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1BenefitAn outcome of actions, behaviors, products, or services that provide utility to the sponsoring organization as well as to the program’s intended beneficiariesutility
provide utility
sponsoring organization
intended beneficiaries
2Benefits Management PlanThe documented explanation defining the processes for creating, maximizing, and sustaining the benefits provided by a program
3Benefits SustainmentOngoing maintenance activities performed beyond the end of the program by receiving organizations to assure continued generation of the improvements and outcomes delivered by the program.
4Business CaseA documented economic feasibility study used to establish validity1.economic feasibility 
2.establish validity
of the benefits to be delivered by a program1.经济可行性
5ComponentsIndividual projects and non-project work activities grouped together to make up a program
6ConstraintA limiting factor that affects the execution of a project, program, portfolio, or process.
7Enterprise Environmental FactorsConditions, not under the immediate control of the team, that influence, constrain, or direct the project, program, or portfolionot under the immediate control of the team
事业环境因素 一系列不受团队控制但会影响、制约或指导项目、项目集或项目组合的条件
8Executive SponsorA senior executive in an agency, organization, or corporation responsible for the success of an authorized program activity
执行发起人 组织机构或企业内对项目集活动的成功负有责任的高级管理人员。
9Governance BoardA review and decision-making body responsible for approving and supporting recommendations made by the program(s) under its authority, and for monitoring and managing the progress of such program(s) in achieving the stated goals.Governance Board.
10Governance Managementthe program management function that provides a robust, repeatable, decision-making framework to control capital investments within an agency, organization, or corporation.robust
治理管理 项目集管理职能的一部分,包含稳定的、可重复的决策机制,帮助控制组织机构和企业内的投资稳定的/强健的坚固的强劲的耐用的
11Performance DomainA grouping of tasks and competencies, measurable against accepted standards that represent 100% of the knowledge elements and activities carried out by an individual to address a specific program management area of concentration.1.measurable
2.specific program
3.area of concentration
12Performing OrganizationAn enterprise whose personnel are the most directly involved in doing the work of the project or program.
13Phase-Gate ReviewsA review at the end of a phase in which a decision is made to continue to the next phase, to continue with modification, or to end a project or program.
14Portfolio Projects, programs, subportfolios, and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives.
15Portfolio ManagementThe centralized management of one or more portfolios to achieve strategic objectives.centralized
项目组合管理 为达到组织战略目标而对已个或多个项目组合所实行的集中管理集中
16Procurement Management PlanA component of the project or program management plan that describes how a team will acquire goods and services from outside of the performing organization.Procurement
17ProgramA group of related projects, subprograms, and program activities that are managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually.
18Program ActivitiesTasks and work performed within a program.
19Program Benefits DeliveryWork performed during the execution of a program that produces the expected benefits as defined in the benefits realization plan
20Program CharterA document defining the scope and purpose of a proposed program presented to governance to obtain approval, funding, and authorizationproposed
21Program ClosureProgram activities necessary to transition program benefits to sustainment and to retire and disposition program resourcesto retire and disposition 
22Program Communications ManagementActivities necessary for the timely and appropriate generation, collection, distribution, storage, retrieval, and ultimate disposition of program information.
23Program DefinitionA documented explanation of the boundaries, scope, objectives, and benefits that will be achieved through the conduct of a proposed program1.boundaries 2.a proposed program
24Program Financial FrameworkA high-level initial plan for coordinating available funding, determining constraints, and determining how funding is allocatedhigh-level
项目集财务框架 关于如何协调资金、并决定资金限制和分配的宏观计划宏观
25Program Financial Management Activities related to identifying the program’s financial sources and resources, integrating the budgets of the program components, developing the overall budget for the program, and controlling costs through the life cycles of both the components and the programintegrating 



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