ARM64 Trust Firmware [五]
本章介绍 ATF 中的 Runtime Service 是如何定义和被调用的。
要了解 SMC,必须从 SMC 指令本身开始,其指令如下图:
指令格式为:SMC #<imm>,从官方文档了解到该指令只能在 EL1 以及更高的异常等级上调用,用户空间 EL0 是无法直接调用该指令的。
同时根据 ARM 官方文档关于 SMCCC 的描述如下:
可以知道 SMC 可以根据不同的 OEN(Owning Entity Number)区分不同分服务的功能,当注册具体了 SMC runtime service 时,需要为对应的 service 指定正确的 OEN 范围。
这里比较抽象,我们来举个例子就明白了,比如我在 Hypervisor 中介绍的关于虚拟机管理器通过 SMC 系统调用去 ATF 通过 PSCI 协议拉起从核,其中启动从核的 PSIC 的 function id 为:PSCI_CPU_ON_AARCH64(0xc4000003),不考虑后面跟的参数,也就是最终调用了:
smc #0xc4000003
按照其 32bit 划分:
- bit[31] = 1:Fast call;
- bit[32] = 0:SMC64 call convention;
- bit[29 : 24] = 4:Standard service call;
- bit[15 : 0] = 3:该类型的 call type 下的 function number;
我们对 runtime service 进行了如下的定义和分类:
- ARM Architecture Calls:获取 smcc 版本,arch features 等;
- CPU Service Calls:提供针对该平台的 CPU 实现特定服务的接口;
- SIP Service Calls:System IP 的驱动;
- OEM Service Calls:OEM 服务的接口;
- Standard Secure Service:PSCI call 就属于这个服务类型;
- ... ...
Runtime Service 的注册:
BL31 通过宏定义 DECLARE_RT_SVC 注册一个服务:
比如 Standard Service 的注册:
/* Register Standard Service Calls as runtime service */
比如 SIP Service 的注册:
/* Define a runtime service descriptor for fast SMC calls */
在注册处理 SMC 命令服务时,DECLARE_RT_SVC 空定义定义了一个结构体__svc_desc_##_name,并将其放到了 OS 镜像的一个特殊的段.rt_svc_descs 中,其中__RT_SVC_DESCS_START__ 和__RT_SVC_DESCS_END__ 是该断的起始地址和结束地址,并且可以通过地址范围计算出服务的数量 RT_SVC_DECS_NUM:
/** Convenience macros to declare a service descriptor*/
#define DECLARE_RT_SVC(_name, _start, _end, _type, _setup, _smch) \static const rt_svc_desc_t __svc_desc_ ## _name \__section(".rt_svc_descs") __used = { \.start_oen = (_start), \.end_oen = (_end), \.call_type = (_type), \.name = #_name, \.init = (_setup), \.handle = (_smch) \}#define RT_SVC_DESCS \. = ALIGN(STRUCT_ALIGN); \__RT_SVC_DESCS_START__ = .; \KEEP(*(.rt_svc_descs)) \__RT_SVC_DESCS_END__ = .;
Runtime Service 的启动:
void __init runtime_svc_init(void)
{int rc = 0;uint8_t index, start_idx, end_idx;rt_svc_desc_t *rt_svc_descs;/* Assert the number of descriptors detected are less than maximum indices */assert((RT_SVC_DESCS_END >= RT_SVC_DESCS_START) &&(RT_SVC_DECS_NUM < MAX_RT_SVCS));/* If no runtime services are implemented then simply bail out */if (RT_SVC_DECS_NUM == 0U)return;/* Initialise internal variables to invalid state */(void)memset(rt_svc_descs_indices, -1, sizeof(rt_svc_descs_indices));rt_svc_descs = (rt_svc_desc_t *) RT_SVC_DESCS_START;for (index = 0U; index < RT_SVC_DECS_NUM; index++) {rt_svc_desc_t *service = &rt_svc_descs[index];/** An invalid descriptor is an error condition since it is* difficult to predict the system behaviour in the absence* of this service.*/rc = validate_rt_svc_desc(service);if (rc != 0) {ERROR("Invalid runtime service descriptor %p\n",(void *) service);panic();}/** The runtime service may have separate rt_svc_desc_t* for its fast smc and yielding smc. Since the service itself* need to be initialized only once, only one of them will have* an initialisation routine defined. Call the initialisation* routine for this runtime service, if it is defined.*/if (service->init != NULL) {rc = service->init();if (rc != 0) {ERROR("Error initializing runtime service %s\n",service->name);continue;}}/** Fill the indices corresponding to the start and end* owning entity numbers with the index of the* descriptor which will handle the SMCs for this owning* entity range.*/start_idx = (uint8_t)get_unique_oen(service->start_oen,service->call_type);end_idx = (uint8_t)get_unique_oen(service->end_oen,service->call_type);assert(start_idx <= end_idx);assert(end_idx < MAX_RT_SVCS);for (; start_idx <= end_idx; start_idx++)rt_svc_descs_indices[start_idx] = index;}
- 从RT_SVC_DESCS_START 位置开始遍历所有服务,拿到其结构体地址service;
- 通过validate_rt_svc_desc 对该服务的参数进行校验;
- 通过 service->init 初始化该服务,当然有些服务可能不需要 init setup;
- 初始化rt_svc_descs_indices 表;
在 EL1/EL2 发起 SMC 调用时,smc_fid 作为第一个参数传递给 ATF,ATF 需要根据 smc_fid 定位到是哪种 service。由于 service 有两种 type 组成,每种 type 的 oen 最多有 64 个,所以 type 和 oen 的组合会有 128 中可能。为了加快查找 service 类别,ATF 在初始化 runtime service 时会维护一个表,我们用如下两个服务作为例子:
DECLARE_RT_SVC(arm_sip_svc,OEN_SIP_START, == 2OEN_SIP_END, == 2SMC_TYPE_FAST, == 1arm_sip_setup,arm_sip_handler
);start_idx = SMC_TYPE_FAST << 6 | OEN_SIP_START = 66
end_idx = SMC_TYPE_FAST << 6 | OEN_SIP_END = 66DECLARE_RT_SVC(tos_svc,OEN_TOS_START, == 50OEN_TOS_END, == 63SMC_TYPE_YIELD, == 0tos_svc_setup,tos_svc_smc_handler
);start_idx = SMC_TYPE_YIELD << 6 | OEN_TOS_START = 50
end_idx = SMC_TYPE_YIELD << 6 | OEN_TOS_END = 63
SMC 的处理流程:
根据 bl31/aarch64/runtime_exceptions.S 中异常向量表 runtime_exceptions 的定义,当 EL1/EL2 发起 SMC 调用后,会触发sync_exception_aarch64,并在最终的 smc_handler64 处理中跳转到相应的服务处理函数中:
sync_handler64 中根据参数 1 中 smc_fid 的 type 和 oen 得到 desc_index,由rt_svc_descs_indices[desc_index] 可以得到 svc_index,再 由rt_svc_descs[svc_index] 就可以得到对应 runtime service 描述符的指针rt_svc_desc_t,最后调用其 handler 处理函数:
and x16, x0, #(FUNCID_SVE_HINT_MASK << FUNCID_SVE_HINT_SHIFT)orr x7, x7, x16bic x0, x0, #(FUNCID_SVE_HINT_MASK << FUNCID_SVE_HINT_SHIFT)/* Get the unique owning entity number */ubfx x16, x0, #FUNCID_OEN_SHIFT, #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTHubfx x15, x0, #FUNCID_TYPE_SHIFT, #FUNCID_TYPE_WIDTHorr x16, x16, x15, lsl #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTH/* Load descriptor index from array of indices */adrp x14, rt_svc_descs_indicesadd x14, x14, :lo12:rt_svc_descs_indicesldrb w15, [x14, x16]/* Any index greater than 127 is invalid. Check bit 7. */tbnz w15, 7, smc_unknown/** Get the descriptor using the index* x11 = (base + off), w15 = index** handler = (base + off) + (index << log2(size))*/adr_l x11, (__RT_SVC_DESCS_START__ + RT_SVC_DESC_HANDLE)lsl w10, w15, #RT_SVC_SIZE_LOG2ldr x15, [x11, w10, uxtw]/** Call the Secure Monitor Call handler and then drop directly into* el3_exit() which will program any remaining architectural state* prior to issuing the ERET to the desired lower EL.*/
#if DEBUGcbz x15, rt_svc_fw_critical_error
#endifblr x15
以 psci 为例,由于 psci 属于 standard service,所以会调用std_svc_smc_handler,在std_svc_smc_handler 中再根据smc_fid 区分不同的细分服务,然后调用psci_smc_handler 去处理 psci 协议:
static uintptr_t std_svc_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,u_register_t x1,u_register_t x2,u_register_t x3,u_register_t x4,void *cookie,void *handle,u_register_t flags)
{if (((smc_fid >> FUNCID_CC_SHIFT) & FUNCID_CC_MASK) == SMC_32) {/* 32-bit SMC function, clear top parameter bits */x1 &= UINT32_MAX;x2 &= UINT32_MAX;x3 &= UINT32_MAX;x4 &= UINT32_MAX;}/** Dispatch PSCI calls to PSCI SMC handler and return its return* value*/if (is_psci_fid(smc_fid)) {uint64_t ret;ret = psci_smc_handler(smc_fid, x1, x2, x3, x4,cookie, handle, flags);...