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一、reply Z-Library

The aim is to express gratitude and practice writing, and as a record.

二、Original letter

    As a college student of computer and a blogger, Z-Library is always a part of my study, which provide many books that I need pay a lost of time or money to find them. The front-end design,background response speed, everything is great! In addition I love the logo.

    But as a student who doesn't have ability to earn money to express my gratitude beacuse the exchange rate between the yuan and the dollar has reached 7 to 1. If one day I get the goal though myself and many selfless people like you, that day I will pay my "tuition" when you are in trouble, it is my promise.I'm not a broken promise but maybe a forgetful one,so remember send a email to me. Currently, please allow me use the email instead of "tuition".Thank you again not merely for your free books but rather for your Aspiration,your Vision that share knowledge for everyone on web.

    Finally, I want to give you one of my favorite quotes:"When you are in a survival situation, it is pivotal to keep making decisions. Even though making a wrong decison is better than doing nothing, it is a progress of moving moving moving,and eventually, it will get you out of trouble."

    Sincerely look forward to your reply.
    Wish you good health and study is not annoying.

                                                                                                                  printf("from a user")

三、2.0 Modified upgraded version

    As a college student majoring in computer science and a blogger, Z-Library has always been a part of my study, providing many books that would otherwise require a lot of time or money to find. The front-end design, background response speed—everything is great! In addition, I love the logo.

    However, as a young person without the ability to earn money to express my gratitude, especially given that the exchange rate between the yuan and the dollar has reached 7 to 1, I am limited. If one day I achieve my goals thanks to my own efforts and the help of selfless people like you, I will repay my "tuition" when you need it, as this is my promise, and though I may be forgetful, I’m not one to break promises, so please remember to send me an email.

    Currently, please allow me to use this email instead of my "tuition." Thank you again, not just for your free books, but for your aspiration and vision to share knowledge with everyone on the web.

    Finally, I’d like to share one of my favorite quotes: "When you are in a survival situation, it is pivotal to keep making decisions. Even making a wrong decision is better than doing nothing. It is a process of moving, moving, moving, and eventually, it will get you out of trouble."

    I sincerely look forward to your reply. I wish you good health and peace in your studies.
                                                                                                                printf("from a user")  



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