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C++学习笔记----8、掌握类与对象(一)---- 对象中的动态内存分配(1)



class Foo
{friend class Bar;// ...


        如果你只是想让Bar类的一个特定成员函数做friend,也可以这样做。假设Bar类有一个成员函数processFoo(const Foo&)。下面的语法用于让这个成员函数成为Foo的一个friend:

class Foo
{friend void Bar::processFoo(const Foo&);// ...


class Foo
{friend void printFoo(const Foo&);// ...



void printFoo(const Foo& foo)
{// Print all data of foo to the console, including// private and protected data members.










export module spreadsheet;

        Spreadsheet类需要访问SpreadsheetCell类,所以它需要import spreadsheet_cell模块。另外,为了使SpreadsheetCell类对spreadsheet模块中的用户可见,spreadsheet_cell模块需要用下面的看起来很可笑的语法来进行导入导出:

export import spreadsheet_cell;


import std;


export class Spreadsheet
public:Spreadsheet(std::size_t width, std::size_t height);void setCellAt(std::size_t x, std::size_t y, const SpreadsheetCell& cell);SpreadsheetCell& getCellAt(std::size_t x, std::size_t y);private:bool inRange(std::size_t value, std::size_t upper) const;std::size_t m_width{ 0 };std::size_t m_height{ 0 };SpreadsheetCell** m_cells{ nullptr };



        为了动态分配一个二维数组,需要写下面的代码。记住在c++中,不像Java,不能只是简单地写new SpreadsheetCell[m_width][m_height]。

Spreadsheet::Spreadsheet(size_t width, size_t height): m_width { width }, m_height { height }
{m_cells = new SpreadsheetCell*[m_width];for (size_t i{ 0 }; i < m_width; ++i) {m_cells[i] = new SpreadsheetCell[m_height];}



bool Spreadsheet::inRange(size_t value, size_t upper) const
{return value < upper;
}void Spreadsheet::setCellAt(size_t x, size_t y, const SpreadsheetCell& cell)
{if (!inRange(x, m_width)) {throw out_of_range { format("x ({}) must be less than width ({}).", x, m_width) };}if (!inRange(y, m_height)) {throw out_of_range { format("y ({}) must be less than height ({}).", y, m_height) };}m_cells[x][y] = cell;
}SpreadsheetCell& Spreadsheet::getCellAt(size_t x, size_t y)
{if (!inRange(x, m_width)) {throw out_of_range { format("x ({}) must be less than width ({}).", x, m_width) };}if (!inRange(y, m_height)) {throw out_of_range { format("y ({}) must be less than height ({}).", y, m_height) };}return m_cells[x][y];



void verifyCoordinate(std::size_t x, std::size_t y) const;


void Spreadsheet::verifyCoordinate(size_t x, size_t y) const
{if (x >= m_width) {throw out_of_range { format("x ({}) must be less than width ({}).", x, m_width) };}if (y >= m_height) {throw out_of_range { format("y ({}) must be less than height ({}).", y, m_height) };}


void Spreadsheet::setCellAt(size_t x, size_t y, const SpreadsheetCell& cell)
{verifyCoordinate(x, y);m_cells[x][y] = cell;
}SpreadsheetCell& Spreadsheet::getCellAt(size_t x, size_t y)
{verifyCoordinate(x, y);return m_cells[x][y];



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