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IOPL      I/O privilege level field (bits 12 and 13). Indicates the I/O privilege level (IOPL) of the currently running program or task. The CPL of the currently running program or task must be less than or equal to the IOPL to access the I/O address space. This field can only be modified by the POPF and IRET instructions when operating at a CPL of 0. See Chapter 12, Input/Output, of the Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1, for more information on the relationship of the IOPL to I/O operations.
The IOPL is also one of the mechanisms that controls the modification of the IF flag and the handling of interrupts in virtual-8086 mode when the virtual mode extensions are in effect (the VME flag in control register CR4 is set).

【翻译】IOPL     I/O特权级别字段(比特位12和13)。当前运行的程序或任务的I/O特权级别(IOPL)。当前运行的程序或任务的CPL必须小于或等于IOPL才能够访问I/O地址空间。当CPL为0时,该字段只能由POPF和IRET指令修改。有关IOPL与I/O操作关系的更多信息,请参阅英特尔架构软件开发人员手册第1卷第12章,输入/输出。

【原文】NT    Nested task (bit 14). Controls the chaining of interrupted and called tasks. The processor sets this flag on calls to a task initiated with a CALL instruction, an interrupt, or an exception. It examines and modifies this flag on returns from a task initiated with the IRET instruction. The flag can be explicitly set or cleared with the POPF/POPFD instructions; however, changing to the state of this flag can generate unexpected exceptions in application programs. See Section 6.4., “Task Linking”, for more Information on nested tasks.

【翻译】NT   嵌套任务(第14位)。控制中断的和被调用的任务的链接。处理器在调用由 CALL 指令、中断或异常发起的任务时设置此标志。它在用IRET指令启动的任务返回时检查和修改该标志。该标志可以使用POPF/POPFD指令显式设置或清除;然而,更改此标志的状态可能会在应用程序中产生意外异常。参见6.4节。,“任务链接”,了解嵌套任务的更多信息。



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