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使用说明请参考: >使用教程
默认账号密码(admin/admin) 首次登录后点击个人资料修改密码



  • 1、输入“docker ps”查看docker列表,
    [root@iZt4ndhc2q7n69y4zyjl4xZ dk_alist]# docker ps

  • 2、找到和 alist 相关的容器ID,使用 docker exec 命令来修改账号密码,进入容器的命令行界面:(xxxxxxx 就是与alist相关的CONTAINER ID)[root@iZt4ndhc2q7n69y4zyjl4xZ dk_alist]# docker exec -it 0493c336 /bin/sh

  • 3、输入“./alist”测试/opt/alist # ./alist

  • 4、修改密码,123是新密码/opt/alist # ./alist admin set 123

  • 5、创建一个alist挂载的本地目录:/opt/alist # cd data /opt/alist # mkdir 1234

  • 6、alist挂载路径:/opt/alist/data/1234


[root@iZt4ndhc2q7n69y4zyjl4xZ dk_alist]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                COMMAND            CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                   NAMES
0493cfbc6   xhofe/alist:latest   "/entrypoint.sh"   24 minutes ago   Up 24 minutes   5245/tcp,>5244/tcp        alist_container
936b926d3   xhofe/alist          "/entrypoint.sh"   28 minutes ago   Up 28 minutes>1234/tcp, 5244-5245/tcp   my-alist
[root@iZt4ndhc2q7n69y4zyjl4xZ dk_alist]# docker exec -it 0493cfbc6 /bin/sh
/opt/alist # alist
/bin/sh: alist: not found
/opt/alist # ./alist
A file list program that supports multiple storage,
built with love by Xhofe and friends in Go/Solid.js.
Complete documentation is available at https://alist.nn.ci/Usage:alist [command]Available Commands:admin       Show admin user's info and some operations about admin user's passwordcancel2fa   Delete 2FA of admin usercompletion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shellhelp        Help about any commandlang        Generate language json filerestart     Restart alist server by daemon/pid fileserver      Start the server at the specified addressstart       Silent start alist server with `--force-bin-dir`stop        Stop alist server by daemon/pid filestorage     Manage storageversion     Show current version of AListFlags:--data string     data folder (default "data")--debug           start with debug mode--dev             start with dev mode--force-bin-dir   Force to use the directory where the binary file is located as data directory-h, --help            help for alist--log-std         Force to log to std--no-prefix       disable env prefixUse "alist [command] --help" for more information about a command.
/opt/alist # ./alist admin
INFO[2024-09-23 15:46:59] reading config file: data/config.json        
INFO[2024-09-23 15:46:59] load config from env with prefix: ALIST_     
INFO[2024-09-23 15:46:59] init logrus...                               
INFO[2024-09-23 15:46:59] Admin user's username: admin                 
INFO[2024-09-23 15:46:59] The password can only be output at the first startup, and then stored as a hash value, which cannot be reversed 
INFO[2024-09-23 15:46:59] You can reset the password with a random string by running [alist admin random] 
INFO[2024-09-23 15:46:59] You can also set a new password by running [alist admin set NEW_PASSWORD] 
/opt/alist # ./alist admin set 123
INFO[2024-09-23 15:47:26] reading config file: data/config.json        
INFO[2024-09-23 15:47:26] load config from env with prefix: ALIST_     
INFO[2024-09-23 15:47:26] init logrus...                               
INFO[2024-09-23 15:47:26] admin user has been updated:                 
INFO[2024-09-23 15:47:26] username: admin                              
INFO[2024-09-23 15:47:26] password: 123                         
/opt/alist # 



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