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出处:Yan Gao, Prevalence, risk factors, and outcomes of subsyndromal delirium in older
adults in hospital or long-term care settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 重庆第二医科大学,2022



  1. Prevalence  流行趋势
  2. Subsyndromal delirium 非原发性谵妄,通常是与比如手术、治疗等伴生出现的。




3.1 数据来源

PubMedWeb of ScienceOVIDPsycINFO
Wanfang databases  

searched for studies published from inception to 2021, without language restrictions. Independent reviewers performed quality assessments, data extraction and analysis for all included studies。


数据搜索关键字:subsyndromal delirium, subclinical delirium 


3.1.1 数据类型

  • cohort studies  占数据总量的50%
    • 其中18.2%的样本包含后续analysis studies
    • 18.2%的样本包含后续的descriptive studies
    • 13.6%是cross-sectional studies.
  • 亚洲样本2个,欧洲5个,15个样本分布在北美。
  • 病人的平均年龄70~87岁;
  • 外科手术样本31.8%;22.7%是内科诊室;22.7%来自日间诊疗中心;9%是双地点


3.2  初步结论

1.发生概率  - 36.4% of 老年人(>=60)

The prevalence of SSD in older adults was 36.4% (95%CI:0.28 to 0.44).

2.主要引发原因 -  老年痴呆、血红蛋白不足等

Significant risk factors were:

  1. 老年痴呆 dementia (OR 5.061, 95%CI:2.320 to 11.043),
  2. 日常活动频率降低 lower ADL scores (OR 1.706, 95%CI:1.149 to 2.533),
  3. 低血红蛋白 lower hemoglobin (SMD -0.21, 95%CI: -0.333 to -0.096),
  4. 高龄 advanced age (SMD 0.358, 95% CI:0.194 to  0.522),

3 不良后果 - 认知功能衰退等

SSD was associated with poor outcomes, including

  1. 认知与功能衰退 cognitive and functional decline,

  2. 需要更久的入院治疗时间 increased length of hospital stay,

  3. 更高的死亡几率 a higher mortality rate.


  1. Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) evidence-based guidelines
  2. 论文笔记软件:NoteExpress V3.0
  3. 两个独立小组的独立分析+复核。
  4. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS)
  5. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recommendation checklist
  6. 分析软件 STATA statistical software (version12.0 for Windows).
    1. eq?I%5E2 statistics in Pooled statistical analyses
      1. if eq?I%5E2 <25%, the fixed effects model was used; if  eq?I%5E2>=25%, the random effects model was used.
      2. numbers/counts (categoricaldata) or mean/SD (continuous data) 
    2. Mantel-Haenszel estimator to calculate the pooled Odds Ratio (OR)
    3. analysed publication bias using a combination of two methods:
      1. the Begg test
      2. the funnel plot
    4. All tests were conducted with a significance threshold of 5% and a 95% confidence interval (CI).
    5. The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) was used in 17 studies(77.3%), while the Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist(ICDSC) was used in one study (5%) (Table 1)


5.1 发生率 - 外科手术有更高的发生率


5.2 突发性疾病的术后谵妄和后续持续性机能丧失不存在相关性:

Data related to the relationship between SSD and functional outcome are conflicting. SSD is associated with poor functional outcomes in medical, surgical and LTC patients.10,20,26 Meanwhile, studies mainly including surgical and critically ill patients did not confirm the association between SSD and worse outcome.14,50

6. 可能的规避手段和康复期建议

6.1 ABCDE 一揽子策略


  1. 评估和管理疼痛(A)ache、
  2. 优化镇静(B)、
  3. 早期活动和锻炼(C)、
  4. 选择性脱机和自主呼吸试验(D)、
  5. 家庭参与(E)engage

6.2 早期活动


6.3 音乐疗法

6.4 认知训练


6.5 前期SSD知识对于患者和家属的宣贯

包含前期的有关SSD的知识宣传与介绍:Further exploration of the content related to SSD in older adults is necessary.

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