选] 一个使用新技术的复杂敏捷项目被技术挑战、不断变更的优先级、严格的截止日期和客户对敏捷交付方法的不熟悉所困扰。这种环境会给团队成员带来压力和挫折。他们中的许多人开始找项目经理,抱怨这些问题。项目经理首先应该做什么?
A complex agile project that uses a new technology has been plagued by technical challenges, constantly changing priorities, strict deadlines, and the customer's lack of familiarity with agile delivery methods. This environment causes stress and frustration for the team members. Many of them started to come to see the project manager and complain about the issues. What should the project manager do first?

  • A:提交变更请求 Submit a change request

  • B:消除团队成员的挫败感 Absorb the frustration of the team members

  • C:将问题升级上报给管理层 Escalate the issue to management

  • D:向产品负责人介绍团队成员 Refer the team members to the product owner

127、 [单选] 由于不确定的市场环境和即将到来的项目的复杂性,贵公司正在考虑从传统的项目管理方式向混合的项目管理方式过渡。公司要求你研究各种选择,以整合新的项目管理实践,帮助公司更接近目标。以下哪一项你最不可能推荐?
Due to an uncertain market environment and complexity of upcoming projects, your company is considering a transition from a traditional to hybrid project management approach. The company tasks you with researching various options for incorporating new project management practices that would help the company move closer to its goal. Which of the following would you least likely recommend?

  • A:让业务分析人员参与需求管理 Involving business analysts in requirements management

  • B:在初始项目规划期间增加详细程度 Increasing the level of detail during initial project planning

  • C:实施工具以识别复杂的项目要素 Implementing tools to identify complex project elements

  • D:结合敏捷、增量和迭代实践 Incorporating agile, incremental, and iterative practices

128、 [单选] 一位项目经理领导着一个六人的敏捷团队。团队当前的速度和待办事项列表中剩余的故事点的数量表明项目趋向于满足进度基准。在项目执行的中途,项目发起人通知三名团队成员被重新分配到一个新的更高优先级的项目,并且不会被替换。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a six-member agile team. The team's current velocity and the number of story points remaining in the backlog indicate that the project is trending to meet the schedule baseline. Midway into project execution, the project sponsor informs that three team members are being reassigned to a new higher priority project and will not be replaced. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:向发起人提供一份正式的信函,说明项目已经终止,因为用剩余的资源实现项目目标并不现实 Provide the sponsor with a formal letter that the project is terminated since achieving the project objectives is unrealistic with the remaining resources

  • B:请求剩余的团队成员再跑三次冲刺,以确定新的速度,这样就可以估算新的项目完成日期 Request the remaining team members to run three more sprints to determine a new velocity so that a new project completion date can be estimated

  • C:要求加班并为剩余的团队成员分配奖金,以弥补差距并确保项目目标的实现 Mandate the use of overtime and allocate bonuses for the remaining team members to bridge the gap and ensure that the project objectives are met

  • D:根据剩余的资源提交变更请求来修改进度和/或范围基准,并评估如何继续进行的选项 Submit a change request to revise the schedule and/or scope baseline based on the remaining resources and evaluate the options on how to proceed

129、 [单选] 一个项目已获得批准,且资源管理计划已到位。项目经理联系职能经理,并要求他们所在地区的主题专家(SME)分配给项目团队。然而,由于年终收尾活动,首席财务官拒绝从其他部门分配主题专家。项目经理应该做什么?
A project has been approved and a resource management plan is in place. The project manager contacts the functional managers and asks the subject matter experts (SME) in their area to be assigned to the project team. However, due to year-end closing activities, the CFO refused to assign subject matter experts from other departments. What should the project manager do?

  • A:请求发起人使用他们的影响力来释放该资源 Ask the initiator to use their influence to release the resource

  • B:为该项目雇用一个新的永久性资源 Hire a new permanent resource for the project

  • C:推迟该项目直到该资源可用为止 Postpone the project until the resource is available

  • D:获得一个临时、技能熟练的外部资源 Obtain a temporary, skilled external resource

130、 [单选] 一项重大的公共交通建设项目旨在显著减少排放。由于不遵守环境法规和规章制度,该项目已被严重推迟。项目经理应该做些什么来防止这种情况发生? A major public-transportation construction project is aimed at significantly reducing emissions. The project has been severely delayed due to noncompliance with environmental codes and bylaws. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?

  • A:任命一名高级环境合规人员直接向项目经理汇报.Appointed a senior environmental compliance officer to report directly to the project manager。

  • B:根据该项目的环境重要性,向监管机构寻求部分豁免。Approached the regulator for a partial waiver in light of the environmental importance of the project.

  • C:根据过去项目的类似延迟,纳入足够的计划储备。Incorporated sufficient schedule reserves based on similar delays in past projects.

  • D:绘制环境合规要求,确定实现这些要求的风险,并制定缓解措施。Mapped environmental compliance requirements, identified risks to achieving them, and prepared mitigations.

131、 [单选] 一个成员来自许多不同国家的项目团队正在努力进行合作。项目经理在团队发展的震荡阶段接受了这些困难,但团队还没有进入下一个阶段。该项目开始落后于计划。项目经理可以做什么来使团队进入规范化阶段?A project team with members from many different countries is working hard to collaborate. The project manager accepts these difficulties during the storming phase of team development, but the team has not yet moved to the next stage. The project started to fall behind schedule. What can a project manager do to bring the team into the normalization phase?

  • A:向团队展示他们的沟通问题对进度的影响,鼓励他们把他们的分歧放在一边。Show the team the impact of their communication issues on progress, encouraging them to put their differences aside.

  • B:与项目发起人讨论改变团队的组成。Discuss changing the composition of the team with the project sponsor.

  • C:弄清楚谁是这些问题的幕后推手,并采用渐进式的纪律处分技术。Figure out who is behind these issues and employ incremental disciplinary techniques.

  • D:计划团建活动,以帮助促进更强大的人际关系和确定共同的目标。Plan team building activities to help foster stronger relationships and identify shared goals.

132、 [单选] 一个项目经理被分配到一个技术研究项目中。项目团队已经被分配,主要的主题专家(SME)向项目经理发送了一份执行本项目所需的技术技能清单。项目经理下一步应该做些什么? A project manager is assigned to a technical research project. The project team has already been assigned, and the main subject matter expert(SME) sends the project manager a list of the technical skills required for the execution of this project. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:与项目发起人讨论该列表,以确认该资源具备所需的技能。 Discuss the list with the project sponsor to confirm that the resources have the required skills.

  • B:请职能经理评审资源池,并推荐合适的人员加入该团队。 Ask the functional manager to review the resource pool and recommend the right individuals to join the team.

  • C:与项目团队会面,了解他们的技能,并确定潜在的差距和培训要求。 Meet with the project team to understand their skills and identify potential gaps and training requirements

  • D:将清单发送给项目团队,并要求他们接受所需技能的培训。 Send the list to the project team and ask them to get training on the required skills.

133、 [单选] 一位项目经理刚刚被一家没有项目管理治理结构的公司聘用。在启动会议期间,一位关键干系人强调了项目满足公司战略、投资和合规要求的重要性。项目经理应该怎么做? A project manager has just been hired by a company without a project management governance structure. During the kick-off meeting, a key stakeholder emphasizes the importance of the project meeting the company's strategy, investment, and compliance requirements. What should the project manager do?

  • A:根据需求建立项目治理模型 Put into place a project governance model in line with the requirements

  • B:将组织治理复制到项目治理中 Replicate the organizational governance to the project governance

  • C:创建组织项目管理治理 Create an organizational project management governance

  • D:要求组织创建项目组合治理 Ask the organization to create a project portfolio governance

134、 [单选] 敏捷开发团队更改项目中的设计元素。在接下来的两次迭代中,测试结果会显著提高。在第三次迭代回顾中,产品负责人了解了原始设计的变更很不满意,并要求团队在原始设计的基础上重做工作。项目经理如何防止此类情况的发生? An agile development team changes a design element in a project. Testing results improve dramatically over the next two iterations. At the third iteration retrospective, the product owner is unhappy to learn about the change to the original design and asks the team to redo the work based on the original design. How can the project manager prevent such situations?

  • A:在基本规则中列出所有决策路径条件,并尽早纠正任何偏差。 Set out all decision path conditions in the ground rules and correct any deviations as early as possible.

  • B:由于缺乏与团队的合作,向产品负责人申请额外的资金用于返工。 Request additional funding from the product owner for re-work due to lack of collaboration with the team.

  • C:确保与产品负责人定期接触,并在必要时召开跟踪会议。 Ensure regular engagement with the product owner and run catch-up meetings if necessary.

  • D:作为仆人式的领导者,通过消除所有障碍来帮助团队集中注意力。 As servant leader, help the team to focus by removing all impediments.

135、 [单选] 一家跨国公司计划将他们的业务扩展到一个新的国家,在那里他们目前还没有业务。一位项目经理被指派来启动这个项目。在审查了商业论证之后,在制定适当的实施策略时,应该首先考虑什么?A multinational company plans to expand their operations to a new country where they currently do not have operations. A project manager was assigned to start the project. After reviewing the business case, what should be the first consideration when developing an appropriate implementation strategy?

  • A:评估环境和法规因素,确定高层次的风险和假设。Assess environmental and regulatory factors to identify high-level risks and assumptions.

  • B:确保项目发起人在项目期间对项目的可交付成果和时间表达成一致。Ensure project sponsors agree on project deliverables and time lines during the project.

  • C:从新的国家获得项目资源,以减轻不确定性的风险。Obtain project resources from new countries to mitigate the risk of uncertainty.

  • D:识别并密切监测风险,因为公司没有针对这个国家的经验教训。Identify and closely monitor risks as the company has no lessons for this country.

136、 [单选] 项目经理是混合型项目管理的新手,对项目很担心,因为它有很高的需求不确定性。该团队有混合项目的经验,执行每日站会,并致力于该项目。项目经理担心失去对项目的控制,希望扮演更重要的角色。项目经理应该如何处理这个问题?A project manager is new to hybrid project management and is worried about the project because it has a high level of requirements uncertainty. The team has experience with hybrid projects, performs daily standups, and is committed to the project. The project manager is concerned about losing control of the project and would like to have a more central role. How should the project manager address this issue?

  • A:修改每日站会,包括项目状态报告。Modify the daily standup meetings to include project status reporting.

  • B:将问题升级到变更控制委员会(CCB)并征求意见。Escalate the issue to the change control board(CCB) and ask for advice.

  • C:承担支持和授权项目团队完成工作的角色。Adopt the role of supporting and empowering the project team to do the work.

  • D:将项目的方法改为预测型方法。Change the approach for the project to a predictive approach.

137、 [单选] 一个最近成立的敏捷团队在一天工作12个小时来完成冲刺承诺后筋疲力尽。在这种情况下,谁没有正确地履行自己的职责? A recently formed agile team is exhausted after working 12-hourdays to fulfil sprint commitments. Who has NOT properly performed their duties in this situation?

  • A:项目经理 Project manager

  • B:团队成员 Team members

  • C:产品负责人 Product owner

  • D:Scrum教练 Scrum master

138、 [单选] 项目经理正在领导一个处于高级阶段的项目。风险管理计划中所识别的所有高层级风险均已解决,对项目不再构成风险,只有低层级风险仍然存在,项目经理现在应该做什么?A project manager is leading a project that is in an advanced stage.All high-level risks identified in the risk management plan have been resolved or are no longer a risk for the project. Only low-level risks remain. What should the project manager do now?

  • A:降低项目风险的优先级,因为所剩余风险均为低层级风险。Reduce the priority of project risks as all remaining risks are low-level.

  • B:对己识别的风险重新评估,并更新风险登记册。Reevaluate identified risks and update the risk register.

  • C:通知干系人所有高层级风险均已解决。Notify stakeholders that all high-level risks have been resolved.

  • D:将低层级风险重新归类为高层级风险。Reclassify low-level risks as high-level risks.

139、 [单选] 一家公司正在从预测方法向敏捷方法过渡。在最后两次冲刺评审期间,产品负责人抱怨开发团队,指出增量不符合用户场景中定义的验收标准。开发团队抱怨定义了冲刺待办事项列表的产品负责人,因为待办事项列表中的事项不能在项目开始时约定的两周的冲刺中交付。作为服务型(仆人型)领导者,项目经理应该如何解决这种情况?A company is transitioning from a predictive to an agile approach. During the last two sprint reviews, the product owner complained about the development team, indicating that the increments do not meet the acceptance criteria defined in the user stories. The development team complained about the product owner, who is defining sprint backlog items, because the backlog items cannot be delivered during the 2-week sprints agreed to at the beginning of the project. How should the project manager resolve this situation in their new role as servant leader?

  • A:查组织过程资产(OPAs),找出类似的情况,并审查所采取的解决行动。Review the organizational process assets (OPAs) to find similar situations and review the resolution actions taken.

  • B:要求团队使用下一个冲刺来完成前几个冲刺剩下的所有技术债务。Request that the team use the next sprint to complete all technical debt remaining from the previous sprints.

  • C:将冲刺延长至3周,以完成产品负责人要求的工作。Extend the sprints to 3 weeks to allow the work requested by the product owner to be completed.

  • D:鼓励整个团队根据他们的角色被授权并对所做的决定负责。Encourage the whole team to be empowered and accountable for the decisions made according to their roles.

140、 [单选] 敏捷团队中某问题设计解决者,经常在不编写文档的情况下将方案告知团队成员,导致团队成员苦不堪言,建议怎么做?A problem solver in an agile team often communicates the solution to team members without writing documentation, causing team members to suffer. What do you recommend?

  • A:停止工作,直到提供文档。Stop working until documentation is provided.

  • B:审查导致该情况的流程。Review the processes that led to the situation.

  • C:要求提供文档。Request for documentation.

  • D:将此成员清除出团队。Clear this member from the team.

141、 [单选] 在你的项目中,镀金一直是反复出现的问题,因为团队一直在添加他们认为对客户有用的功能,尽管这些功能并没有包含在WBS中。变更请求是在事后提交的,并且一些功能最终被添加到项目范围。你担心与计划的偏差。你会怎样做才能更好地控制范围,防止进一步镀金?
Gold plating had been a recurring issue on your project as the team has been adding features they think are useful for the customer even though the features were not included in the WBS. Change requests have been submitted after the fact, and some of the features were eventually added to the project scope. You are concerned about deviations from the plan. What might you do to control scope better and prevent further gold plating?

  • A:采用敏捷方法,这样团队就可以开发任何他们认为有价值的功能 Adopt an agile approach so the team can develop any features they deem valuable

  • B:提交变更请求,以获取问题日志中的镀金问题 Submit a change request to capture the gold plating problem in the issue log

  • C:在项目回顾中讨论问题,并更新经验教训登记册 Discuss the issue at the project retrospective and update the lessons learned register

  • D:与团队成员进行日常站会的敏捷实践相协调 Incorporate the agile practice of holding daily standup meetings with the team

142、 [单选] 项目经理加入一个项目,但项目经理在该项目所涉及的行业经验有限,在该项目的整个生命周期中,项目经理精心记录每个差距、问题和不一致性。但是,无论项目经理如何记录和跟踪生产问题,但问题都没有得到解决,这使项目交付面临风险。若要解决这些问题,项目经理事先应该做什么?
A project manager joins a project in an industry with which they have limited experience. Throughout the project's life cycle, the project manager meticulously documents each gap, problem, and inconsistency. However, production issues remain, unresolved; regardless of the project manager's efforts to record and track them, which puts project delivery at risk. What should the project manager have done to resolve these issues?

  • A:调整范围基准和项目进度计划与客户需求保持一致 Aligned the scope baseline and project schedule to the customer's needs

  • B:使用主题专家(SMEs)提供适合的应对行动 Used subject matter experts (SMEs) to provide suitable response actions

  • C:审查干系人的需求与验收标准相匹配 Reviewed stakeholder requirements to match the acceptance criteria

  • D:检查需求跟踪矩阵,以确保它与可交付成果相联系 Examined the requirements tractability matrix to insure that it linked to the deliverables.

143、 [单选] 一家公司即将开始一项复杂的研究项目。由于不确定性的程度,项目经理建议使用混合型方法;然而,该组织只有预测项目的经验。项目经理如何制定对组织使用混合型方法的策略? A company is about to start a complex research project. Due to the level of uncertainty, the project manager recommends the use of a hybrid approach; however, the organization only has experience with predictive projects. How can the project manager strategize the use of a hybrid approach to the organization?

  • A:向主要干系人介绍混合型方法的好处,以获得他们的支持。 Present the benefits of a hybrid approach to key stakeholders to get their support.

  • B:创建一个项目变更请求,以使用混合型方法来执行项目。 Create a project change request to execute the project using a hybrid approach.

  • C:致函项目管理办公室(PMO),要求使用混合型方法。 Send a letter to the project management office (PMO) requesting to use a hybrid approach.

  • D:向项目团队提交通知,确认他们将在项目中使用混合型方法。 Submit a notification to the project team confirming they will be using a hybrid approach on the project.

144、 [单选] 一名团队成员因为没有完成昨天的任务,在站立会议上被其他人公开批评。敏捷教练首先应该做什么来应对这种情况?A team member is openly criticized by others during a standup meeting for failing to complete yesterday's tasks. What should the agile coach do first to address the situation?

  • A:强调基本规则,然后专注于当天的活动和障碍。Emphasize the ground rules and then focus on today's activities and impediments.

  • B:让讨论继续下去,因为团队清楚当天的优先事项是很重要的。Let the discussion go on as it is important that the team is clear on priorities for the day.

  • C:参照团队章程避免讨论。Avoid the discussion by referring to the team charter.

  • D:在下一次冲刺回顾会议中向团队成员发表演讲。Address the team members involved during the next sprint retrospective.

145、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,一名经验丰富的团队成员通知项目经理,由于运营计划冲突,他们不能参加所有预定的项目活动。项目经理该怎么做? During the execution of a project, an experienced team member informs the project manager that they cannot take part in all of the scheduled project activities due to a conflicting operational schedule. What should the project manager do?

  • A:用团队中其他可用的资源替换团队成员。 Replace the team member with another available resource on the team.

  • B:与团队成员的职能经理讨论情况,看看是否可以调整时间表。 Discuss the situation with the team member's functional manager to see if the schedule can be adjusted.

  • C:与项目管理办公室(PMO)核对完成活动所需的可用资源。 Check with the project management office (PMO) on the available resources to complete the activities.

  • D:鼓励团队成员优先安排计划的项目活动。 Encourage the team member to prioritize scheduled project activities.

146、 [单选] 一位敏捷项目经理已经开始在一家建设购物中心的公司工作。项目经理希望实施一些与项目相关的敏捷实践。为了获得不同干系人的支持,项目经理应该做些什么?An agile project manager has started working in a company that builds shopping centers. The project manager wants to implement some agile practices, which are relevant to the project. What should the project manager do in order to gain buy-in from the different stakeholders?

  • A:与相关的干系人组织一次会议,解释敏捷的好处和与项目相关的实践。Organize a meeting with relevant stakeholders explaining the benefits of agile and the practices relevant for the project.

  • B:将项目管理计划(包括建议的敏捷实践)发送给干系人。Send the project management plan, which includes the suggested agile practices, to the stakeholders.

  • C:请项目管理办公室(PMO)获得干系人的支持,因为敏捷是一种不同于他们以前工作方式的方法。Ask the project management office (PMO) to get buy-in from the stakeholders, because agile is an approach that differs from their previous ways of working.

  • D:与顾问召开会议,向干系人提供敏捷实践方面的培训。Organize a meeting with a consultant to provide training to the stakeholders on agile practice.

147、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在为一家政府公司做一个财务系统实施项目。其中一个使用预测方法的关键干系人不喜欢聊天、任务跟踪器等虚拟工具。他们更喜欢电子邮件、电话和面对面的会议。项目经理应该如何处理这种情况呢? A project manager is working on a financial system implementation project for a government company. One of the key stakeholders, who uses predictive approaches, does not like virtual tools such as chats, task trackers, and so forth. They prefer email, telephone calls, and face-to- face meetings. How should the project manager approach this situation?

  • A:利用定期的屏幕分享会议向干系人展示进展情况。 Use regular screen-sharing sessions to show the progress to the stakeholder.

  • B:与干系人就沟通方法保持一致并达成一致。 Align and agree with the stakeholder on the communication approach.

  • C:要求经理使用虚拟通信工具和在线仪表盘。 Ask the manager to use virtual communication tools and online dashboards.

  • D:创建一个数字仪表盘,以满足经理的信息需求。 Create a digital dashboard to meet the manager's information needs.

148、 [单选] 一名项目经理在A国的一个组织工作,负责在B国开设第一家实体店。发起人已经确定了该商店的城市,并希望尽量减少与当地政府存在的任何潜在问题。项目经理应采取哪些行动来解决发起人的要求? A project manager is working for an organization in country A and has been tasked with opening the first brick-and-mortar store in country B. The sponsor has identified the city for the store and wants to minimize any potential issues with the local government. Which action should the project manager take to address the sponsor's request?

  • A:与组织的法律部门合作,确定当地的法规,以确保项目的符合性 Work with the organization's legal department to identify local regulations to ensure project compliance

  • B:与该组织的项目管理办公室(PMO)合作,建立一个由位于该城市的居民组成的项目团队 Work with the organization's project management office (PMO) to build a project team of residents located in the city

  • C:与该组织的房地产部门合作,并联系当地政府,以确定商店的最佳位置 Work with the organization's real estate department and reach out to the local government to identify the best location for the store

  • D:与当地政府合作,建立将在商店工作的员工队伍 Work with the local government to build the profiles of employees that will be working in the store

149、 [单选] 由于某些活动发生延迟,其中一位项目团队成员在未获得任何批准的情况下扩大了范围。项目经理接下来该做什么?Due to delays on some activities,one of the project team members has increased the scope without any approval. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:评估对项目所做变更的影响。Evaluate the impacts of the changes that were made to the project.

  • B:用新范围更新项目文档。Update project documentation with the new scope.

  • C:删除这些变更,以符合最初需求。Remove the changes to match the original requirements.

  • D:增加项目团队成员,以避免屡次发生进度计划延迟的情况。Add team members to the project to avoid more schedule delays.

150、 [单选] 早在执行阶段,项目经理就发现,事业环境因素(EEF)最近发生的变化将使实施成本大幅减少,而且还将缩减项目进度计划,项目经理该如何应对这种情况?Early in the execution phase, a project manager discovers that recent changes in enterprise environmental factors (EEFs) will severely reduce the implementation cost and shorten the project schedule. How should the project manager address this situation?

  • A:与项目团队开会决定如何使用剩余预算。Meet with the project team to decide how the remaining budget will be spent.

  • B:在项目收尾之前将额外预算留做管理储备。Keep the extra budget as management reserve until project closeout.

  • C:给予团队额外时间,使其能够在原定期限内完成任务。Give the team extra time to finish tasks within the original timeline.

  • D:遵照项目上报政策和沟通管理计划。Follow the project escalation policy and communications management plan.

151、 [单选] 一个项目计划在两周内结束。该团队预计将继续长时间工作,并显示出疲劳的迹象。项目经理应该做些什么来鼓励团队?A project is scheduled to end in 2 weeks. The team is expected to continue working long hours and is showing signs of weariness and fatigue. What should the project manager do to encourage the team?

  • A:安排培训课程以提高团队绩效Schedule training courses to enhance team performance

  • B:增加新的团队成员来帮助完成项目Add new team members to help the project finalization

  • C:根据考核结果启动奖励和激励措施Initiate rewards and incentives according to assessment results

  • D:安排工作午餐会议直到项目完成Schedule working lunch meetings until the project is complete

152、 [单选] 一个组织正在为一个复杂的项目使用混合交付方法。在迭代评审中,高级经理要求对所呈现的功能进行完全的重新设计。经理是新来的,没有敏捷交付的经验。项目负责人首先应该做什么?An organization is using a hybrid delivery approach for a complex project. In the iteration review, a senior manager asks for a complete redesign of the functionality presented. The manager is new to the organization and has no experience with agile delivery. What should the project lead do first?

  • A:要求开发团队解释功能是如何实现的。Ask the development team to explain how the functionality was implemented.

  • B:询问经理对功能的更多期望。Ask the manager for more details about their expectations for the functionality.

  • C:通知经理,约定的范围不能更改。Inform the manager that the agreed upon scope cannot be changed.

  • D:通知经理他们的请求将升级到项目发起人。Inform the manager that their request will be escalated to the project sponsor.

153、 [单选] 某项目应用敏捷开发方法,客户提出要新添加一个功能,哪一个人负责分析该请求?In a project using agile development methods, the customer asks to add a new feature. Who is responsible for analyzing the request?

  • A:项目经理Project manager

  • B:Scrum主管Scrum master

  • C:产品负责人Product owner

  • D:项目发起人Project sponsor

154、 [单选] 项目经理有一个关键的5天窗口期,最多可分配10万美元作为应急准备金。随后,项目经理根据现有的最佳信息起草了一个行动方针。总共需要完成五项行动,费用为20000美元,每项行动为期1天。经过3天的工作,项目经理完成了两项行动,花费了8万美元。项目经理下一步应该做些什么? A project manager has been given a critical, 5-day window and is allocated a maximum of US$100,000 as a contingency reserve. Subsequently, the project manager drafted a course of action based upon the best available information. Overall, five actions were required to be completed at a cost of US$20,000 and a duration of 1 day each. After 3 days of work, the project manager completed two actions and spent US$80,000. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:完成所有行动,然后通知客户完成项目所需的额外成本和进度超出情况 Complete all actions and then inform the client of the additional cost and schedule overrun needed to complete the project

  • B:停止工作,并向变更控制委员会(CCB)提出项目变更请求,以增加资金和延长项目进度 Stop the work and raise a project change request to the change control board (CCB) for additional funds and a project schedule extension

  • C:当CPI和SPI大于1.0时,请重新评估并确定其余操作的优先级 As the CPI and SPI are greater than 1.0, reevaluate and prioritize the remaining actions

  • D:由于成本绩效指数(CPI)和计划绩效指数(SPI)小于1.0,因此需要重新评估并确定剩余部分的优先级 As the cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) are less than 1.0, reevaluate and prioritize the remaining

155、 [单选] 当一个项目团队已经在一个项目上工作了几个月后,这个项目被取消了。项目发起人向项目经理施加压力,要求他尽快完成收尾工作,这样项目团队就可以转移到其他工作上。项目发起人已经指示团队不要浪费时间为被取消的项目归档项目工件。项目经理应该如何处理这种情况?After a project team has been working on a project for several months, the project is cancelled. The project sponsor is putting pressure on the project manager to perform closeout duties as fast as possible so that the project team can move on to other work. The project sponsor has instructed the team not to waste time archiving the project artifacts for the cancelled project. How should the project manager handle this situation?

  • A:遵守项目发起人不存档项目工件的要求。Comply with the project sponsor's request to not archive the project artifacts.

  • B:将项目发起人的指示记录为归档的项目工件。Document the project sponsor's instructions as the archived project artifacts.

  • C:将项目工件存档到项目经理的本地计算机上,以备将来参考。Archive the project artifacts on the project manager's local computer for future reference.

  • D:向项目管理办公室咨询,以获得有关项目工件的指导。Consult with the project management office (PMO) for guidance on project artifacts.

156、 [单选] 由于市场条件的变化,原始项目需求的商业价值发生了变化。项目经理在执行阶段应考虑什么?Due to a change in market conditions, the business value for the original project requirements has changed. What should the project manager consider for execution?

  • A:评估并处理小需求,以交付商业价值。Evaluate and work on small requirements to deliver business value.

  • B:与干系人协商,以使用现有的商业价值进行交付。Negotiate with the stakeholder to deliver with existing business value.

  • C:按计划继续,因为变更对项目没有影响。Continue as planned since changes will have no impact on the project.

  • D:考虑商业价值修改后的需求。Take into consideration the requirements with the modified business value.

157、 [单选] 一家电信公司正在进行全国网络部署,涉及不断变化的技术要求。为了解决这种情况,该公司最近采用了混合项目生命周期。在回顾期间,一些团队成员抱怨说,我的大部分故事都准备好测试了,但没有进展,因为他们正在等待项目经理的批准。项目经理应该怎么做?A telecommunications company is doing a national network roll out involving continuously changing technical requirements. To address the situation the company has recently adopted a hybrid project life cycle. During a retrospective some team members complain that me majority of me stories are ready to test but have not advanced because they are waiting for the project manager's approval. What should the project manager do?

  • A:更新问题日志,审查经验教训登记册,以便作出选择。Update the issue log and review the lessons learned register for options.

  • B:执行冲突解决方案,以适应团队的需求。Implement conflict resolution to accommodate the team's needs.

  • C:实施决策技术来推进故事。Implement decision-making techniques to advance the stories.

  • D:赋予团队自我组织和自己做决定的能力。Empower the team to self-organize and make their own decisions.

158、 [单选] 已经批准了项目范围说明书,项目经理和核心团队已经分配到这个项目。突然,项目经理因突发医疗事故暂时请假。在项目经理休假期间,团队制定项目进度计划。当项目经理回来的时候,一份详细的进度计划就基本完成了。项目经理应该做什么? A project scope statement has been approved, and the project manager and core team have been assigned to the project. Suddenly, the project manager takes a temporary leave of absence due to a medical emergency. While the project manager is on leave, the team develops the project schedule. When the project manager returns, a detailed schedule is almost complete. What should the project manager do?

  • A:确保进度计划与愿景和目标一致。 Ensure that the schedule is aligned with the vision and objectives.

  • B:将合规问题升级到项目管理办公室(PMO)。 Escalate the compliance issue to the project management office (PMO).

  • C:祝贺团队并进入执行阶段。 Congratulate the team and move on to the execution phase.

  • D:与团队和项目发起人制定新的详细进度计划。 Develop a new detailed schedule with the team and project sponsor.

159、 [单选] 一个设施扩建项目正处于执行阶段。有一个项目活动是将所有新设备的电力连接到一个现有的设施,即A点,这需要相当数量的电缆长度。施工队发现,电力可以连接到B点,这样可以省钱。项目经理下一步应该做些什么? A facility extension project is in the execution stage. There is a project activity to connect the power of all new equipment to an existing facility, Point A, which requires a significant cable length. The construction team found that the power could be connected to Point B and save money. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:使用B点选项进行成本收益分析以进行评估。 Perform a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate using the Point B option.

  • B:将此问题添加到变更日志中,并通过变更控制委员会(CCB)请求额外的预算。 Add the issue to the change log and request additional budget through the change control board (CCB).

  • C:在解释了项目预算和进度约束后,向施工队寻求决定。 Seek a decision from the construction team after explaining the project budget and schedule constraint.

  • D:使用B点选项,因为它将节省项目成本和时间。 Use the Point B option because it will save the project cost and time.

160、 [单选] 项目经理正在领导一个公司内部项目,该项目正处于早期阶段。该项目与一年前结束的另一个项目很相似,项目经理该做什么来分析涉及的干系人?A project manager is leading an in-house company project in its very early stages, this current project is similar to another project that ended a year ago. What should the project manager do to analyze the involved stakeholders?

  • A:参照前一个项目的干系人登记册,因为它与当前的项目很相似。Refer to the stakeholder register from the previous project as it was similar to the current project.

  • B:降低干系人参与的优先级,因为干系人已经了解这种项目。Lower the priority of stakeholder engagement as the stakeholders already have knowledge of this kind of project.

  • C:将前一个项目的经验教训作为当前项目干系人登记册的指南。Use lessons learned from the previous project as a guide for the current project's stakeholder register.

  • D:在风险登记册中载明,当前项目的干系人可能与前一个项目不同。Document in the risk register that the current project may have different stakeholders than the previous project.

161、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,一位关键干系人向项目经理投诉最近的沟通。该关键干系人解释说,项目团队的相关信息不完整且不及时。因此,关键干系人开始脱离项目。项目经理应该怎么做? During the execution of a project, a key stakeholder complains to the project manager about recent communications. The key stakeholder explains that the relevant information from the project team was incomplete and late. As a result, the key stakeholder is beginning to disengage from the project. What should the project manager do?

  • A:向主要干系人解释项目团队沟通信息的方式。 Explain to the key stakeholder the way in which the project team communicates information.

  • B:要求项目发起人与关键干系人举行会议,以确保干系人参与项目。 Ask the project sponsor to hold a meeting with the key stakeholder to ensure that the stakeholder is engaged in the project.

  • C:同时向所有主要干系人发送相关信息,以确保沟通一致。 Send relevant information to all key stakeholders simultaneously to ensure consistent communication.

  • D:更新沟通管理计划,以满足主要干系人对相关信息的期望。 Update the communications management plan to fulfill the key stakeholder's expectations about relevant information.

162、 [单选] 在全球项目的项目管理计划批准两周后,项目经理注意到该计划是基于国际干系人的不同程度的理解而批准的,而不是项目经理提交批准的内容。项目经理应该做些什么来防止这种情况的发生? Two weeks after the approval of the project management plan for a global project, the project manager noticed that it was approved based on a different level of understanding by international stakeholders and is not what the project manager presented for approval. What should the project manager have done to prevent this from happening?

  • A:在会议开始后,将会议记录发给干系人 Sent the meeting minutes to the stakeholders after the kick-off meeting

  • B:在启动会议结束后立即评审所有的批准文件 Reviewed all the approvals immediately after the kick-off meeting was over

  • C:为每个文化群落和时区分别举办启动会议 Ran separate kick-off meetings for each culture and time zone

  • D:在启动会议期间验证每个干系人的理解 Validated each stakeholder's understanding during the kick-off meeting

163、 [单选] 在第三次规划会议结束后,客户和一个职能经理要求开更多的会议来为产品添加更多的功能。项目经理应该怎么做才能更快地开始构建产品?At the end of a third planning meeting, the client and a functional manager requested additional meetings to add more features to the product. What should the project manager do to start building the product faster?

  • A:允许发起人决定规划阶段应持续多久。Allow the sponsor to determine how long the planning phase should last.

  • B:允许客户决定规划阶段应持续多久。Allow the client ta determine how long the planning phase should last.

  • C:让职能经理与团队一起完成规划并开始构建产品。Ask the functional manager to work with the team to finalize planning and begin building the product.

  • D:解释说,更多的特性可以在即将到来的迭代中规划,然后开始构建产品。Explain that more features can be planned in upcoming Iterations and begin building the product.

164、 [单选] 一个项目发起人想要包括一个新的可交付物。发起人联系项目经理,以寻求在未来2个月内完成可交付物的最有效方法的建议。项目经理应该怎么做? A project sponsor would like to include a new deliverable. The sponsor contacts the project manager in order to seek advice on the most efficient approach to complete the deliverable within the next 2 months. What should the project manager do?

  • A:更改项目方法论,以在2个月内完成可交付物。 Change the project methodology in order to achieve completion of the deliverable within 2 months.

  • B:告知发起人评估项目不是项目经理的工作。 Advise the sponsor that it is not the project manager's job to evaluate the project.

  • C:建议发起人进行成本效益分析,以确定可行性。 Suggest that the sponsor conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine feasibility. .

  • D:使用管理储备,以加快2个月内完成可交付物。 Use the management reserve in order to expedite completion of the deliverable within 2months.

165、 [单选] 一位项目经理刚刚被指派到一个有两个主要可交付物的项目。两个可交付物具有相同的优先级,并将同时交付。团队中的许多人都在抱怨缺乏关于哪一个可交付物需要首先完成的信息。项目经理应该怎么做? A project manager has just been appointed to a project that has two major deliverables. Both deliverables have the same level of priority and are to be delivered at the same time. The members of the team are complaining about the lack of information regarding which deliverable needs to be finished first. What should the project manager do?

  • A:由于难以同时执行两个可交付物,要求关键干系人取消项目。 Ask key stakeholders to cancel the project due to the difficulty of executing both deliverables at the same time.

  • B:要求团队首先开始处理最容易的可交付物,这样他们就可以获得执行第二个可交付物的经验。 Ask the team to start working on the easiest deliverable first so they gain experience to execute the second deliverable.

  • C:与项目发起人和主要干系人会面,评估每个可交付物对组织的价值,并设定执行优先级。 Meet with the project sponsor and key stakeholders to assess each deliverable's value to the organization and set execution priorities.

  • D:要求项目团队同时执行两个可交付物,因为这是项目章程要求和批准的。 Require that the project team execute both deliverables at the same time, since this was requested and approved in the project charter.

166、 [单选] 一家大公司正在将其项目转变为敏捷方法。过渡之后,执行管理层要求提供以前在旧报告和仪表盘中可用的信息。在转向敏捷实践之后,许多旧的报告和仪表盘不再相关。在这种情况下,项目经理应该怎么做?A large company is transitioning its projects to an agile approach. After the transition executive management requests the information that was previously available in old reports and dashboards. Many of the old reports and dashboards are no longer relevant after the shift to agile practices. What should the project manager do in this situation?

  • A:向管理团队解释报告和管理仪表盘不是有效的敏捷实践Explain to the management team that reporting and management dashboards are not effective agile practices.

  • B:要求管理团队审查认可的敏捷概念,以证明旧的信息是不相关的Ask the management team to review the endorsed agile concepts to prove that the old informations not relevant.

  • C:帮助管理团队理解对敏捷方法的变更如何影响某些报告和关键绩效指标(KPIs)的相关性Help the management team understand how the change to an agile approach impacts the relevance of certain reports and key performance indicators(KPIs).

  • D:提醒管理团队,敏捷方法赋予团队自我指导的权利,因此不需要报告Remind the management team that an agile approach empowers teams to be self-directed and therefore there is no need for reporting.

167、 [单选] 一个经验丰富的项目经理领导着一个充满热情的团队,但意识到团队缺乏成功完成工作的经验。项目经理应该做些什么来降低项目失败的风险? An experienced project manager is leading an enthusiastic team but realizes the team lacks the experience to complete the job successfully. What should the project manager do to reduce the risk of project failure?

  • A:要求发起人为团队增加有经验的专业人员。 Ask the sponsor to add experienced professionals to the team.

  • B:分配一个专门的资源来检查每个可交付物的质量。 Assign a dedicated resource to check the quality of each deliverable.

  • C:批准团队成员的适当培训计划。 Approve the appropriate training program for team members.

  • D:为团队成员提供必要的辅导和指导。 Provide team members with the necessary coaching and mentoring.

168、 [单选] 一个项目正在开始其六个迭代中的第二次迭代。在日常的会议中,一个团队成员寻求帮助。为了完成可交付成果,将需要得到设计部门的批准。项目经理应该怎么做? A project is starting its second iteration out of six. During the daily meeting, a team member asks for help. In order to finish a deliverable, an approval from the design department will be needed. What should the project manager do?

  • A:与设计经理会面,要求获得必要的批准。 Meet with the design manager to ask for the necessary approval.

  • B:邀请一名设计团队成员参加下次每日会议。 Invite a design team member to the next daily meeting.

  • C:更新问题日志,并将其上报到项目发起人。 Update the issue log and escalate it to the project sponsor.

  • D:将此迭代可交付内容替换为没有任何阻碍的迭代 Replace this iteration deliverable for one without any blockers.

169、 [单选] 项目经理正在处理一个有多个工作流的项目。其中一个工作流多次错过了截止日期。项目经理应该和谁讨论这个情况,以确保这种情况不再发生?A project manager is working on a project with multiple work streams. One of the work streams missed its deadline multiple times. Who should the project manager speak to about this situation to ensure it does not happen again?

  • A:工作流负责人和项目发起人Work stream leader and project sponsor

  • B:仅工作流负责人Work stream leader alone

  • C:工作流负责人和职能经理Work stream leader and functional manager

  • D:工作流负责人和项目管理办公室(PMO)Work stream leader and project management office (PMO)

170、 [单选] 一个项目正处于八次迭代中的第二次。在一些日常会议之后,项目经理注意到总是有一个团队成员主持会议。团队对这种情况感到不舒服,因此活动受阻。项目经理应该做什么?A project is on its second iteration out of eight. After some daily meetings, the project manager notices that one team member is always directing the meeting. The team is not comfortable with the situation and, as a result, the activities are blocked. What should the project manager do?

  • A:召开会议,帮助团队改善他们的互动。Conduct a session to help the team improve their interactions.

  • B:更新风险登记册并制定应急计划。Update the risk register and define a contingency plan.

  • C:调节每日站会,让团队感觉更舒适。Moderate the daily meetings to help the team to feel more comfortable.

  • D:与团队成员见面,展示他们行为的影响。Meet with the team member to show the impact of their behavior.

多选题 (每题1分,共10道题)

1、 [多选] 一位项目经理正在为一家初创公司领导一个敏捷项目。虽然这是该组织的第一个此类项目,但可能会有更多类似的项目紧随其后。因此,项目经理希望确保在这个项目中获得的知识能够用于未来的项目。下列哪一种做法将最好地支持知识转移,以造福未来的项目?(选择三个)
A project manager is leading an agile project for a startup company. Although this is the first such project for the organization, there will likely be many more similar projects to follow. Therefore, the project manager wants to ensure that the knowledge gained during this project is used for the benefit of future projects. Which of the following practices will best support the transfer of knowledge to benefit future projects? (Choose three)

  •  A: 记录在整个项目中学习到的经验教训中获得的知识。 Document knowledge gained in the lessons learned register throughout the project

  •  B: 确保经验教训登记册最后定稿并转移到经验教训存储库。 Ensure that the lessons learned register is finalized and transferred to the lessons learned repository

  •  C: 与项目团队和相关干系人定期召开回顾会议。 Conduct regular retrospective meetings with the project team and relevant stakeholders

  •  D: 定期审查作为项目管理计划组成部分的知识管理计划。 Regularly review the knowledge management plan as an element of the project management plan

  •  E: 确保在配置管理计划中将所学到的经验记录作为配置元素列出。 Ensure that the lessons learned register is listed as a configuration element in the configuration management plan

2、 [多选] 某预测型组织最近决定转向敏捷交付方法。正在进行的项目仍将由项目经理领导,由于项目A预算意外超支,高层管理人员对敏捷项目团队是否已做好对项目预算进行自我管理的准备缺乏信心。项目A的项目经理应采取哪两种措施?(选择两项)A predictive organization has recently decided to switch to an agile delivery approach.The ongoing projects will still be led by project managers.Because of unexpected budget overruns on project A.senior management is not confident that the agile project teams are ready to self-manage the project budget. Which two actions should the project manager of project A undertake?(Choose two)

  •  A: 邀请高层管理人员参加站会,向其提供开支方面的状态报告。Invite senior management to the stand-up meetings to give a status report on the expenditures.

  •  B: 与高层管理人员就开支问题确定上报层级。Develop escalation levels with senior management regarding expenditures.

  •  C: 让敏捷教练向高层管理人员提供项目开支周报。Have the agile coach produce a weekly report on the project expenditures for senior management.

  •  D: 邀请高层管理人员参加每个冲刺的回顾会议,以便对开支作出评估。Invite senior management to the retrospective for each spin evaluate the expenditures.

  •  E: 在敏捷教练的帮助下创建信息发射源,使开支可视化。Establish information radiators with the help of the agile coach to visualize the expenditures.

3、 [多选] 为了生产可交付的产品,你的项目必须与几个供应商签订合同。可交付成果将使用一个敏捷框架进行开发,该框架采用约束驱动的交付方式,这将影响与供应商的合同关系。以下哪一种策略最适合这个项目?(选择三个)
To produce deliverables, your project has to contract with several vendors. The deliverables will be developed using an agile framework with constraint-driven delivery, which will influence the contractual relationship with the vendors. Which of the following strategies would be the most appropriate for this project? (Choose three)

  •  A: 根据详细的工作分解结构制定采购工作说明书。 Develop the procurement statement of work based on the detailed WBS

  •  B: 追求与供应商共享风险和回报的关系。 Pursue a shared-risk-reward relationship with the vendors

  •  C: 与供应商签订合同时,采用固定价格增量。 Adopt fixed-price increments when contracting with the vendors

  •  D: 对每个供应商使用一个标准的固定价格合同。 Utilize a standard firm-fixed-price contract for each of the vendors

  •  E: 在供应商合同中包含提前取消的选项。 Include an early cancellation option in the vendor contracts

4、 [多选] 以下哪三种情况是Scrum主管应该注意的障碍?(选择三项)Which of the following three situations are obstacles that the Scrum Master should be aware of?(Choose three)

  •  A: 阻碍敏捷能力的技术 Technologies that hinder agile capabilities

  •  B: 缺乏团队授权,不能自我组织 Lack of team empowerment and inability to self-organize

  •  C: 在日常工作会议上对积压的工作进行审查 Review the backlog in daily work meetings

  •  D: 一个团队成员在谈论Scrum板上的用户故事 A team member talking about a user story on a Scrum board

  •  E: 一个团队成员谈论一个不在Scrum板上的用户故事 A team member talking about a user story that is not on the Scrum board

5、 [多选] 项目经理被指派负责的一个项目正处于开发阶段,审查项目进展情况时,项目经理发现几项任务落后于进度计划,经过调查,项目经理发现几名团队成员被抽调开展其他任务,这使他们无法全身心地投入项目经理的项目,项目经理可以采取哪两种措施来让团队重回正轨?(选择两项)A project manager is assigned to a project that is in development as the project manager reviews the project's progress, they find a few tasks that are behind schedule. After investigating the project manager discovers that a few team members were pulled to work on other assignments which impacted their ability to focus on the project manager's project. Which two actions can the project manager take to bring the team back on track?(Choose two)

  •  A: 与团队一起确定可加速交付项目的方案。Work with the team to identify options to accelerate project delivery.

  •  B: 允许团队成员按自己的节奏把进度赶上来。Allow the team members to catch up at their own pace.

  •  C: 与各个职能部门经理讨论项目延误的风险和工作的优先级。Discuss the risk of project delay and work priorities with the respective functional managers.

  •  D: 举行每日站会,以审查项目进展情况,并跟踪可交付成果的完成情况。Establish daily standups to review project progress and track the completion of deliverables.

  •  E: 就进度延误问题,立即提醒业务干系人。Alert the business stakeholders immediately of the schedule delay.

6、 [多选] 发起人要求项目达到既定的质量标准。因此,发起人要求项目经理采取稳定的措施,以确保质量得到满足。项目经理应该做哪三件事?(选择三个)A sponsor requires that the established quality standards for the project be met. As a result, the sponsor asks the project manager for stable measures to ensure that the quality is met. Which three things should the project manager do?(Choose three)

  •  A: 分析经验教训,以确定质量标准中适当的测试指标。Analyze the lessons learned to determine appropriate testing metrics in quality standards.

  •  B: 在迭代规划中确定符合质量标准的验收标准。Identify in the iteration planning the acceptance criteria that meet quality standards.

  •  C: 根据质量标准,将绩效指标纳入经验证的可交付成果中。Incorporate performance metrics on the verified deliverables according to quality standards.

  •  D: 在回顾过程中确定符合质量标准的验收标准。Identify the acceptance criteria during the retrospective that meet the quality standards.

  •  E: 进行风险分析,以确定不符合质量标准的影响。Perform a risk analysis to determine the impact of not complying with quality standards.

7、 [多选] 项目经理被分配到一个战略沟通项目,这个项目涉及主题专家(SMEs)、实习生和新员工。项目经理发现,由于实习生的知识差距,项目并没有得到多大的发展。培训预算已经耗尽,项目需要立即交付。项目经理应该采取哪两项行动?(选择两个)A project manager is assigned to a strategic communication project that involves subject matter experts (SMEs), interns, and new recruits. The project manager discovers that the project is not gaining much traction due to knowledge gaps from the interns. The budget for training is exhausted and the project needs to be delivered without delay. Which two actions should the project manager take?(Choose two)

  •  A: 查明实习生和新征聘人员知识差距的来源和具体情况。Identify the sources and specifics of the knowledge gap from the interns and new recruits.

  •  B: 雇用更多的主题专家,并通知人力资源经理解雇表现不佳的实习生和新员。Hire more SMEs and inform the human resource manager to lay off the nonperforming interns and new recruits.

  •  C: 提出项目变更请求,要求增加预算,以便培训实习生和新聘人员。Initiate a project change request for additionaI budget to train the interns and new recruits.

  •  D: 忽略项目的问题,尝试在不要求培训资金的情况下成功交付项目。Ignore the issues with the project and try to deliver the project successfully without asking or training funds.

  •  E: 把实习生和新员工分成小组,分配一名主题专家作为导师。Put the interns and new recruits into groups and assign a SME as a mentor.

8、 [多选] 敏捷项目的项目经理担心团队在最近的迭代中失去了动力。项目经理应该使用哪两种工具来分析团队绩效?(选择两个)
A project manager for an agile project is concerned that the team has been losing momentum over the last iterations.  Which two tools should the project manager use to analyze team performance? (Choose two)

  •  A: 项目进度计划 Project schedule

  •  B: 产品待办事项燃起图 Product backlog burn up chart

  •  C: 工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure (WBS)

  •  D: 已完成功能的累积流图 Cumulative flow diagram of completed features

  •  E: 燃尽图 Burn down chart

9、 [多选] 在不同国家有特定用户的项目完成后,项目经理的主管询问项目用户是否对项目的运行方式满意。项目经理应该采取哪两种行动?(选择两个)After completion of a project with specific users in various countries, the project manager's supervisor asks if the project users are satisfied with the way the project was run. What two actions should the project manager take? (Choose two)

  •  A: 准备从项目阶段得到的经验教训。Prepare the lessons learned from the project phase.

  •  B: 获得各国对新流程的正式批准。Obtain official approval on the new process from the various countries.

  •  C: 向项目参与者发送一份问卷,并寻求他们的反馈。 Send a questionnaire to the project participants and seek their feedback.

  •  D: 参照沟通管理计划。Refer to the communications management plan.

  •  E: 将项目资料交给用户,看用户是否有意见。Deliver the project materials to the users and see if they have any comments.

10、 [多选] 一个为零售公司采购系统开发软件的项目处于启动阶段。项目发起人表达了对预测的项目实施日期与公司财务预算计划期间重合的担忧。项目经理接下来应采取哪两项措施来解决这一担忧?(选择两项)A project for developing software for a retail company's procurement system is in the initiation phase. The project sponsor has expressed concern that the forecasted project implementation date coincides with the company's financial budget planning period. Which two actions should the project manager take next to address this concern?(Choose two)

  •  A: 告知发起人,由于项目处于启动阶段,无法确定是否能够满足结束日期。Advise the sponsor that it is not feasible to determine if the end date will be met as the project is in the initiation phase.

  •  B: 与所有干系人一起举办风险研讨会,以识别和评估项目的所有风险。Facilitate a risk workshop with all stakeholders in attendance to identify and assess all risks to the project.

  •  C: 将这一担忧作为风险记录在项目风险登记册中,并评估风险的影响和严重性。Log the concern as a risk in the project risk register and assess the impact and severity of the risk.

  •  D: 改变项目实施日期,以缓解担忧,使其不再适用。Change the project implementation date so that the concern is alleviated and no longer applicable.

  •  E: 向项目发起人通报实施日期风险较低,不会影响项目。Communicate to the project sponsor that the implementation date is low risk and will not impact the project.



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