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Leetcode 3336. Find the Number of Subsequences With Equal GCD

  • Leetcode 3336. Find the Number of Subsequences With Equal GCD
    • 1. 解题思路
    • 2. 代码实现
  • 题目链接:3336. Find the Number of Subsequences With Equal GCD

1. 解题思路



2. 代码实现


MOD = 10**9+7class Solution:def subsequencePairCount(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:dp = defaultdict(int)dp[(0, 0)] = 1ans = 0for num in nums:ndp = deepcopy(dp)for (gcd1, gcd2), cnt in list(dp.items()):_gcd = num if gcd1 == 0 else gcd(num, gcd1)ndp[(_gcd, gcd2)] = (cnt + ndp[(_gcd, gcd2)]) % MOD_gcd = num if gcd2 == 0 else gcd(num, gcd2)ndp[(gcd1, _gcd)] = (cnt + ndp[(gcd1, _gcd)]) % MODdp = ndpfor (gcd1, gcd2), cnt in dp.items():if gcd1 != 0 and gcd1 == gcd2:ans = (ans + cnt) % MODreturn ans




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