Go Ebiten小游戏开发:俄罗斯方块
- 游戏状态管理
- 方块生成与移动
- 碰撞检测
- 行消除与计分
- 游戏界面绘制
首先,我们定义一个 Game
type Game struct {board [][]intcurrentPiece *PiecenextPiece *Piece // 下一个方块gameOver booldropTimer intscore int // 得分level int // 当前等级lines int // 已消除的行数paused bool // 暂停状态
我们还需要定义一个 Piece
type Piece struct {shape [][]intx, y intcolor int
在 NewGame
func NewGame() *Game {game := &Game{board: make([][]int, boardHeight),dropTimer: 0,level: 1,score: 0,lines: 0,}for i := range game.board {game.board[i] = make([]int, boardWidth)}game.nextPiece = game.generateNewPiece()game.spawnNewPiece()return game
在 Update
func (g *Game) Update() error {// 处理键盘输入if inpututil.IsKeyJustPressed(ebiten.KeyLeft) {g.moveLeft()}if inpututil.IsKeyJustPressed(ebiten.KeyRight) {g.moveRight()}if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyDown) {g.moveDown()}if inpututil.IsKeyJustPressed(ebiten.KeyUp) {g.rotate()}// 控制方块下落速度g.dropTimer++if g.dropTimer >= dropSpeed {g.dropTimer = 0g.moveDown()}return nil
我们需要检查方块是否可以移动或旋转,这通过 isValidPosition
func (g *Game) isValidPosition() bool {for y := 0; y < len(g.currentPiece.shape); y++ {for x := 0; x < len(g.currentPiece.shape[y]); x++ {if g.currentPiece.shape[y][x] != 0 {newX := g.currentPiece.x + xnewY := g.currentPiece.y + yif newX < 0 || newX >= boardWidth || newY < 0 || newY >= boardHeight {return false}if g.board[newY][newX] != 0 {return false}}}}return true
func (g *Game) clearLines() {linesCleared := 0for y := boardHeight - 1; y >= 0; y-- {isFull := truefor x := 0; x < boardWidth; x++ {if g.board[y][x] == 0 {isFull = falsebreak}}if isFull {for moveY := y; moveY > 0; moveY-- {copy(g.board[moveY], g.board[moveY-1])}for x := 0; x < boardWidth; x++ {g.board[0][x] = 0}linesCleared++y++}}if linesCleared > 0 {g.lines += linesClearedg.score += []int{100, 300, 500, 800}[linesCleared-1] * g.levelg.level = g.lines/10 + 1}
最后,我们在 Draw
func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {// 绘制游戏板for y := 0; y < boardHeight; y++ {for x := 0; x < boardWidth; x++ {if g.board[y][x] != 0 {drawBlock(screen, x, y, g.board[y][x])}}}// 绘制当前方块if g.currentPiece != nil {for y := 0; y < len(g.currentPiece.shape); y++ {for x := 0; x < len(g.currentPiece.shape[y]); x++ {if g.currentPiece.shape[y][x] != 0 {drawBlock(screen, g.currentPiece.x+x, g.currentPiece.y+y, g.currentPiece.color)}}}}// 绘制下一个方块预览if g.nextPiece != nil {for y := 0; y < len(g.nextPiece.shape); y++ {for x := 0; x < len(g.nextPiece.shape[y]); x++ {if g.nextPiece.shape[y][x] != 0 {drawBlock(screen, boardWidth+2+x, 4+y, g.nextPiece.color)}}}}// 绘制游戏信息ebitenutil.DebugPrint(screen, fmt.Sprintf("\nScore: %d\nLevel: %d\nLines: %d", g.score, g.level, g.lines))
package mainimport ("fmt""image/color""log""math/rand""github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2""github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/ebitenutil""github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/inpututil""github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2/vector"
)const (screenWidth = 320screenHeight = 640blockSize = 32boardWidth = 10boardHeight = 20
)// Game 表示游戏状态
type Game struct {board [][]intcurrentPiece *PiecenextPiece *Piece // 下一个方块gameOver booldropTimer intscore int // 得分level int // 当前等级lines int // 已消除的行数paused bool // 暂停状态// 添加动画相关字段clearingLines []int // 正在消除的行clearAnimation int // 动画计时器isClearing bool // 是否正在播放消除动画
}// Piece 表示俄罗斯方块的一个方块
type Piece struct {shape [][]intx, y intcolor int
}// NewGame 创建新游戏实例
func NewGame() *Game {game := &Game{board: make([][]int, boardHeight),dropTimer: 0,level: 1,score: 0,lines: 0,}// 初始化游戏板for i := range game.board {game.board[i] = make([]int, boardWidth)}// 创建初始方块和下一个方块game.nextPiece = game.generateNewPiece()game.spawnNewPiece()return game
}// Update 处理游戏逻辑
func (g *Game) Update() error {// 重启游戏if g.gameOver && inpututil.IsKeyJustPressed(ebiten.KeySpace) {*g = *NewGame()return nil}// 暂停/继续if inpututil.IsKeyJustPressed(ebiten.KeyP) {g.paused = !g.pausedreturn nil}if g.gameOver || g.paused {return nil}// 更新消除动画if g.isClearing {g.updateClearAnimation()return nil}// 处理键盘输入if inpututil.IsKeyJustPressed(ebiten.KeyLeft) {g.moveLeft()}if inpututil.IsKeyJustPressed(ebiten.KeyRight) {g.moveRight()}if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyDown) {g.moveDown()}if inpututil.IsKeyJustPressed(ebiten.KeyUp) {g.rotate()}// 根据等级调整下落速度g.dropTimer++dropSpeed := 60 - (g.level-1)*5 // 每提升一级,加快5帧if dropSpeed < 20 { // 最快速度限制dropSpeed = 20}if g.dropTimer >= dropSpeed {g.dropTimer = 0g.moveDown()}return nil
}// Draw 绘制游戏画面
func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {// 绘制游戏板for y := 0; y < boardHeight; y++ {for x := 0; x < boardWidth; x++ {if g.board[y][x] != 0 {// 检查是否是正在消除的行isClearing := falsefor _, clearY := range g.clearingLines {if y == clearY {isClearing = truebreak}}if isClearing {// 闪烁效果if (g.clearAnimation/3)%2 == 0 {// 绘制发光效果drawGlowingBlock(screen, x, y, g.board[y][x])}} else {drawBlock(screen, x, y, g.board[y][x])}}}}// 绘制当前方块if g.currentPiece != nil {for y := 0; y < len(g.currentPiece.shape); y++ {for x := 0; x < len(g.currentPiece.shape[y]); x++ {if g.currentPiece.shape[y][x] != 0 {drawBlock(screen,g.currentPiece.x+x,g.currentPiece.y+y,g.currentPiece.color)}}}}// 绘制下一个方块预览if g.nextPiece != nil {for y := 0; y < len(g.nextPiece.shape); y++ {for x := 0; x < len(g.nextPiece.shape[y]); x++ {if g.nextPiece.shape[y][x] != 0 {drawBlock(screen,boardWidth+2+x,4+y,g.nextPiece.color)}}}}// 绘制游戏信息ebitenutil.DebugPrint(screen, fmt.Sprintf("\nScore: %d\nLevel: %d\nLines: %d",g.score, g.level, g.lines))// 绘制游戏状态if g.gameOver {ebitenutil.DebugPrint(screen,"\n\n\n\nGame Over!\nPress SPACE to restart")} else if g.paused {ebitenutil.DebugPrint(screen,"\n\n\n\nPAUSED\nPress P to continue")}
}// drawBlock 绘制单个方块
func drawBlock(screen *ebiten.Image, x, y, colorIndex int) {vector.DrawFilledRect(screen,float32(x*blockSize),float32(y*blockSize),float32(blockSize-1),float32(blockSize-1),color.RGBA{R: uint8((colors[colorIndex] >> 24) & 0xFF),G: uint8((colors[colorIndex] >> 16) & 0xFF),B: uint8((colors[colorIndex] >> 8) & 0xFF),A: uint8(colors[colorIndex] & 0xFF),},false)
}// drawGlowingBlock 绘制发光的方块
func drawGlowingBlock(screen *ebiten.Image, x, y, colorIndex int) {vector.DrawFilledRect(screen,float32(x*blockSize-2),float32(y*blockSize-2),float32(blockSize+3),float32(blockSize+3),color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, 128},false)drawBlock(screen, x, y, colorIndex)
}// moveLeft 向左移动当前方块
func (g *Game) moveLeft() {if g.currentPiece == nil {return}g.currentPiece.x--if !g.isValidPosition() {g.currentPiece.x++}
}// moveRight 向右移动当前方块
func (g *Game) moveRight() {if g.currentPiece == nil {return}g.currentPiece.x++if !g.isValidPosition() {g.currentPiece.x--}
}// moveDown 向下移动当前方块
func (g *Game) moveDown() {if g.currentPiece == nil {return}g.currentPiece.y++if !g.isValidPosition() {g.currentPiece.y--g.lockPiece()}
}// isValidPosition 检查当前方块位置是否有效
func (g *Game) isValidPosition() bool {for y := 0; y < len(g.currentPiece.shape); y++ {for x := 0; x < len(g.currentPiece.shape[y]); x++ {if g.currentPiece.shape[y][x] != 0 {newX := g.currentPiece.x + xnewY := g.currentPiece.y + yif newX < 0 || newX >= boardWidth ||newY < 0 || newY >= boardHeight {return false}if g.board[newY][newX] != 0 {return false}}}}return true
}// Layout 实现必要的 Ebiten 接口方法
func (g *Game) Layout(outsideWidth, outsideHeight int) (int, int) {return screenWidth, screenHeight
}// rotate 旋转当前方块
func (g *Game) rotate() {if g.currentPiece == nil {return}// 创建新的旋转后的形状oldShape := g.currentPiece.shapeheight := len(oldShape)width := len(oldShape[0])newShape := make([][]int, width)for i := range newShape {newShape[i] = make([]int, height)}// 执行90度旋转for y := 0; y < height; y++ {for x := 0; x < width; x++ {newShape[x][height-1-y] = oldShape[y][x]}}// 保存原来的形状,以便在新位置无效时恢复originalShape := g.currentPiece.shapeg.currentPiece.shape = newShape// 如果新位置无效,恢复原来的形状if !g.isValidPosition() {g.currentPiece.shape = originalShape}
}// lockPiece 将当前方块锁定到游戏板上
func (g *Game) lockPiece() {if g.currentPiece == nil {return}// 将方块添加到游戏板for y := 0; y < len(g.currentPiece.shape); y++ {for x := 0; x < len(g.currentPiece.shape[y]); x++ {if g.currentPiece.shape[y][x] != 0 {boardY := g.currentPiece.y + yboardX := g.currentPiece.x + xg.board[boardY][boardX] = g.currentPiece.color}}}// 检查并清除完整的行g.clearLines()// 生成新的方块g.spawnNewPiece()// 检查游戏是否结束if !g.isValidPosition() {g.gameOver = true}
}// clearLines 检查完整的行
func (g *Game) clearLines() {if g.isClearing {return}// 检查完整的行g.clearingLines = nilfor y := boardHeight - 1; y >= 0; y-- {isFull := truefor x := 0; x < boardWidth; x++ {if g.board[y][x] == 0 {isFull = falsebreak}}if isFull {g.clearingLines = append(g.clearingLines, y)}}// 如果有要消除的行,开始动画if len(g.clearingLines) > 0 {g.isClearing = trueg.clearAnimation = 0}
}// updateClearAnimation 更新消除动画
func (g *Game) updateClearAnimation() {if !g.isClearing {return}g.clearAnimation++// 动画结束后执行实际的消除if g.clearAnimation >= 30 { // 0.5秒动画(30帧)// 执行实际的消除for _, y := range g.clearingLines {// 从当前行开始,将每一行都复制为上一行的内容for moveY := y; moveY > 0; moveY-- {copy(g.board[moveY], g.board[moveY-1])}// 清空最上面的行for x := 0; x < boardWidth; x++ {g.board[0][x] = 0}}// 更新分数和等级linesCleared := len(g.clearingLines)g.lines += linesClearedg.score += []int{100, 300, 500, 800}[linesCleared-1] * g.levelg.level = g.lines/10 + 1// 重置动画状态g.isClearing = falseg.clearingLines = nil}
}// generateNewPiece 生成一个新的随机方块
func (g *Game) generateNewPiece() *Piece {pieceIndex := rand.Intn(len(tetrominoes))return &Piece{shape: tetrominoes[pieceIndex],x: boardWidth/2 - len(tetrominoes[pieceIndex][0])/2,y: 0,color: pieceIndex + 1,}
}// spawnNewPiece 生成新的方块
func (g *Game) spawnNewPiece() {g.currentPiece = g.nextPieceg.nextPiece = g.generateNewPiece()
}func main() {game := NewGame()ebiten.SetWindowSize(screenWidth, screenHeight)ebiten.SetWindowTitle("俄罗斯方块")if err := ebiten.RunGame(game); err != nil {log.Fatal(err)}
package mainimport ("math/rand""time"
)// 在init函数中初始化随机数种子
func init() {rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
}// 定义所有可能的方块形状
var tetrominoes = [][][]int{{ // I{1, 1, 1, 1},},{ // O{1, 1},{1, 1},},{ // T{0, 1, 0},{1, 1, 1},},{ // L{1, 0, 0},{1, 1, 1},},{ // J{0, 0, 1},{1, 1, 1},},{ // S{0, 1, 1},{1, 1, 0},},{ // Z{1, 1, 0},{0, 1, 1},},
}// 方块颜色定义
var colors = []int{1: 0xFF0000FF, // 红色2: 0x00FF00FF, // 绿色3: 0x0000FFFF, // 蓝色4: 0xFFFF00FF, // 黄色5: 0xFF00FFFF, // 紫色6: 0x00FFFFFF, // 青色7: 0xFFA500FF, // 橙色