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供需指标(Supply and Demand ),供给与需求,寻找支撑压力位神器 MT4免费公式!


版本:MT4 ver. 6.02




  • 多市场识别:自动识别并显示最多五个不同的交易市场时段。

  • 高亮显示:交易时段将以不同颜色高亮显示,便于用户快速识别当前活跃市场。

  • 时间校准:根据用户的地理位置调整市场开闭市时间,确保时间显示的准确性。

  • 用户自定义:用户可以自定义要显示的市场、颜色及其他显示设置。

  • 实时更新:软件将根据市场变动实时更新交易时段的开始和结束时间。




sinput ENUM_TimeMethod TimeMethod = Broker_Eastern_Offset


sinput int BrokerEasternOffset 设置经纪商的东部时间偏移量,默认为7。

Manual_SessionBegins 手动设置每个交易时段的开始时间。

Manual_SessionEnds 手动设置每个交易时段的结束时间。

sinput string SessionNames = SESS_NAMES_DEFAULT


sinput color Color1 = clrBlue


sinput ENUM_SessionStyle Style1 = Rectangle_Fill


sinput bool PipsRounded = true


sinput bool PipsWord = false





// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+// |                                                      自动交易时段 |//|                               //+------------------------------------------------------------------+#property version   "6.02"
#property description "---------------------------------------------"#property description "EA、指标公式分享"#property description "EA、#property description "---------------------------------------------"#property description "---------------------------------------------"#property indicator_chart_window#property indicator_buffers 0//#property indicator_color1  clrNONE  //CornflowerBlue
#define PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION_1 "高亮显示交易时段"#define PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION_2 " "#define PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION_3 "最多显示5个不同的交易时段"#ifdef __MQL4__#define MQL4(x) x#else#define MQL4(x)#endif
//#ifdef __MQL5__//#define MQL5(x) x//#else//#define MQL5(x)//#endif
#define DEBUG 0                // #define DEBUG 1   // Print useful info in the Experts tab.#define DbugInfo(x) x          // define as x for informational debugging 4
#define INPUTVARDELIMITER      "================================"
#define ONEHOURsecs 3600       // 1 hour in seconds#define ONEDAYsecs  86400      // 1 day in seconds#define ONEDAYmins  1440       // 1 day in minutes#define NAMEPIPDELIMITER " "   // String between Session Name and Session Pips#define NAMEPIPMARGIN    " "   // Pad the Session Text with this string#define REASON_USER_INIT 2021  // Custom OnDeinit() reason#define WINMAXVAL 1.5  //100.0        // Sufficiently large Window Minimum/Maximum that will ever be visible during whole Timeseries scroll// June 2021 MT5 version didn't display objects when 10000.0 and above
#define MAX_SESSIONS 5  // This should be equal to the number of input colors and >= the number of sessions in $SESS_NAMES_DFAULT#define SESS_NAMES_DEFAULT "Sydney/Tokyo/Frankfurt/London/NY"   // These should all be unique.
// enum eTimeMethod {Broker_Eastern_offset, Broker_GMT_offset, Manual};enum ENUM_TimeMethod   { Broker_Eastern_Offset, // Broker Eastern Time Zone Offset                         Manual                 // Manual Input of Start and End Times                       };enum ENUM_SessionStyle { Rectangle_Fill,            // Filled Rectangle                         Rectangle_Line,            // Line Bordered Rectangle                         Vertical_Fill,             // Filled Vertical                         Vertical_Lines,            // Vertical Lines, Begin and End                         Vertical_Line_Begin,       // Vertical Line, Begin                         Vertical_Line_End,         // Vertical Line, End                         Vertical_Fill_All,         // Filled Vertical in all Sub-Windows                         Vertical_Lines_All,        // Vertical Lines in all Sub-Windows, Begin and End                         Vertical_Lines_All_Begin,  // Vertical Lines in all Sub-Windows, Begin                         Vertical_Lines_All_End,    // Vertical Lines in all Sub-Windows, End                         Horizontal_Lines,          // Horizontal Lines, High and Low                         Horizontal_Line_High,      // Horizontal Line, High                         Horizontal_Line_Low        // Horizontal Line, Low                       };enum ENUM_LineType     { VLine_Begin, VLine_End, HLine_High, HLine_Low };
enum ENUM_YESNO  {   YES,   NO,  };
sinput string            SessionNames           = SESS_NAMES_DEFAULT;               // Session Namessinput string            ShowSessions           = "1/0/0/1/1";                      // Show Sessionssinput string            ShowNames              = "1/0/0/1/1";                      // Show Session Namessinput string            ShowPips               = "1/0/0/1/1";                      // Show Session Pipssinput ENUM_TimeMethod   TimeMethod             = Broker_Eastern_Offset;            // Time Methodsinput string            __OffsetNote           = "..exactly *5* sessions above.";  // Note: If Using Eastern Time Zone Offset...sinput int               BrokerEasternOffset    = 7;                                // Broker Eastern Time Zone Offset// sinput int               BrokerGMTOffset        = 3;sinput string            Manual_SessionBegins   = "00:00:00/02:00:00/09:00:00/10:00:00/14:00:00";  // Manual Session Begin Timessinput string            Manual_SessionEnds     = "08:59:59/10:59:59/17:59:59/18:59:59/23:59:59";  // Manual Session End Times
// Sessionssinput string Note_SessionSelections            = INPUTVARDELIMITER;                // Individual Session Optionssinput color             Color1                 = clrBlue;                          // Session 1 Colorsinput ENUM_SessionStyle Style1                 = Rectangle_Fill;                   // Session 1 Stylesinput color             Color2                 = clrRed;                           // Session 2 Colorsinput ENUM_SessionStyle Style2                 = Rectangle_Fill;                   // Session 2 Stylesinput color             Color3                 = clrOrange;                        // Session 3 Colorsinput ENUM_SessionStyle Style3                 = Rectangle_Fill;                   // Session 3 Stylesinput color             Color4                 = clrGreen;                         // Session 4 Colorsinput ENUM_SessionStyle Style4                 = Rectangle_Fill;                   // Session 4 Stylesinput color             Color5                 = clrGray;                          // Session 5 Colorsinput ENUM_SessionStyle Style5                 = Rectangle_Fill;                   // Session 5 Style
// Common Session Variablessinput string Note_CommonSessionSelections      = INPUTVARDELIMITER;                // Common Session Options//sinput ENUM_SessionStyle SessionStyle           = Rectangle_Fill;                   // Session Stylesinput int               LineWidth              = 1;                                // Line Widthsinput ENUM_LINE_STYLE   LineStyle              = STYLE_SOLID;                      // Line Stylesinput color             SessionTextColor       = clrGoldenrod;                     // Session Name/Pip Text Colotsinput string            SessionTextFont        = "Arial Bold";                     // Session Name/Pip Text Fontsinput int               SessionTextFontSize    = 9;                                // Session Name/Pip Text Font Sizesinput ENUM_BASE_CORNER  SessionTextBaseCorner  = CORNER_LEFT_UPPER;                // Session Name/Pip Text Base Cornersinput ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT SessionTextAnchorPoint = ANCHOR_LEFT_UPPER;                // Session Name/Pip Text Anchor Pointsinput bool              PipsRounded            = true;                             // Round Off Pip Values?// ^ Round to nearest pip?  If not, display to as many points as the broker gives.sinput bool              PipsWord               = false;                            // Display " pips" After Pip Value?
// Common Session Variablessinput string Note_IndicatorSelections          = INPUTVARDELIMITER;                // Indicator Optionssinput ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   MinTimeframe           = PERIOD_M1;                        // Minimum Timeframe to Display Sessionssinput ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   MaxTimeframe           = PERIOD_H1;                        // Maximum Timeframe to Display Sessionssinput int               MaxBars                = 1440;                             // Max Bars to Use
// Session Open Price linessinput string                               Note_OpenLinesSelections  = INPUTVARDELIMITER;  // Open Lines Optionssinput ENUM_YESNO                           Plot_Open_Lines           = YES;                // Plot Opem levels?sinput color                                SessLineColor             = clrDarkOrange;      // Open lines colorsinput ENUM_LINE_STYLE                      SessLineStyle             = STYLE_SOLID;        // Open lines stylesinput int                                  SessLineLineWidth         = 4;                  // Open lines widthsinput ENUM_YESNO                           LinesInForeground         = YES;                // Lines on foreground?sinput ENUM_YESNO                           SessNameOnLine            = YES;                // Session name on Open Line?const string asEASTERN_BEGINS[MAX_SESSIONS] = {"17:00:00", "19:00:00", "02:00:00", "03:00:00", "08:00:00"};const string asEASTERN_ENDS  [MAX_SESSIONS] = {"01:59:59", "03:59:59", "10:59:59", "11:59:59", "16:59:59"};//  const string asGMT_BEGINS[MAX_SESSIONS] = {"21:00", "23:00", "06:00", "07:00", "12:00"};//  const string asGMT_ENDS  [MAX_SESSIONS] = {"06:00", "08:00", "15:00", "16:00", "21:00"};
string   gsObjectPrefix;              // For unique Object Names with multiple indicators
int               giNSessions;                 // Number of Sessions to Displaystring            gasNames         [MAX_SESSIONS];  // Session Namebool              gabShowSess      [MAX_SESSIONS],  // Show Session?                  gabShowName      [MAX_SESSIONS],  // Show Session Text with Session Name                  gabShowPips      [MAX_SESSIONS];  // Show Session Text with Session Pips range valuecolor             gaoColors        [MAX_SESSIONS];  // Session ColorENUM_SessionStyle gaeStyles        [MAX_SESSIONS];  // Session Style
datetime          galTimeBeginSecs [MAX_SESSIONS],  // Session Begin in seconds, Date portion is 0000.00.00                  galTimeEndSecs   [MAX_SESSIONS];  // Session End in seconds,   Date portion is 0000.00.00//int OnInit(void){// DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " { "); )   long  lChartWinHandl;   string sExeName;
   sExeName = MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME);   ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WINDOW_HANDLE, 0, lChartWinHandl);   gsObjectPrefix = StringConcatenate("AutoSess22,145[",(string)TimeMethod,">",(string)BrokerEasternOffset,">",(string)MaxBars,"]");  //StringFormat("%s %lld", sExeName, lChartWinHandl);    //Comment( gsObjectPrefix );//---   IndicatorShortName(gsObjectPrefix);// Check to display on this timframe. Return SUCCEEDED now, can be switched to an allowed range later   if((PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT) < PeriodSeconds(MinTimeframe))  || (PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT) > PeriodSeconds(MaxTimeframe)))     {      // DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " return(INIT_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT) "); )      return(INIT_SUCCEEDED);  // Return SUCCEEDED now, can be switched to an allowed range later     }
   giNSessions = StringSplitMax(SessionNames, '/', gasNames, MAX_SESSIONS);  // Get sessions info.   if(!StringsUnique(gasNames, giNSessions))    // Ensure no duplicate session names, for the object names, otherwise use defaults      giNSessions = StringSplitMax(SESS_NAMES_DEFAULT, '/', gasNames, MAX_SESSIONS);   if(DEBUG)      Print("giNSessions=", giNSessions);// DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " giNSessions= ", giNSessions); )
   ArrayInitialize(gabShowSess,  true);   StringSplitMaxBool(ShowSessions, '/', gabShowSess, giNSessions);
   ArrayInitialize(gabShowName, true);   StringSplitMaxBool(ShowNames,    '/', gabShowName, giNSessions);
   ArrayInitialize(gabShowPips, true);   StringSplitMaxBool(ShowPips,     '/', gabShowPips, giNSessions);
   gaoColors[0] = Color1;   gaoColors[1] = Color2;   gaoColors[2] = Color3;   gaoColors[3] = Color4;   gaoColors[4] = Color5;
   gaeStyles[0] = Style1;   gaeStyles[1] = Style2;   gaeStyles[2] = Style3;   gaeStyles[3] = Style4;   gaeStyles[4] = Style5;
// DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " } "); )   return(INIT_SUCCEEDED);  } // OnInit()//int OnCalculate(const int       rates_total,      // size of input time series                const int       prev_calculated,  // bars handled in previous call                const datetime& time[],           // Time                const double&   open[],           // Open                const double&   high[],           // High                const double&   low[],            // Low                const double&   close[],          // Close                const long&     tick_volume[],    // Tick Volume                const long&     volume[],         // Real Volume                const int&      spread[])         // Spread{   bool bResult;   int giS, iBr, iStartCalcAt, iLimit, iBarSessionBegin, iBarSessionEnd;   datetime dtOldest = 0, dtNewest = 0, dtCalled = TimeLocal(), dtExit, dtSessionBegin, dtSessionEnd;   double dHighest, dLowest, dOpen;
// DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ", TimeToString(dtCalled, TIME_SECONDS),//                 ", rates_total=", rate s_total, ", prev_calculated=", prev_calculated); )
   if((PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT) < PeriodSeconds(MinTimeframe))  || (PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT) > PeriodSeconds(MaxTimeframe)))      return(rates_total);  // Inactive Timeframe now (Can be switched to an allowed Timeframe later)
   bResult = ArraySetAsSeries(time, true);// DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ArraySetAsSeries(time) ", bResult); )   bResult = ArraySetAsSeries(high, true);// DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ArraySetAsSeries(high) ", bResult); )   bResult = ArraySetAsSeries(low, true);// DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ArraySetAsSeries(low)  ", bResult); )
   /* int iSize = ArraySize(time);   DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ArraySize(time) = ", iSize, " vs ", rates_total); )   iSize = ArraySize(high);   DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ArraySize(high) = ", iSize, " vs ", rates_total); )   iSize = ArraySize(low);   DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ArraySize(low)  = ", iSize, " vs ", rates_total); ) */
   if(rates_total > 0)     {      dtOldest = time[(rates_total > 0) ? (rates_total - 1) : 0];      dtNewest = time[0];     }
// Set iStartCalcAt to the first (oldest) spot of the bars available, while respecting the MaxBars setting   iStartCalcAt = rates_total - prev_calculated;   if(iStartCalcAt > MaxBars)      iStartCalcAt = MaxBars;   if(iStartCalcAt > 0)   // Subtract one as array index, but process at least the [0] bar otherwise      iStartCalcAt--;
   for(giS = 0; giS < giNSessions; giS++)     {      if(! gabShowSess[giS])   // Skip unselected Sessions         continue;
      // Set iLimit to the first (oldest) spot of the bars available, or picking up at the last spot processed for the Session.      iLimit = iStartCalcAt;
      // DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ", gasNames[giS], " Session ",      //                 TimeToString(galTimeBeginSecs[giS], TIME_MINUTES), " - ",      //                 TimeToString(galTimeEndSecs  [giS], TIME_MINUTES) ); )
      for(iBr = 0; iBr <= iLimit; iBr++)  // Process newest to oldest, assuming most recent bars are most likely visible        {         if(((dtSessionBegin = GetSessionBegin(galTimeBeginSecs[giS], galTimeEndSecs[giS], time[iBr])) < 0) ||            ((dtSessionEnd   = GetSessionEnd(galTimeBeginSecs[giS], galTimeEndSecs[giS], time[iBr])) < 0))           {            /* DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ", gasNames[giS], " Skip (", iBr, ") ",                            TimeToString(time[iBr], TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES), " ! ",                            TimeToString(galTimeBeginSecs[giS], TIME_SECONDS), " - ",                            TimeToString(galTimeEndSecs  [giS], TIME_SECONDS)); ) */            continue;           }
         iBarSessionBegin = GetBeginBar(dtSessionBegin, dtSessionEnd, iBr, time, (rates_total > 0) ? (rates_total - 1) : 0);         iBarSessionEnd   = GetEndBar(dtSessionBegin, dtSessionEnd, iBr, time, 0);
         dHighest = HighestPrice(high, iBarSessionBegin, iBarSessionEnd);         dLowest  = LowestPrice(low,  iBarSessionBegin, iBarSessionEnd);         dOpen = iOpen(_Symbol,_Period,iBarSessionBegin);
         /* DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__, " ", gasNames[giS],                         " Draw (", iBr, ",", iBarSessionBegin, ",", iBarSessionEnd, ") ",                         TimeToString(time[iBr], TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES), ",  (",                         time[iBarSessionBegin], " - ", time[iBarSessionEnd], ", highest= ",                         DoubleToString(dHighest, _Digits), ", lowest= ", DoubleToString(dLowest, _Digits), ")"); ) */         DrawSession(gasNames[giS], gaoColors[giS], gaeStyles[giS], gabShowName[giS], gabShowPips[giS],                     time[iBarSessionBegin], time[iBarSessionEnd], dHighest, dLowest, dOpen);         if(Plot_Open_Lines==YES)            HLINE(gsObjectPrefix+gasNames[giS]+" Open level"+iBr,dOpen,dOpen,time[iBarSessionBegin],time[iBarSessionEnd],SessLineColor,SessLineStyle,SessLineLineWidth);
         iBr = iBarSessionBegin;        }     }
   ChartRedraw();  // Per ChartRedraw() documentation, Usually it is used after changing the object properties.
   dtExit = TimeLocal();   /* DbugInfo( Print(__FILE__, " ", __FUNCTION__, "@", __LINE__,                   " rates_total= ",  rates_total, " (",  TimeToString(dtOldest, TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), ")",                   ", prev_calculated= " , prev_calculated, " (", TimeToString(dtNewest, TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), ")  <",                   TimeToString(dtCalled, TIME_SECONDS), "-", TimeToString(dtExit, TIME_SECONDS), "> Elapsed= ",                   TimeToString(dtExit - dtCalled, TIME_SECONDS)); ) */   return(rates_total);  } // OnCalculate()



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