[NeurIPS 2024]Long-range Brain Graph Transformer
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1. 心得
2. 论文逐段精读
2.1. Abstract
2.2. Introduction
2.3. Related Work
2.3.1. Brain Network Analysis
2.3.2. Graph Transformer
2.4. Method
2.4.1. Adaptive Long-range Aware (ALGA) Strategy
2.4.2. Long-range Brain Graph Transformer
2.5. Experiments
2.5.1. Experimental Settings
2.5.2. Performance Comparison
2.5.3. Ablation Study
2.5.4. In-depth Analysis of ALTER and ALGA Strategy
2.6. Discussions and Conclusion
3. 知识补充
3.1. Random walk kernel
4. Reference
1. 心得
2. 论文逐段精读
2.1. Abstract
2.2. Introduction
①Brain possesses short term and long term connectivity at the same time:
②The proposed Adaptive Long-range aware TransformER (ALTER)
2.3. Related Work
2.3.1. Brain Network Analysis
①Lists GNN based neuropsychiatric disorder diagnosis methods and graph pooling methods
2.3.2. Graph Transformer
①Introduced Transformer related works and pointed out these works are more competitive
②They thought existing Transformer based methods on neuropsychiatric disorder diagnosis do not capture long range dependence
2.4. Method
①For a set of brain network with label
, where
denotes the number of subjects
②A single brain graph , where
is node set,
denotes node feature matrix with
ROIs and dimension
denotes adjacency matrix
③Learning task: learn a vector for on brain, which is able to predict the disease state
, where
denotes prediction function
④Framework of ALTER:
2.4.1. Adaptive Long-range Aware (ALGA) Strategy
(1)Adaptive Factors
①The adaptive factor is calculated by correlation:
where denotes the original feature of fMRI (eg. BOLD signal)
②Compared to random walk, adaptive factor based method will walk to more relevant node
(2)Adaptive Long-range Encoding
①The probability of walking (transfer matrix):
②State vector:
where denotes the number of hops,
is the probability of the walker stops at node
times walk
where denotes the total hops of random walk
④General recursive formula:
⑤Fine tune the transfer probability by adaptive factor:
where denotes dot product
⑥Random walk kernel:
⑦The long-range embedding :
where is identity matrix,
denotes long range embedding associated with the
-th node(这个R啥玩意儿?)
2.4.2. Long-range Brain Graph Transformer
(1)Injecting Long-range Embedding
①Remapping by linear layer to:
where and
is learnable weight matrix and bias vecoter respectively
(2)Self-attention Module
①The token is calculated by:
②Then fed them into Transformer encoder with -layer nonlinear mapping and
attention head:
where ,
, where
, both
are concatenate operator(作者写的concentrate),
denotes layer index,
is head index,
are learnable projection matrices
(3)Readout Module
where they chose clustering based pooling as readout function
2.5. Experiments
2.5.1. Experimental Settings
(1)Datasets and Preprocessing
①ABIDE: 519 with ASD and 439 HC
②ADNI: 54 with AD and 76 HC
④Node feature matrix: Pearson correlation matrix
⑤Adjacency matrix: threshold FC with 0.3
①Includes generalized graph learning methods and brain graph based methods
①Evaluation metrics: ACC, AUC, f1,SEN and SPE
②Running times: 10
(4)Implementation Details
①Number of steps
②Number of nonlinear mapping layer
③Number of attention head
④Data split: 7:2:1
⑤Optimizer: Adam
⑥Scheduler: CosLR
⑦Initial learning rate: 1e-4 with 1e-4 weigt decay
⑧Batch size: 16
⑨Epoch: 200
2.5.2. Performance Comparison
①Performance table:
(2)Vairous Readout Function
①Readout ablation:
2.5.3. Ablation Study
(1)Adaptive Long-range Aware with Varying Architectures
①ALGA ablation:
②Readout ablation on different framework:
2.5.4. In-depth Analysis of ALTER and ALGA Strategy
①Hop and adaptive factor ablation:
②Attention socre map:
2.6. Discussions and Conclusion
①Better balance short range and long range dependency
②Multi modality required
3. 知识补充
3.1. Random walk kernel
4. Reference
Yu, S. et al. (2024) 'Long-range Brain Graph Transformer', NeurIPS.