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CPU/NPU:鲲鹏 CPU(ARM64)+A300I pro推理卡
系统:Kylin V10 SP1【下载链接】【安装链接】





1 基础环境安装


2 ais_bench编译安装


2.1 安装aclruntime包


pip3 install -v 'git+https://gitee.com/ascend/tools.git#egg=aclruntime&subdirectory=ais-bench_workload/tool/ais_bench/backend' -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple


2.2 安装ais_bench推理程序包


 pip3 install -v 'git+https://gitee.com/ascend/tools.git#egg=ais_bench&subdirectory=ais-bench_workload/tool/ais_bench' -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple


# 卸载aclruntime
pip3 uninstall aclruntime
# 卸载ais_bench推理程序
pip3 uninstall ais_bench

3 裸代码推理测试

# 1.进入运行环境yolo【普通用户】
conda activate yolo
# 2.激活atc【atc --help测试是否可行】
source ~/bashrc


import argparse
import time 
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
import copyfrom ais_bench.infer.interface import InferSession
from bytetrack.byte_tracker import BYTETrackerclass YOLO:"""YOLO object detection model class for handling inference and visualization."""def __init__(self, om_model, imgsz=(640, 640), device_id=0, model_ndtype=np.single, mode="static", postprocess_type="v8", aipp=False):"""Initialization.Args:om_model (str): Path to the om model."""# 构建ais_bench推理引擎self.session = InferSession(device_id=device_id, model_path=om_model)# Numpy dtype: support both FP32(np.single) and FP16(np.half) om modelself.ndtype = model_ndtypeself.mode = modeself.postprocess_type = postprocess_typeself.aipp = aipp self.model_height, self.model_width = imgsz[0], imgsz[1]  # 图像resize大小def __call__(self, im0, conf_threshold=0.4, iou_threshold=0.45):"""The whole pipeline: pre-process -> inference -> post-process.Args:im0 (Numpy.ndarray): original input image.conf_threshold (float): confidence threshold for filtering predictions.iou_threshold (float): iou threshold for NMS.Returns:boxes (List): list of bounding boxes."""# 前处理Pre-processt1 = time.time()im, ratio, (pad_w, pad_h) = self.preprocess(im0)pre_time = round(time.time() - t1, 3)# 推理 inferencet2 = time.time()preds = self.session.infer([im], mode=self.mode)[0]  # mode有动态"dymshape"和静态"static"等det_time = round(time.time() - t2, 3)# 后处理Post-processt3 = time.time()if self.postprocess_type == "v5":boxes = self.postprocess_v5(preds,im0=im0,ratio=ratio,pad_w=pad_w,pad_h=pad_h,conf_threshold=conf_threshold,iou_threshold=iou_threshold,)elif self.postprocess_type == "v8":boxes = self.postprocess_v8(preds,im0=im0,ratio=ratio,pad_w=pad_w,pad_h=pad_h,conf_threshold=conf_threshold,iou_threshold=iou_threshold,)elif self.postprocess_type == "v10":boxes = self.postprocess_v10(preds,im0=im0,ratio=ratio,pad_w=pad_w,pad_h=pad_h,conf_threshold=conf_threshold)else:boxes = []post_time = round(time.time() - t3, 3)return boxes, (pre_time, det_time, post_time)# 前处理,包括:resize, pad, 其中HWC to CHW,BGR to RGB,归一化,增加维度CHW -> BCHW可选择是否开启AIPP加速处理def preprocess(self, img):"""Pre-processes the input image.Args:img (Numpy.ndarray): image about to be processed.Returns:img_process (Numpy.ndarray): image preprocessed for inference.ratio (tuple): width, height ratios in letterbox.pad_w (float): width padding in letterbox.pad_h (float): height padding in letterbox."""# Resize and pad input image using letterbox() (Borrowed from Ultralytics)shape = img.shape[:2]  # original image shapenew_shape = (self.model_height, self.model_width)r = min(new_shape[0] / shape[0], new_shape[1] / shape[1])ratio = r, rnew_unpad = int(round(shape[1] * r)), int(round(shape[0] * r))pad_w, pad_h = (new_shape[1] - new_unpad[0]) / 2, (new_shape[0] - new_unpad[1]) / 2  # wh paddingif shape[::-1] != new_unpad:  # resizeimg = cv2.resize(img, new_unpad, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)top, bottom = int(round(pad_h - 0.1)), int(round(pad_h + 0.1))left, right = int(round(pad_w - 0.1)), int(round(pad_w + 0.1))img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, top, bottom, left, right, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(114, 114, 114))  # 填充# 是否开启aipp加速预处理,需atc中完成if self.aipp:return img, ratio, (pad_w, pad_h)# Transforms: HWC to CHW -> BGR to RGB -> div(255) -> contiguous -> add axis(optional)img = np.ascontiguousarray(np.einsum('HWC->CHW', img)[::-1], dtype=self.ndtype) / 255.0img_process = img[None] if len(img.shape) == 3 else imgreturn img_process, ratio, (pad_w, pad_h)# YOLOv5/6/7通用后处理,包括:阈值过滤与NMSdef postprocess_v5(self, preds, im0, ratio, pad_w, pad_h, conf_threshold, iou_threshold):"""Post-process the prediction.Args:preds (Numpy.ndarray): predictions come from ort.session.run().im0 (Numpy.ndarray): [h, w, c] original input image.ratio (tuple): width, height ratios in letterbox.pad_w (float): width padding in letterbox.pad_h (float): height padding in letterbox.conf_threshold (float): conf threshold.iou_threshold (float): iou threshold.Returns:boxes (List): list of bounding boxes."""# (Batch_size, Num_anchors, xywh_score_conf_cls), v5和v6的[..., 4]是置信度分数,v8v9采用类别里面最大的概率作为置信度scorex = preds  # outputs: predictions (1, 8400*3, 85)# Predictions filtering by conf-thresholdx = x[x[..., 4] > conf_threshold]# Create a new matrix which merge these(box, score, cls) into one# For more details about `numpy.c_()`: https://numpy.org/doc/1.26/reference/generated/numpy.c_.htmlx = np.c_[x[..., :4], x[..., 4], np.argmax(x[..., 5:], axis=-1)]# NMS filtering# 经过NMS后的值, np.array([[x, y, w, h, conf, cls], ...]), shape=(-1, 4 + 1 + 1)x = x[cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(x[:, :4], x[:, 4], conf_threshold, iou_threshold)]# 重新缩放边界框,为画图做准备if len(x) > 0:# Bounding boxes format change: cxcywh -> xyxyx[..., [0, 1]] -= x[..., [2, 3]] / 2x[..., [2, 3]] += x[..., [0, 1]]# Rescales bounding boxes from model shape(model_height, model_width) to the shape of original imagex[..., :4] -= [pad_w, pad_h, pad_w, pad_h]x[..., :4] /= min(ratio)# Bounding boxes boundary clampx[..., [0, 2]] = x[:, [0, 2]].clip(0, im0.shape[1])x[..., [1, 3]] = x[:, [1, 3]].clip(0, im0.shape[0])return x[..., :6]  # boxeselse:return []# YOLOv8/9/11通用后处理,包括:阈值过滤与NMSdef postprocess_v8(self, preds, im0, ratio, pad_w, pad_h, conf_threshold, iou_threshold):"""Post-process the prediction.Args:preds (Numpy.ndarray): predictions come from ort.session.run().im0 (Numpy.ndarray): [h, w, c] original input image.ratio (tuple): width, height ratios in letterbox.pad_w (float): width padding in letterbox.pad_h (float): height padding in letterbox.conf_threshold (float): conf threshold.iou_threshold (float): iou threshold.Returns:boxes (List): list of bounding boxes."""x = preds  # outputs: predictions (1, 84, 8400)# Transpose the first output: (Batch_size, xywh_conf_cls, Num_anchors) -> (Batch_size, Num_anchors, xywh_conf_cls)x = np.einsum('bcn->bnc', x)  # (1, 8400, 84)# Predictions filtering by conf-thresholdx = x[np.amax(x[..., 4:], axis=-1) > conf_threshold]# Create a new matrix which merge these(box, score, cls) into one# For more details about `numpy.c_()`: https://numpy.org/doc/1.26/reference/generated/numpy.c_.htmlx = np.c_[x[..., :4], np.amax(x[..., 4:], axis=-1), np.argmax(x[..., 4:], axis=-1)]# NMS filtering# 经过NMS后的值, np.array([[x, y, w, h, conf, cls], ...]), shape=(-1, 4 + 1 + 1)x = x[cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(x[:, :4], x[:, 4], conf_threshold, iou_threshold)]# 重新缩放边界框,为画图做准备if len(x) > 0:# Bounding boxes format change: cxcywh -> xyxyx[..., [0, 1]] -= x[..., [2, 3]] / 2x[..., [2, 3]] += x[..., [0, 1]]# Rescales bounding boxes from model shape(model_height, model_width) to the shape of original imagex[..., :4] -= [pad_w, pad_h, pad_w, pad_h]x[..., :4] /= min(ratio)# Bounding boxes boundary clampx[..., [0, 2]] = x[:, [0, 2]].clip(0, im0.shape[1])x[..., [1, 3]] = x[:, [1, 3]].clip(0, im0.shape[0])return x[..., :6]  # boxeselse:return []# YOLOv10后处理,包括:阈值过滤-无NMSdef postprocess_v10(self, preds, im0, ratio, pad_w, pad_h, conf_threshold):x = preds  # outputs: predictions (1, 300, 6) -> (xyxy_conf_cls)# Predictions filtering by conf-thresholdx = x[x[..., 4] > conf_threshold]# 重新缩放边界框,为画图做准备if len(x) > 0:# Rescales bounding boxes from model shape(model_height, model_width) to the shape of original imagex[..., :4] -= [pad_w, pad_h, pad_w, pad_h]x[..., :4] /= min(ratio)# Bounding boxes boundary clampx[..., [0, 2]] = x[:, [0, 2]].clip(0, im0.shape[1])x[..., [1, 3]] = x[:, [1, 3]].clip(0, im0.shape[0])return x  # boxeselse:return []# 绘框def draw_and_visualize(self, im, bboxes, video_writer, classes, color_palette, vis=False, save=False, is_track=False):"""Draw and visualize results.Args:im (np.ndarray): original image, shape [h, w, c].bboxes (numpy.ndarray): [n, 6], n is number of bboxes.vis (bool): imshow using OpenCV.save (bool): save image annotated.Returns:None"""# Draw rectangles if not is_track:for (*box, conf, cls_) in bboxes:# draw bbox rectanglecv2.rectangle(im, (int(box[0]), int(box[1])), (int(box[2]), int(box[3])),color_palette[int(cls_)], 1, cv2.LINE_AA)cv2.putText(im, f'{classes[int(cls_)]}: {conf:.3f}', (int(box[0]), int(box[1] - 9)),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, color_palette[int(cls_)], 2, cv2.LINE_AA)else:for (*box, conf, id_) in bboxes:# draw bbox rectanglecv2.rectangle(im, (int(box[0]), int(box[1])), (int(box[2]), int(box[3])),(0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)cv2.putText(im, f'{id_}: {conf:.3f}', (int(box[0]), int(box[1] - 9)),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)# Show imageif vis:cv2.imshow('demo', im)cv2.waitKey(1)# Save videoif save:video_writer.write(im)class ByteTrackerONNX(object):def __init__(self, args):self.args = argsself.tracker = BYTETracker(args, frame_rate=30)def _tracker_update(self, dets, image):online_targets = []if dets is not None:online_targets = self.tracker.update(dets[:, :5],[image.shape[0], image.shape[1]],[image.shape[0], image.shape[1]],)online_tlwhs = []online_ids = []online_scores = []for online_target in online_targets:tlwh = online_target.tlwhtrack_id = online_target.track_idvertical = tlwh[2] / tlwh[3] > 1.6if tlwh[2] * tlwh[3] > self.args.min_box_area and not vertical:online_tlwhs.append(tlwh)online_ids.append(track_id)online_scores.append(online_target.score)return online_tlwhs, online_ids, online_scoresdef inference(self, image, dets):"""Args: dets: 检测结果, [x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, cls]Returns: np.array([[x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, ids], ...])"""bboxes, ids, scores = self._tracker_update(dets, image)if len(bboxes) == 0:return []# Bounding boxes format change: tlwh -> xyxybboxes = np.array(bboxes)bboxes[..., [2, 3]] += bboxes[..., [0, 1]]bboxes = np.c_[bboxes, np.array(scores), np.array(ids)]return bboxesif __name__ == '__main__':# Create an argument parser to handle command-line argumentsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument('--det_model', type=str, default=r"yolov8s.om", help='Path to OM model')parser.add_argument('--source', type=str, default=r'test.mp4', help='Path to input video')parser.add_argument('--out_path', type=str, default=r'res.mp4', help='结果保存文件')parser.add_argument('--imgsz_det', type=tuple, default=(640, 640), help='Image input size')parser.add_argument('--classes', type=list, default=['person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light','fire hydrant', 'stop sign', 'parking meter', 'bench', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'horse', 'sheep', 'cow','elephant', 'bear', 'zebra', 'giraffe', 'backpack', 'umbrella', 'handbag', 'tie', 'suitcase', 'frisbee','skis', 'snowboard', 'sports ball', 'kite', 'baseball bat', 'baseball glove', 'skateboard', 'surfboard','tennis racket', 'bottle', 'wine glass', 'cup', 'fork', 'knife', 'spoon', 'bowl', 'banana', 'apple', 'sandwich','orange', 'broccoli', 'carrot', 'hot dog', 'pizza', 'donut', 'cake', 'chair', 'couch', 'potted plant', 'bed','dining table', 'toilet', 'tv', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'remote', 'keyboard', 'cell phone', 'microwave', 'oven','toaster', 'sink', 'refrigerator', 'book', 'clock', 'vase', 'scissors', 'teddy bear', 'hair drier', 'toothbrush'], help='类别')parser.add_argument('--conf', type=float, default=0.25, help='Confidence threshold')parser.add_argument('--iou', type=float, default=0.6, help='NMS IoU threshold')parser.add_argument('--device_id', type=int, default=0, help='device id')parser.add_argument('--mode', default='static', help='om是动态dymshape或静态static')parser.add_argument('--model_ndtype', default=np.single, help='om是fp32或fp16')parser.add_argument('--postprocess_type', type=str, default='v8', help='后处理方式, 对应v5/v8/v10三种后处理')parser.add_argument('--aipp', default=False, action='store_true', help='是否开启aipp加速YOLO预处理, 需atc中完成om集成')parser.add_argument('--is_track', default=False, action='store_true', help='是否启用跟踪')parser.add_argument('--track_thresh', type=float, default=0.5, help='tracking confidence threshold')parser.add_argument('--track_buffer', type=int, default=30, help='the frames for keep lost tracks, usually as same with FPS')parser.add_argument('--match_thresh', type=float, default=0.8, help='matching threshold for tracking')parser.add_argument('--min_box_area', type=float, default=10, help='filter out tiny boxes',)parser.add_argument('--mot20', dest='mot20', default=False, action='store_true', help='test mot20.',)args = parser.parse_args()print('开始运行:')# Build modeldet_model = YOLO(args.det_model, args.imgsz_det, args.device_id, args.model_ndtype, args.mode, args.postprocess_type, args.aipp)bytetrack = ByteTrackerONNX(args)color_palette = np.random.uniform(0, 255, size=(len(args.classes), 3))  # 为每个类别生成调色板# 读取视频,解析帧数宽高,保存视频cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.source)width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)frame_count = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(str(args.out_path), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v"), fps, (int(width), int(height)))frame_id = 1while True:start_time = time.time()ret, img = cap.read()if not ret:break# Inferenceboxes, (pre_time, det_time, post_time) = det_model(img, conf_threshold=args.conf, iou_threshold=args.iou)print('预处理: {:.3f}s, 推理: {:.3f}s, 后处理: {:.3f}s, 识别{}个目标'.format(pre_time, det_time, post_time, len(boxes)))# trackif args.is_track:track_time = time.time()boxes = bytetrack.inference(img, boxes)print('跟踪耗时: {:.3f}s'.format(time.time() - track_time))# Visualizeif len(boxes) > 0:det_model.draw_and_visualize(copy.deepcopy(img), boxes, video_writer, args.classes, color_palette, vis=False, save=True, is_track=args.is_track)end_time = time.time() - start_timeprint('frame {}/{} (Total time: {:.2f} ms)'.format(frame_id, int(frame_count), end_time * 1000))frame_id += 1


4 推理耗时


5 其他依赖


cd lap-0.4.0
python setup.py install
# 若出现ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘distutils.msvccompiler‘,升级setuptools和whel
pip install setuptools==58.0.0 wheel==0.36.2



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