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troubles are forgotten.

《Chongqing Mid-Autumn Night, a Time of Reunion and Joy》
Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion. In Chongqing, a city full of vitality and enthusiasm, Mid-Autumn night has a unique charm.
As night falls and the lights come on, the whole mountain city seems to have put on a resplendent dress. The sweet fragrance of mooncakes pervades the streets and alleys. That is the taste of home and the atmosphere of reunion. After a day's busyness, people rush to that warm harbor - home.
The family sits around the table, which is filled with sumptuous dishes. The moonlight shines in through the window, adding a touch of tranquility and peace to the room. The children are laughing and the adults are chatting and laughing. At this moment, all troubles are forgotten.
Going outdoors, the river breeze caresses the face, bringing a hint of coolness. On both sides of the Jialing River and the Yangtze River, the lights are brilliant. Looking up, the full moon hangs high in the night sky, as white as a jade plate. It seems like a lively butterfly perching on top of the head, shedding gentle radiance. Under the moonlight, the river water is shimmering and looks like a silver ribbon meandering.
In the park, people gather in groups of three or five. Some are releasing sky lanterns. Those lanterns, carrying people's beautiful wishes, rise slowly and fly into the distance. Some sit together, playing musical instruments and singing. The cheerful melody floats in the air.
Chongqing's Mid-Autumn night is lively and warm. It carries people's longing for their relatives and yearning for a better life. At this moment of reunion and joy, let us indulge in this thick affection and joy, cherish the happiness in front of us, and look forward to a better reunion in the future.



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