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ABAP-Logger ABAP 日志记录与任何其他语言一样轻松

ABAP-Logger ABAP 日志记录与任何其他语言一样轻松

SLG1 应用程序日志 显示日志

SLG1 应用程序日志 显示日志

ABAP Logger

SAP Logging as painless as any other language.

ABAP Version: 702 or higher

See the mission statement


  • Record message in Application Log(BC-SRV-BAL)
  • Display message


  • Install this project via ABAPGit.

⚠️ Migration Required ⚠️

On 2021, February 28 the folder logic was changed, and the abapGit may not able to perform this migration automatically. Therefore, you may need to follow the following steps:

  1. Uninstall Repository (see Uninstall repository).
  2. Reinstall ABAP-Logger:
    • online: see Install Online Repo.
    • offline: see Install Offline Repo.

Run Unit Tests

  1. In transaction code SLG0, create for object ABAPUNIT.
  2. Launch unit test with Ctrl + Alt + F10.



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