-- 创建catalog/加载catalog,如果这个catalog已经存在就不会创建,自动加载元数据信息CREATE CATALOG fs_paimon_catalog WITH (
'type' = 'paimon',
'warehouse' = 'hdfs://wsl01:8020/paimon/catalog'
-- 使用catalog
use catalog fs_paimon_catalog;-- sqlClinet使用
-- 设置为批处理模式
SET 'execution.runtime-mode' = 'batch';
-- 设置为流处理模式
SET 'execution.runtime-mode' = 'streaming';
-- 设置查询结果显示方式,sql-clinet 特有
SET 'sql-client.execution.result-mode' = 'tableau';
-- 设置checkpoint,如果使用流模式,必须设置
SET 'execution.checkpointing.interval' = '10 s';root@wsl01:~/soft/paimon/flink-1.17.0# cat fs_catalog.sql
CREATE CATALOG fs_catalog WITH ('type'='paimon','warehouse'='file:/mnt/d/wsl/soft/paimon/catalog'-- 'warehouse' = 'hdfs://wsl01:8020/paimon/catalog'
use catalog fs_catalog ;
SET 'sql-client.execution.result-mode' = 'tableau';
-- 默认批处理
SET 'execution.runtime-mode' = 'batch';-- 指定默认启动catalog
bin/ -i fs_catalog.sql
-- 普通表,没有主键CREATE TABLE t_sample (user_id BIGINT,item_id BIGINT,behavior STRING,dt STRING,hh STRING
CREATE TABLE t_pk (user_id BIGINT,item_id BIGINT,behavior STRING,dt STRING,hh STRING,PRIMARY KEY (dt, hh, user_id) NOT ENFORCED
-- 分区表的分区字段必须是主键的子集CREATE TABLE t_partition (user_id BIGINT,item_id BIGINT,behavior STRING,dt STRING,hh STRING,PRIMARY KEY (dt, hh, user_id) NOT ENFORCED
) PARTITIONED BY (dt, hh);
-- 如果进入paimon创建的catalog后,无法创建非paimon类型的表,如果需要借助第三方的表,需要创建临时表来使用CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_temporary (user_id BIGINT,item_id BIGINT,behavior STRING,dt STRING,hh STRING,PRIMARY KEY (dt, hh, user_id) NOT ENFORCED
) WITH ('connector' = 'filesystem','path' = 'file:///mnt/d/wsl/soft/paimon/temp_table.csv','format' = 'csv'
复制表-AS,create table as
-- create as 创建主键表,CREATE TABLE t_create_as_pk AS SELECT * FROM t_pk;
show create table t__pk;
show create table t_create_as_pk;-- create as 创建分区表
show create table t_partition ;
CREATE TABLE t_create_as_partition AS SELECT * FROM t_partition;
show create table t_create_as_partition ;
上述执行结果告诉我们,create as 的表,只保留原表的字段,不保留其他属性信息
-- 通过with 重新指定,关于with的用法,参考flink
CREATE TABLE t_create_as_with with ('primary-key' = 'dt,hh','partition' = 'dt') AS SELECT * FROM t_pk ;
show create table t_create_as_with;
上述执行结果告诉我们,create as 的表可以通过with 重新指定属性信息
复制表-LIKE,create table like
CREATE TABLE t_create_like like t_pk;
show create table t_pk;
show create table t_create_like;
上述执行结果告诉我们,create like 的表,保留全部信息
desc #{name}
show create table #{name}
show catalogs;
show databases;
show tables;
insert into t_sample(user_id,item_id,behavior,dt,hh) values(100,100,'sing-sample','1','2');insert into t_sample values(101,101,'jump-sample','1','2');insert into t_sample select 102,102,'rap-sample','1','2';Flink SQL> select * from t_sample;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 100 | 100 | sing-sample | 1 | 2 |
| 101 | 101 | jump-sample | 1 | 2 |
| 102 | 102 | rap-sample | 1 | 2 |
3 rows in set
insert into t_pk values(1,1,'sing','1','2');
insert into t_pk values(2,2,'jump','1','2');
insert into t_pk values(3,3,'rap','1','2');
Flink SQL> select * from t_pk;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 1 | 1 | sing | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 2 | jump | 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 | rap | 1 | 2 |
3 rows in set
insert into t_pk values(3,3,'basketball','1','2');
Flink SQL> select * from t_pk;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 1 | 1 | sing | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 2 | jump | 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 | basketball | 1 | 2 |
3 rows in set-- 我们发现,主键表,写入两条相同主键的数据,后者会覆盖前者
-- 主键表有一个默认引擎,默认是就是 'merge-engine' = 'deduplicate',因此才有这个效果
insert into t_partition partition(dt='2024-10-08',hh='15')(user_id,item_id,behavior) values(1,1,'sing');
insert into t_partition partition(dt='2024-10-08',hh='15')(user_id,item_id,behavior) values(2,2,'jump');
insert into t_partition(user_id,item_id,behavior,dt,hh) values(3,3,'rap','2024-10-08','16');
insert into t_partition values(4,4,'basketball','2024-10-08','16');Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 1 | 1 | sing | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
| 2 | 2 | jump | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
| 3 | 3 | rap | 2024-10-08 | 16 |
| 4 | 4 | basketball | 2024-10-08 | 16 |
4 rows in setinsert into t_partition as select * from t_sample;insert into t_partition partition(dt='2099-10-08',hh='15')(user_id,item_id,behavior) select user_id,item_id,behavior from t_sample;Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 1 | 1 | sing | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
| 2 | 2 | jump | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
| 100 | 100 | sing-sample | 2099-10-08 | 15 |
| 101 | 101 | jump-sample | 2099-10-08 | 15 |
| 102 | 102 | rap-sample | 2099-10-08 | 15 |
| 3 | 3 | rap | 2024-10-08 | 16 |
| 4 | 4 | basketball | 2024-10-08 | 16 |
| 100 | 100 | sing-sample | 1 | 2 |
| 101 | 101 | jump-sample | 1 | 2 |
| 102 | 102 | rap-sample | 1 | 2 |
10 rows in setFlink SQL> insert overwrite t_partition(user_id,item_id,behavior) values(5,5,'non-partition');
[ERROR] Could not execute SQL statement. Reason:
org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorException: Column 'dt' has no default value and does not allow NULLs
Flink SQL> select * from t_pk;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 1 | 1 | sing | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 2 | jump | 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 | basketball | 1 | 2 |
+---------+---------+------------+----+----+insert into t_pk values(10,10,'overwrite','1','2');Flink SQL> select * from t_pk;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 10 | 10 | overwrite | 1 | 2 |
1 row in set
overwrite 会直接清空表,不会考虑主键
insert into t_partition partition(dt='2024-10-08',hh='15')(user_id,item_id,behavior) values(1,1,'sing');
insert into t_partition partition(dt='2024-10-08',hh='15')(user_id,item_id,behavior) values(2,2,'jump');
insert into t_partition partition(dt='2024-10-09',hh='15')(user_id,item_id,behavior) values(3,3,'rap');
Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 3 | 3 | rap | 2024-10-09 | 15 |
| 1 | 1 | sing | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
| 2 | 2 | jump | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
3 rows in setinsert overwrite t_partition partition(dt='2024-10-08',hh='15')(user_id,item_id,behavior) values(4,4,'basketball');Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 3 | 3 | rap | 2024-10-09 | 15 |
| 4 | 4 | basketball | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
2 rows in set
分区表只会overwrite 当前要写入分区
Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 3 | 3 | rap | 2024-10-09 | 15 |
| 1 | 1 | sing | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
| 2 | 2 | jump | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
3 rows in set
-- 对指定分区写入空记录,没有效果INSERT OVERWRITE t_partition PARTITION (`dt` = '2024-10-08', `hh` = '15') SELECT user_id,item_id,behavior FROM t_partition WHERE false;Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 3 | 3 | rap | 2024-10-09 | 15 |
| 1 | 1 | sing | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
| 2 | 2 | jump | 2024-10-08 | 15 |
3 rows in set-- 对指定分区写入空记录,指定 /*+ OPTIONS('dynamic-partition-overwrite'='false') */,会清空指定的分区INSERT OVERWRITE t_partition /*+ OPTIONS('dynamic-partition-overwrite'='false') */ PARTITION (`dt` = '2024-10-08', `hh` = '15') SELECT user_id,item_id,behavior FROM t_partition WHERE false;
Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 3 | 3 | rap | 2024-10-09 | 15 |
1 row in set-- 不指定分区写入空记录,指定 /*+ OPTIONS('dynamic-partition-overwrite'='false') */,会清空所有分区,truncate
INSERT OVERWRITE t_partition /*+ OPTIONS('dynamic-partition-overwrite'='false') */ SELECT * FROM t_partition WHERE false;Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
Empty set
/*+ OPTIONS('dynamic-partition-overwrite'='false') */ Flink默认的覆盖模式是动态分区覆盖 (即Paimon只删除覆盖数据中出现的分区)。可以配置动态分区覆盖将其更改为静态覆盖。
paimon 没有truncate,因此我们可以借助overwite+静态覆盖,这个实现truncate
Important table properties setting:
- Only primary key table supports this feature. 表必须有主键
- MergeEngine needs to be deduplicate or partial-update to support this feature. 合并引擎必须为deduplicate,以后会支持partial-update
- Do not support updating primary keys. 不能修改主键
- Flink 版本1.17 及以上版本才支持
- 必须是批处理模式
UPDATE table_identifier SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition;Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 100 | 100 | sing-sample | 1 | 2 |
| 101 | 101 | jump-sample | 1 | 2 |
| 102 | 102 | rap-sample | 1 | 2 |
3 rows in setupdate t_partition set behavior = 'baskteball-sample' where user_id =100;Flink SQL> select * from t_partition;
| user_id | item_id | behavior | dt | hh |
| 100 | 100 | baskteball-sample | 1 | 2 |
| 101 | 101 | jump-sample | 1 | 2 |
| 102 | 102 | rap-sample | 1 | 2 |
3 rows in set
CREATE TABLE my_table (user_id BIGINT,item_id BIGINT,behavior STRING,dt STRING,hh STRING,PRIMARY KEY (dt, hh, user_id) NOT ENFORCED
) PARTITIONED BY (dt, hh);
paimon 会默认为每一列添加3个统计属性:最大值、最小值、null值数量
- full:为所有数据添加最大值、最小值、null值数量统计
- truncate(length):截断length长度后,为所有数据添加最大值、最小值、null值数量统计,这个是默认值:默认length 16,为了避免长文本字段的统计
- counts:只对null值数量统计
- none:不统计
- fields.{field_name}.stats-mode,with ( ‘fields.behavior.stats-mode’ = ‘full’ )
paimon表可以设置字段默认值,但是 不能 对主键字段设置默认值
- fields.{field_name}.default-value
- with ( ‘fields.behavior.default-value’ = ‘sing’ )
在批作业中配置该参数可以启用聚类写入功能,使数据在特定列上按大小范围聚集分布,从而提升该列的查询速度。只能在批处理或者append table(流处理)中使用。
- with ( ‘’ = ‘user_id,item_id’ )
- INSERT INTO my_table /*+ OPTIONS(‘’ = ‘a,b’) */ SELECT * FROM source;
Flink overwrite模式,在分区表中默认是动态分区覆盖,也就是说在使用overwrite时,只覆盖当前写入分区的数据,写入数据为空时,不进行覆盖,我们可以设置为静态覆盖,当写入数据为空时,也会覆盖。如果写入的分区为空则覆盖所有分区!
Hints,跟在表的后边,也就是声明本次sql的执行策略,dynamic-partition-overwrite=false > 静态覆盖,truncate的替代语法(TRUNCATE TABLE my_table 需要flink 1.18 之后才支持)
INSERT OVERWRITE my_table /*+ OPTIONS(‘dynamic-partition-overwrite’=‘false’) */