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(耗时4天制作)详细介绍macOS系统 本博文含有全英版 (全文翻译稿)

(耗时4天制作)详细介绍macOS系统 本博文含有全英版-CSDN博客


Introduction to the macOS System

I. Overview of macOS

macOS is a proprietary operating system developed by Apple Inc., primarily used for Macintosh (Mac) computers. It is the first commercially successful Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating system, and since its inception, it has garnered widespread praise for its exceptional user experience and powerful functionality. macOS is renowned for its intuitive icons, desktops, and application designs, providing users with a stable, secure, and easy-to-use operating environment.

II. Development History of macOS

The development of macOS has gone through multiple stages, from the initial Mac OS to OS X and now macOS. Each update has brought significant performance enhancements and new features.

The first version was launched in 1984, accompanying the first Mac computer. The final version of the classic Mac OS series, Mac OS 9, was a 100% graphical operating system without a command-line mode. It used "Extensions" to expand the operating system, but some extensions might not work together or could only be loaded in a specific order. The innovative filesystem stored parameters in the "resource fork" and raw data in the "data fork."

To address the issues of the classic Mac OS, Apple introduced OS X, based on the BSD Unix kernel. OS X brought Unix-style memory management and preemptive multitasking, significantly improving memory management. It allowed for running more software simultaneously and virtually eliminated the possibility of one program crashing causing others to crash. OS X was the first macOS to include a "command-line" mode, which users might never see unless they executed a separate "terminal" program. A compatibility layer named the Class



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