《Programming from the Ground Up》阅读笔记:p181-p216
《Programming from the Ground Up》学习第10天,p181-p216总结,总计34页。
1.exponent & mantissa
示例:p197, 12345.2 is stored as 1.23452 * 10^4. The mantissa is 1.23452 and the exponent is 4.
2.compiled and interpreted language
(1)compiled language
p231, Many languages are compiled languages. When you write assembly language,each instruction you write is translated into exactly one machine instruction for processing. With compilers, a statement can translate into one or hundreds of machine instructions.
很多语言属于编译型语言。当使用汇编语言(assembly language)编程时,每一条指令会被转换成一条机器执行进行处理。使用编译器(compiler),一条语句(statement)可以被转换成一条或者多条机器指令。
(2)interpreted language
p214, There are also languages that are interpreted languages. These languages require
that the user run a program called an interpreter that in turn runs the given program.
(3)hybrid language(compiled and interpreted language)
There is also a class of hybrid languages which partially compile a program before execution into byte-codes.
还有一类混合语言,程序在执行前会被部分编译(partially compile,这里暂时想不出什么好的翻译,将就理解吧)成字节码。
总结:什么样的语言称为编译型语言(compiled language),什么的语言称为解释型语(interpreted language)?其实作者并没有给出很明确的定义,引用维基百科里面的一段话来概括吧:The term is vague since, in principle, any language can be compiled or interpreted and in practice some languages are both (in different environments).In some environments, source code is first compiled (to an intermediate form; often bytecode) and then interpreted(这个术语是模糊的,因为原则上,任何语言都可以被编译或解释,在实践中,有些语言两者都可以(在不同的环境中)。在某些环境中,源代码首先被编译成一种中间形式(通常是字节码),然后再进行解释。
1.hallway vs hall
p187, We have a switch for outside lights, a switch for the hallway lights, a switch for the living room lights, and a switch for the bedroom lights.
hallway和hall的意思差不多,都是指"a passage in a house(走廊)", 它们之间的一个微小差别是:hallway implies “narrow passage”, hall implies “large space or room”。
2.flinch at
flinch: make a sudden small movement of pain or fear(这是物理意义上的),也可以用于比喻意义(退缩)。
示例:p213, Languages are simply tools, and learning to use a new tool should not be something a programmer flinches at.
p214, However, in well-made interpreters, this time can be fairly negligible.
(1)negligible: negligence + -ible。
(2)negligence: neglect。
(3) neglect: *ne-(“not”) + *leg-(“to collect, gather”).vt. to not give enough care or attention to sth(忽视)。
1. 编程
(1)Jonathan Bartlett,《Programming From The Ground Up》:https://book.douban.com/subject/1787855/
2. 英语
(1)Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org