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6.3.6 Amount: TransferAmount (传输数额) General

TransferAmount is the amount of service units or currency units coded into the Amount field of the token and received by the meter.

The associated unit for the TransferAmount is defined in Table 17.


The STS Association also reserves the transfer types given in Table 18 for other applications.

        STS协会还保留表18中的传输类型,以用于其它用途。 Amount for SubClass 0 to 3

The 16 bits of the Amount field are subdivided into two sections, a base-10 exponent of 2 bits and a mantissa of 14 bits. The bits are numbered from right to left, starting at 0. Bit 15 is the most significant bit of the exponent and Bit 13 is the most significant bit of the mantissa. The bit allocations within this field are illustrated in Table 19.


 The mathematical formula for TransferAmount conversion is as follows:


All TransferAmount conversions shall be rounded up in favour of the customer. The possible TransferAmount ranges and the associated maximum errors that can arise owing to rounding up are shown in Table 20. Examples of TransferAmount values are given in Table 21 .

        所有TransferAmount转换应以客户为受益人进行四舍五入。表20显示了可能TransferAmount范围和由于四舍五入而产生的相关最大错误。表21给出了TransferAmount值的示例。 Amount for SubClass 4 to 7

 The bit allocation for Amount field is given in Table 22.


The final value of e is calculated from e 4 , e 3 , e 2 , e 1 and e 0 , obtained from 6.3.21 , Table 29 and Table 22 and assigning them bit values as given in Table 23.


The mathematical formula for the TransferAmount t conversion is as follows:

        TransferAmount t转换的数学公式如下: 

The sign of TransferAmount t is obtained from the value of s given in Table 29 where:

  • t is positive for s = 0;
  • t is negative for s = 1 .


  • 当s = 0时T是正的;
  • 当s = 1时T是负的。

All TransferAmount conversions shall be rounded up towards positive infinity in favour of the customer (see Table 24 for examples of rounding negative values).


The maximum error due to rounding is 0,055 %. Examples of TransferAmounts and associated errors due to rounding up are shown in Table 25.








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