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论文:Physics-Informed Deep Learning and its Application in Computational Solid and Fluid Mechanics
1. 训练
# %load
Forward Problem for Plane Stress Linear Elasticity Boundary Value Problem
Weighted-Physics-Informed Neural Networks (W-PINNs)
Author: Alexandros D.L PapadosIn this code we solve for the deformation of a material with Young's Modulus
of E = 1.0 GPA and Poisson Ratio of nu = 0.3. The deformation are represented
by u and v in the x and y directions respectively. We solve the following PDE using
W-PINNs:G[u_xx + u_yy] + G((1+nu)/(1-nu))[u_xx + v_yx] = sin(2pi*x)sin(2pi*y)G[v_xx + v_yy] + G((1+nu)/(1-nu))[v_yy + u_xy] = sin(pi*x)+ sin(2pi*y)with Dirichlet boundary conditions.The Neural Network is constructed as follows:( sigma(x,y,theta) )( u(x,y) )( x ) ( sigma(x,y,theta) ) ( )Input: ----> Activation Layers: . ----> Output Layer: ( )( y ) . ( ). ( v(x,y) )( sigma(x,y,theta) )The final output will be [x,y,u,v,e_x,e_y], where e_x and e_y are the strains in the x and y directions
respectively.Default example is Domain I (Square Domain, [0,1]^2)
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import time
import scipy.iotorch.manual_seed(123456)
np.random.seed(123456)E = 1 # Young's Modulus
nu = 0.3 # Poisson Ratio
G = ((E/(2*(1+nu)))) # LEBVP coefficientclass Model(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super(Model, self).__init__() = nn.Sequential() # Define neural'Linear_layer_1', nn.Linear(2, 30)) # First linear'Tanh_layer_1', nn.Tanh()) # First activation Layerfor num in range(2, 7): # Number of layers (2 through 7)'Linear_layer_%d' % (num), nn.Linear(30, 30)) # Linear'Tanh_layer_%d' % (num), nn.Tanh()) # Activation'Linear_layer_final', nn.Linear(30, 3)) # Output Layer# Forward Feeddef forward(self, x):return Loss of PDE and BCsdef loss(self, x, x_b, b_u,b_v,epoch):y = # Interior Solutiony_b= ( # Boundary Solutionu_b, v_b = y_b[:, 0], y_b[:, 1] # u and v boundaryu,v = y[:,