【AIGC】通过OpenAi Canvas修改论文(附40条论文优化指令)
- 1、用ChatGPT优化论文大纲和逻辑
- 2、用ChatGPT充实论文内容
- 3、用ChatGPT寻找案例和数据
- 4、用ChatGPT检查语法和字词错误
- 5、如何直接使用ChatGPT4o、o1、OpenAI Canvas
- 6、OpenAI Canvas增强了啥?
- 7、编程功能增强
在刚开始撰写学术论文时,很多小伙伴感觉无从下手,使用以下提示词搭配Openai最新发布的深度思考模型O1,涵盖优化论文大纲和逻辑、充实论文内容、寻找案例和数据、检查语法和字词错误 四个方面。这些提示词不仅适用于学术论文的撰写,还能提高学术表达的严谨性和深度。
英文: “As a research writing expert, please help me refine the outline and logical flow of my paper on Java multithreading. How should I arrange sections to ensure a clear progression of ideas?” 中文: “作为论文写作专家,请帮助我优化关于Java多线程编程论文的大纲和逻辑。我应该如何安排章节以确保思想的清晰发展?”
英文: “I’m working on a paper about Java’s garbage collection. Can you assist me in refining the outline and logic, ensuring a smooth flow from technical background to performance analysis?” 中文: “我正在写一篇关于Java垃圾回收机制的论文。您能帮助我优化大纲和逻辑,确保从技术背景到性能分析的顺畅衔接吗?”
英文: “Help me design a more cohesive outline and logical structure for my research on Java security mechanisms. How should I link sections like threat analysis and security practices?” 中文: “帮助我设计一个更连贯的关于Java安全机制研究的大纲和逻辑结构。我应该如何连接威胁分析和安全实践等部分?”
英文: “Please assist me in optimizing the outline and logic of my paper on Java performance optimization techniques. How can I ensure a logical progression from problem identification to solution proposals?” 中文: “请帮助我优化关于Java性能优化技术的论文大纲和逻辑。我如何确保从问题识别到解决方案提案的逻辑顺序?”
英文: “I’m writing a paper on Java concurrency models. Can you help me optimize the outline and logic to better connect technical background, comparison of models, and practical applications?” 中文: “我正在写一篇关于Java并发编程模型的论文。您能帮助我优化大纲和逻辑,更好地连接技术背景、模型比较和实际应用吗?”
英文: “Help me refine the outline and logical flow of my paper on Java’s integration with cloud computing. How should I logically arrange sections such as system architecture, integration strategies, and performance evaluation?” 中文: “帮助我优化关于Java与云计算集成的论文大纲和逻辑。我应该如何合理安排系统架构、集成策略和性能评估等部分?”
英文: “I’m focusing on Java’s role in big data frameworks. Can you help me refine the outline and structure to ensure smooth transitions between sections like Hadoop integration and performance benchmarks?” 中文: “我正在研究Java在大数据框架中的作用。您能帮助我优化大纲和结构,以确保从Hadoop集成到性能基准测试等部分的顺畅过渡吗?”
英文: “Please assist me in optimizing the outline and logical structure of my paper on functional programming in Java. How can I better organize the sections to compare it with other paradigms?” 中文: “请帮助我优化关于Java函数式编程支持的论文大纲和逻辑结构。我如何更好地组织各部分来与其他编程范式进行比较?”
英文: “I’m working on a paper about Java’s memory management. Can you assist me in refining the outline and logic to ensure a clear connection between theory, examples, and analysis?” 中文: “我正在写一篇关于Java内存管理机制的论文。您能帮助我优化大纲和逻辑,确保理论、示例和分析之间的清晰连接吗?”
英文: “Help me refine the outline and logical flow of my paper on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) optimization. How can I better organize sections like problem definition, solution strategies, and case studies?” 中文: “帮助我优化关于Java虚拟机(JVM)优化的论文大纲和逻辑。我如何更好地组织问题定义、解决方案和案例研究等部分?”
英文: “As a research writing expert, please help me improve the language and add more technical depth to my section on Java multithreading performance optimization.” 中文: “作为论文写作专家,请帮助我优化语言表达,并为我关于Java多线程性能优化的部分增加更多技术深度。”
英文: “I’m writing about Java’s garbage collection mechanisms. Could you help me refine the wording and provide additional details or examples to support my arguments?” 中文: “我正在写关于Java垃圾回收机制的论文。您能帮助我润色措辞,并提供额外的细节或示例来支持我的论点吗?”
英文: “Please assist me in enhancing the clarity of my writing on Java’s memory management. Can you also suggest additional content to enrich the discussion?” 中文: “请帮助我提高我关于Java内存管理部分的写作清晰度。您能建议一些额外的内容来充实讨论吗?”
英文: “I’m working on a paper about Java security. Could you help me improve the language for better clarity and impact, and suggest additional security vulnerabilities to discuss?” 中文: “我正在写一篇关于Java安全性的论文。您能帮助我优化语言,使其更加清晰且具有影响力,并建议额外的安全漏洞以供讨论吗?”
英文: “As a writing expert, please help me enhance the technical explanations in my paper on Java concurrency models. How can I make the language more precise and add more real-world examples?” 中文: “作为写作专家,请帮助我提升我关于Java并发编程模型论文中的技术解释。如何使语言更加精准,并增加更多现实中的例子?”
英文: “I’m writing about Java Virtual Machine (JVM) optimization. Could you help me improve my explanations and suggest ways to expand the discussion with more technical examples?” 中文: “我正在写关于Java虚拟机(JVM)优化的论文。您能帮助我改进解释,并建议用更多技术示例来扩展讨论吗?”
英文: “Help me improve the language and content of my section on functional programming in Java. Can you provide additional insights or examples comparing it to other paradigms?” 中文: “帮助我改进我关于Java函数式编程部分的语言和内容。您能提供额外的见解或示例来比较它与其他编程范式吗?”
英文: “I’m writing a paper on Java’s role in big data frameworks. Can you assist me in improving the language and suggest additional case studies or examples to support my argument?” 中文: “我正在写一篇关于Java在大数据框架中作用的论文。您能帮助我改进语言表达,并建议额外的案例研究或示例来支持我的论点吗?”
英文: “As a research expert, could you help me refine my writing on Java’s integration with cloud computing, and suggest how to expand the content with more real-world applications?” 中文: “作为研究专家,您能帮助我润色我关于Java与云计算集成的写作,并建议如何用更多现实应用扩展内容吗?”
英文: “I’m focusing on performance optimization in Java. Could you help me make the language more concise and technical, and provide additional optimization techniques to enrich the paper?” 中文: “我正在研究Java的性能优化。您能帮助我使语言更加简洁和技术化,并提供额外的优化技术以充实论文内容吗?”
英文: “As a research writing expert, help me find case studies and performance data related to multithreading in Java. Can you provide examples of real-world scenarios and benchmarking results?” 中文: “作为论文写作专家,请帮助我寻找与Java多线程性能相关的案例研究和性能数据。您能提供一些现实场景和基准测试结果的示例吗?”
英文: “I’m writing about Java’s garbage collection mechanisms. Could you assist me in finding relevant case studies and performance data to support my analysis?” 中文: “我正在写关于Java垃圾回收机制的论文。您能帮我找到相关的案例研究和性能数据来支持我的分析吗?”
英文: “Please help me locate real-world security breach cases related to Java. I need data on vulnerabilities and how they were addressed in practice.” 中文: “请帮助我找到与Java相关的现实安全漏洞案例。我需要有关漏洞以及如何在实践中解决它们的数据。”
英文: “I’m writing a paper on Java’s memory management. Could you assist me in finding case studies and memory performance data from real-world applications?” 中文: “我正在写关于Java内存管理机制的论文。您能帮我找到来自实际应用的案例研究和内存性能数据吗?”
英文: “As a writing expert, help me find case studies and benchmarking data related to Java concurrency optimization. How have companies optimized concurrent applications using Java?” 中文: “作为论文写作专家,帮助我寻找与Java并发优化相关的案例研究和基准测试数据。企业是如何使用Java优化并发应用的?”
英文: “Please assist me in finding real-world case studies and performance metrics for Java’s integration with cloud computing platforms like AWS and Google Cloud.” 中文: “请帮助我寻找Java与云计算平台(如AWS和Google Cloud)集成的现实案例研究和性能指标。”
英文: “I’m focusing on functional programming in Java. Can you help me find real-world examples and data that demonstrate its use and performance improvements in software projects?” 中文: “我正在研究Java中的函数式编程。您能帮助我找到展示其在软件项目中的使用和性能改进的现实案例和数据吗?”
英文: “Help me find case studies and performance data on Java’s role in big data processing frameworks like Hadoop and Spark. How is Java being utilized in these environments?” 中文: “帮助我找到有关Java在大数据处理框架(如Hadoop和Spark)中的角色的案例研究和性能数据。Java是如何在这些环境中被使用的?”
英文: “I’m writing about JVM optimization. Can you assist me in locating case studies and data on how companies have optimized JVM performance for their applications?” 中文: “我正在写关于JVM优化的论文。您能帮我找到有关企业如何优化JVM性能的案例研究和数据吗?”
英文: “I’m researching performance optimization techniques in Java. Could you help me find real-world case studies and benchmarking results that demonstrate these techniques in action?” 中文: “我正在研究Java的性能优化技术。您能帮助我找到展示这些技术实际应用的现实案例研究和基准测试结果吗?”
英文: “As a writing expert, please help me proofread my paper on Java multithreading. Could you check for any grammatical errors and suggest improvements for clarity?” 中文: “作为论文写作专家,请帮助我校对关于Java多线程编程的论文。您能检查是否有语法错误,并建议提高清晰度的改进方法吗?”
英文: “I’ve written a section on Java’s garbage collection. Can you check for grammar and word choice errors, and suggest any necessary revisions to improve readability?” 中文: “我写了一部分关于Java垃圾回收机制的内容。您能检查语法和用词错误,并建议必要的修改以提高可读性吗?”
英文: “Please help me proofread my Java security mechanisms paper for grammatical and word usage mistakes. How can I improve the precision of my language?” 中文: “请帮助我校对关于Java安全机制的论文,检查语法和用词错误。我如何提高语言的准确性?”
英文: “I’m writing about Java’s memory management. Could you review the section for any grammar or word choice errors and suggest how to make the text flow more smoothly?” 中文: “我正在写关于Java内存管理机制的论文。您能检查这部分内容是否有语法或用词错误,并建议如何使文本更加流畅吗?”
英文: “As a writing expert, please help me check my paper on Java concurrency optimization for grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. Can you suggest better wording?” 中文: “作为论文写作专家,请帮助我检查关于Java并发编程优化的论文中的语法错误和不恰当的表达。您能建议更好的措辞吗?”
英文: “I’ve written a section on Java’s integration with cloud computing. Could you review the text for grammar, word choice errors, and suggest revisions for clarity and impact?” 中文: “我写了一部分关于Java与云计算集成的内容。您能检查文本中的语法和用词错误,并建议修改以提高清晰度和影响力吗?”
英文: “Please help me proofread my section on functional programming in Java. Could you check for grammar, punctuation, and word choice errors, and suggest ways to improve the flow?” 中文: “请帮助我校对关于Java函数式编程的部分。您能检查语法、标点和用词错误,并建议改进文本流畅性的方法吗?”
英文: “I’m writing about Java’s role in big data frameworks. Can you review the section for grammar and vocabulary errors, and suggest how I can improve sentence structure?” 中文: “我正在写关于Java在大数据框架中的应用。您能检查语法和词汇错误,并建议如何改进句子结构吗?”
英文: “As a writing expert, could you help me proofread my paper on JVM optimization? Please check for grammar, spelling, and awkward phrasing.” 中文: “作为论文写作专家,您能帮助我校对关于JVM优化的论文吗?请检查语法、拼写和不恰当的措辞。”
英文: “I’m working on a paper about Java performance optimization. Could you help me check for grammatical errors and suggest improvements for word choice and sentence clarity?” 中文: “我正在写一篇关于Java性能优化的论文。您能帮助我检查语法错误,并建议在用词和句子清晰度方面的改进吗?”
5、如何直接使用ChatGPT4o、o1、OpenAI Canvas
- GPT-4o知识问答:已同步最新ChatGPT o1、OpenAI Canvas
- 最强代码大模型Code Copilot:代码自动补全、代码优化建议、代码重构等
- DALL-E AI绘画:AI绘画 + 剪辑 = 自媒体新时代
- 私信哪吒,备注ai,直接使用GPT-4o
6、OpenAI Canvas增强了啥?
官网定义:Canvas 是一个全新的界面,旨在帮助用户与 ChatGPT 在写作和编码方面进行更紧密的协作。
对于这项功能,OpenAI 研究主管 Karina Nguyen 在 X 平台阐述了她的想法:
我心目中的终极 AGI 界面是一张空白画布(Canvas)。
它能够随着人类的偏好不断演变、自我变形,并发明出与人类互动的全新方式,重新定义我们与 AI 技术以及整个互联网的关系。
- 审查代码(Review code):就是我们常说的review代码,先让ChatGPT review一遍,领导再看的时候,只会感叹,“这代码写的真工整!”
- 添加日志(Add logs)
- 添加注释(Add comments)
- 修复bug(Fix bugs):可以直接检测代码中存在的bug,并给出修复建议或修复代码。
- 转换语言(Port to a language):将Java代码翻译成 Python、JavaScript、C、C++ (精通八国语言?)。
Karina Nguyen 也分享了 Canvas 的一些实际使用案例。
GPT-4o 结合 Canvas 可以研究艺术史并撰写报告,可以要求验证其观点并添加引用文献。
无论是写作、编程,还是两者结合的任务,Canvas 都让我们与 AI 的合作更加高效、灵活。随着功能的进一步完善,这个工具将成为每一个创作者和开发者的必备助手。