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6.3.9 MPL: MaximumPowerLimit(最大功率限制)

The maximum power limit field is a 1 6-bit field that indicates the maximum power that the load may draw, in watts. Calculation of this field is identical to that of the TransferAmount field (see 6.3.6). See also note in 8.6 for functional requirements of the MeterApplication Process.

        最大功率限制字段是一个16位字段,表示负载可能消耗的最大功率,单位为瓦。该字段的计算与TransferAmount字段的计算相同(参见6.3.6)。参见8.6中关于MeterApplication Process功能需求的注释。

 6.3.10 MPPUL: MaximumPhasePowerUnbalanceLimit (最大相位功率不平衡限制)

The maximum phase power unbalance limit field is a 1 6-bit field that indicates the maximum allowable power difference between phase loads, in watts. Calculation of this field is identical to that of the TransferAmount field (see 6.3.6).


 6.3.11 Rate: TariffRate

 Reserved for future definition by the STS Association.


 6.3.12 WMFactor: WaterMeterFactor

 Reserved by the STS Association for water application.


 6.3.13 Register: RegisterToClear

A unique 1 6-bit binary value in the range 0 to FFFF hex; to select the particular register that should be cleared with the ClearCredit token. The defined values are given in Table 28. 


 6.3.14 NKHO: NewKeyHighOrder

The high order 32 bits of the new DecoderKey that has been generated (see 6.4.4) and which is to be transferred to the payment meter by means of the token.


6.3.15 NKLO: NewKeyLowOrder

The low order 32 bits of the new DecoderKey that has been generated (see 6.4.4) and which is to be transferred to the payment meter by means of the token.


6.3.16 NKMO1 : NewKeyMiddleOrder1

The second most significant 32 bits of the 1 28-bit DecoderKey that has been generated (see 6.4.4) and which is to be transferred to the payment meter by means of a token.


6.3.17 NKMO2: NewKeyMiddleOrder2

The third most significant 32 bits of the 1 28-bit DecoderKey that has been generated (see 6.4.4) and which is to be transferred to the payment meter by means of a token.


6.3.18 KENHO: KeyExpiryNumberHighOrder

This is the high order 4 bits of the KEN (see 6.1 .10).

        这是KEN的高阶4位(见6.1 .10)。

6.3.19 KENLO: KeyExpiryNumberLowOrder

This is the low order 4 bits of the KEN (see 6.1 .10).

        这是KEN的低阶4位(见6.1 .10)。 

6.3.20 RO: RolloverKeyChange

The RO bit shall be set to 1 in the Set1stSectionDecoderKey token when the BaseDate associated with the destination VendingKey/DecoderKey is later than the BaseDate associated with the source VendingKey/DecoderKey and shall be set to 0 otherwise.

        当目的VendingKey/DecoderKey关联的BaseDate比源VendingKey/DecoderKey关联的BaseDate晚时,Set1stSectionDecoderKey token中的RO位设置为1,否则设置为0。

If the RolloverKeyChange bit is set = 1 , the payment meter shall perform a roll over key change. This operation is identical to a normal key change, except that the TID memory store in the payment meter is filled with token identifiers of value 0 (zero).

        如果RolloverKeyChange位设置为= 1,则付费仪表将执行滚转密钥更改。此操作与普通的键更改相同,只是付费计量表中的TID内存存储中填充了值为0(零)的令牌标识符。

 6.3.21 S&E: SignAndExponent

The bit positions for extraction of S&E variables s, e 4 , e 3 and e 2 are given in Table 29. For the assignment of values to s and e, see


 6.3.22 CRC_C: CyclicRedundancyCheck_C

The CRC_C is a checksum field used to verify the integrity of the data transferred for token Class 0 with SubClass 4 to 7 and is calculated as defined in 6.3.7, but with the following change:


A single byte with the value of 01 hex is appended to the 56-bit value before calculation starts. An example of a CRC_C calculation is given in Table 30.




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