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13.7.5 Sub-classification of the Time functions 时间功能的子集

Figure 11 – Sub-classification of the Time functions
        图 11 -时间功能的次级分类  

Time function 时间功能
Attributes: 属性

  • Timer Registers、定时记录
  • Time Registers、时间记录
  • Date Registers、日期记录
  • Time Reference Registers、时间参考记录
  • Status Registers、状态记录

Real time: 实时时间
Backup supply: 备用
Timer: 定时

The Time function maintains date and time information and time reference information for use by other functions. It also maintains status of any backup supply used for time keeping during power outage of the distribution network.

Table 22 – Sub-classification of the Time functions
        表 22 -时间功能的次级分类

Real time:实时时间
Time functions that maintain date and time information that is synchronized to actual date and time and where there is a backup supply. Examples are: date and time of day, time zone, and daylight savings.
        持续日期、时间信息与实际日期和时间同步,并且可用做备用。 例如:日期和时刻、时区和
Time functions that account for the passage of time and provide time reference signals for the use of other functions. Examples are: clock signals for microprocessor, timing of operational life
of meter,time-out of expected events and duration of displayed values.
        定时器: 时间信息计数和为对其他功能提供参考信号。例如:为微处理器提供时钟信号,表具的运行寿命计算,预期事件的终止,显示值得显示时间。
Backup supply:
Time functions that provide the means to maintain the time-keeping activity during periods when the payment meter is not connected to the mains supply voltage. Examples are: long-life batteries as primary cells, rechargeable batteriesand super capacitors with their respective support circuitry

NOTE A payment meter may implement any one or more combinations of these functions.
        注意 A 预付费表可以完成这些作用的一个或更多功能的组合。
The main attributes of the above functions are given in Table 23 below.
        上述功能的主要属性如下表 23 。

Table 23 – Main attributes of the Time functions
        表 23 -时间功能的主要属性

Timer Registers:Duration: days, hours, minutes, seconds, hundredths.
Time Registers: Time of day: hours, minutes, seconds, hundredths.
        时间记录: 时刻:小时、分钟、秒钟、百毫秒
Date Registers:Date: year, month, day of month, day of week.
        日期记录: 日期: 年、月、日、周
Time Reference Registers: For example: time zone, daylight savings start date, end date and Deviation.
        时间参考记录: 例如:时区、夏令时起始日期、结束端日期和偏差
Status Registers: For example: battery life remaining (days).
        状态记录:例如: 电池寿命剩余时间(几天)。




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