mongodb 使用内存过大分析
os 分析
ps aux|head -1;ps aux|grep -v PID|sort -rn -k +4|head -10
swap 使用
for i in $(ls /proc | grep "^[0-9]" | awk '$0>100'); do awk '/Swap:/{a=a+$2}END{print '"$i"',a/1024"M"}' /proc/$i/smaps;done| sort -k2nr | head
mongodb 层面分析
data0data0:PRIMARY> db.version();
4.2.17data0data0:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus().tcmalloc.tcmalloc.formattedString
MALLOC: 28062443328 (26762.4 MiB) Bytes in use by application
MALLOC: + 55441469440 (52873.1 MiB) Bytes in page heap freelist
MALLOC: + 8222845880 ( 7841.9 MiB) Bytes in central cache freelist
MALLOC: + 37632 ( 0.0 MiB) Bytes in transfer cache freelist
MALLOC: + 20273672 ( 19.3 MiB) Bytes in thread cache freelists
MALLOC: + 530448384 ( 505.9 MiB) Bytes in malloc metadata
MALLOC: ------------
MALLOC: = 92277518336 (88002.7 MiB) Actual memory used (physical + swap)
MALLOC: + 8146022400 ( 7768.7 MiB) Bytes released to OS (aka unmapped)
MALLOC: ------------
MALLOC: = 100423540736 (95771.4 MiB) Virtual address space used
MALLOC: 4213034 Spans in use
MALLOC: 118 Thread heaps in use
MALLOC: 4096 Tcmalloc page size
Call ReleaseFreeMemory() to release freelist memory to the OS (via madvise()).
Bytes released to the OS take up virtual address space but no physical memory.
Bytes in use by application 对应的内存指 Mongod 节点实际消耗的内存
Bytes in page heap freelist 为未归还给操作系统的内存。
db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, tcmallocReleaseRate:1} )db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, tcmallocReleaseRate: 5.0 } )
进一步,如何希望立即释放内存,可以设置参数tcmallocAggressiveMemoryDecommit 为1
db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, tcmallocAggressiveMemoryDecommit:1} )db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, tcmallocAggressiveMemoryDecommit:1} )
查看wiredTiger cache
data0data0:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus().storageEngine;
{"name" : "wiredTiger","supportsCommittedReads" : true,"oldestRequiredTimestampForCrashRecovery" : Timestamp(1738804816, 1),"supportsPendingDrops" : true,"dropPendingIdents" : NumberLong(0),"supportsSnapshotReadConcern" : true,"readOnly" : false,"persistent" : true,"backupCursorOpen" : false
查看wiredTiger 内存当前使用大小
data0data0:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus().wiredTiger.cache
关注 bytes currently in the cache
{......"bytes belonging to page images in the cache":6511653424,"bytes belonging to the cache overflow table in the cache":65289,"bytes currently in the cache":8563140208,"bytes dirty in the cache cumulative":NumberLong("369249096605399"),......
查看 wiredTiger 内存配合的参数大小
data0data0:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus().wiredTiger.cache["maximum bytes configured"]
data0data0:PRIMARY> db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, "wiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfig": "cache_size=2GB" });
data0data0:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus().wiredTiger.cache["maximum bytes configured"];
1、默认 WiredTiger 内部缓存大小为以下两者中的较大者:
(RAM 大小 - 1 GB)的 50%,或
256 MB.