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1. 使用最新的模型

2. 将指令放在提示词的开头,并使用 ### 或 """ 来分隔指令和上下文,例如

Summarize the text below as a bullet point list of the most important points.{text input here}正确示范✔
Summarize the text below as a bullet point list of the most important points.Text: """
{text input here}

3. 明确说明上下文、结果、长度、格式、风格等

Write a poem about OpenAI. 正确示范✔
写一首简短的鼓舞人心的诗,主题是 OpenAI 最近推出的 DALL-E 产品(DALL-E 是一个文本转图像的机器学习模型),以 {著名诗人} 的风格进行创作。
Write a short inspiring poem about OpenAI, focusing on the recent DALL-E product launch (DALL-E is a text to image ML model) in the style of a {famous poet}

4. 通过示例明确说明所需的输出格式

Extract the entities mentioned in the text below. Extract the following 4 entity types: company names, people names, specific topics and themes.Text: {text}正确示范✔
Extract the important entities mentioned in the text below. First extract all company names, then extract all people names, then extract specific topics which fit the content and finally extract general overarching themesDesired format:
Company names: <comma_separated_list_of_company_names>
People names: -||-
Specific topics: -||-
General themes: -||-Text: {text}

5. 先尝试零样本(Zero-shot),然后尝试少样本(Few-shot),如果都不起作用,再进行微调(Fine-tune)

Extract keywords from the below text.Text: {text}Keywords:Few-shot
Extract keywords from the corresponding texts below.文本 1: Stripe 提供 API,Web 开发人员可以使用这些 API 将支付处理集成到其网站和移动应用程序中。
关键词 1: Stripe、支付处理、API、Web 开发人员、网站、移动应用程序
Text 1: Stripe provides APIs that web developers can use to integrate payment processing into their websites and mobile applications.
Keywords 1: Stripe, payment processing, APIs, web developers, websites, mobile applications
##文本 2: OpenAI 训练了最前沿的语言模型,这些模型非常擅长理解和生成文本。我们的 API 提供了对这些模型的访问,并可用于几乎所有涉及语言处理的任务。
关键词 2: OpenAI、语言模型、文本处理、API
Text 2: OpenAI has trained cutting-edge language models that are very good at understanding and generating text. Our API provides access to these models and can be used to solve virtually any task that involves processing language.
Keywords 2: OpenAI, language models, text processing, API.
Text 3: {text}
Keywords 3:

6. 减少“华而不实”和不精确的描述

The description for this product should be fairly short, a few sentences only, and not too much more.正确示范✔
使用一个包含 3 到 5 句话的段落来描述此产品。
Use a 3 to 5 sentence paragraph to describe this product.

7. 直接说明该做什么,而不是不该做什么

以下是代理(Agent)与客户(Customer)之间的对话。不要询问用户名或密码。不要重复内容。客户: 我无法登录我的账户。
The following is a conversation between an Agent and a Customer. DO NOT ASK USERNAME OR PASSWORD. DO NOT REPEAT.Customer: I can’t log in to my account.
不要询问 PII(如用户名或密码),而应引导用户访问帮助文章:www.samplewebsite.com/help/faq客户: 我无法登录我的账户。
The following is a conversation between an Agent and a Customer. The agent will attempt to diagnose the problem and suggest a solution, whilst refraining from asking any questions related to PII. Instead of asking for PII, such as username or password, refer the user to the help article www.samplewebsite.com/help/faqCustomer: I can’t log in to my account.

8. 代码生成相关 - 使用“引导词”引导模型遵循特定模式

编写一个简单的 Python 函数
1. 询问用户输入一个英里数
2. 将英里转换为公里
Write a simple python function that
1. Ask me for a number in mile
2. It converts miles to kilometers在下面的代码示例中,添加 “import” 可以提示模型应以 Python 代码开始编写。(类似地,在 SQL 语句开头使用 “SELECT” 是一个很好的引导。)正确示范✔
Write a simple python function that
1. Ask me for a number in mile
2. It converts miles to kilometersimport

9. 使用 Generate Anything



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