Algo-Lab 2 Stack Queue ADT
Lab 2: Stack & Queue ADT
Part 1
这里只说一下最小栈的思路,我们可以在定义一个栈,来同步存储当前情况下的占的最小值。最小栈第一时间的想法可能是设定一个变量,每次push进来栈中的元素进行对比,保持最小值,但是这样做并没有考虑到如果POP时的各种情况。因此,我们设置一个最小值的栈,他和存储的栈同步Push和Pop,只是,它每次push 的是栈目前存储的元素中的最小的值,这样就解决了 Pop 后的最小值问题了。
public class StackMin<AnyType extends Comparable<AnyType>> implements StackInterface<AnyType> {private static final int MAX_SIZE = 1024;private AnyType[] xstack;private AnyType[] minstack;private int size;public StackMin() {this.xstack = (AnyType[]) new Object[MAX_SIZE];this.minstack = (AnyType[]) new Object[MAX_SIZE];this.size = 0;}@Overridepublic int size() {return this.size;}@Overridepublic AnyType pop() throws EmptyStackException {if (isEmpty()) {throw new EmptyStackException();}return this.xstack[--this.size];}@Overridepublic AnyType peek() throws EmptyStackException {if (isEmpty()) {throw new EmptyStackException();}return this.xstack[this.size - 1];}@Overridepublic void push(AnyType item) {if (this.size < MAX_SIZE) {this.xstack[this.size++] = item;if (size == 0 || item.compareTo(this.minstack[size - 1]) < 0) {this.minstack[this.size] = item;} else {this.minstack[this.size] = this.minstack[size - 1];}}}@Overridepublic void clear() {this.size = 0;}@Overridepublic boolean isEmpty() {return size() == 0;}public AnyType findMin() {return this.minstack[this.size - 1];}
Part 2
/*** Simple computeSpan static function* working on arrays*/public static int[] computeSpan(int[] input) {int len = input.length;int[] spans = new int[len];Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {while (!stack.isEmpty() && input[stack.peek()] <= input[i]) {stack.pop();}spans[i] = (stack.isEmpty()) ? (i + 1) : (i - stack.peek());stack.push(i);}return spans;}/*** Compute the span of the input values* using a stack.* Complexity: THETA(n) where is n is the* number of values to compute the span of*/public void computeSpan() {Stack<Integer> priceStack = new Stack<>();Stack<Integer> indexStack = new Stack<>();int day = 0;while (input.hasNextInt()) {int price = input.nextInt();int span = 1;while (!priceStack.isEmpty() && priceStack.peek() <= price) {priceStack.pop();indexStack.pop();}if (indexStack.isEmpty()) {span = day + 1;} else {span = day - indexStack.peek();}priceStack.push(price);indexStack.push(day);output.printf("value: %d span: %d\n", price, span);day++;}}
Part 3
public static void showPairs(int n, String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, EmptyQueueException {ListQueue<Integer> queue = new ListQueue<>();Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(fileName));while (scanner.hasNextInt()) {queue.offer(scanner.nextInt());}scanner.close();Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();int index = 0;while (!queue.isEmpty()) {Integer num = queue.poll();if (map.containsKey(num - n)) {System.out.println("(" + (num - n) + "," + num + ")");}map.put(num, index++);}}
Part 4
package tiei.aads.adt;import java.util.Stack;/*** A class for queues implemented with stacks*/
public class StackQueue<AnyType> implements QueueInterface<AnyType> {private Stack<AnyType> instack = new Stack<>();private Stack<AnyType> outstack = new Stack<>();@Overridepublic int size() {return this.instack.size() + this.outstack.size();}@Overridepublic boolean isEmpty() {return this.instack.isEmpty() && this.outstack.isEmpty();
// return QueueInterface.super.isEmpty();}@Overridepublic void offer(AnyType item) {this.instack.push(item);}@Overridepublic AnyType poll() throws EmptyQueueException {if(this.outstack.isEmpty()){while (this.instack.isEmpty()){this.outstack.push(this.instack.pop());}}return outstack.pop();}@Overridepublic AnyType peek() throws EmptyQueueException {if(this.outstack.isEmpty()){while (this.instack.isEmpty()){this.outstack.push(this.instack.pop());}}return outstack.peek();}
Part 5
package tiei.aads.adt;import java.util.*;/*** A class to arrange train configuration*/
public class TrainManagement {private String[] from; // the initial orderingprivate String[] to; // the final orderingprivate StackInterface<String> U; // to hold the cars on track U(nsorted)private StackInterface<String> T; // to hold the cars on track T(emporary)private StackInterface<String> S; // to hold the cars on track S(orted)private Map<String, StackInterface<String>> map = new HashMap<>();/*** Build a TrainManagement object* Preconditions:* 'from' and 'to' have the same size N and are* both permutations of each other*/public TrainManagement(String[] from, String[] to) {this.from = from; = to;U = new ArrayStack<>();T = new ArrayStack<>();S = new ArrayStack<>();for (int i = from.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {U.push(from[i]);map.put(from[i], U);}}/*** Output the basic move commands to transfer* the cars from the 'from' order on track U* to the 'to' order on track S*/public void arrange() throws EmptyStackException {int toIndex = 0;while (toIndex < to.length) {String targetCar = to[toIndex];boolean found = false;while (!U.isEmpty()) {String car = U.pop();System.out.println("move car " + car + " from U to T");T.push(car);if (car.equals(targetCar)) {found = true;System.out.println("move car " + car + " from T to S");T.pop();toIndex++;break;}}while (!T.isEmpty() && !found) {String car = T.pop();System.out.println("move car " + car + " from T to U");U.push(car);}}}/*** A short main for quick testing*/public static void main(String[] args) throws EmptyStackException {String[] from = {"33", "11", "44", "22"};String[] to = {"11", "22", "33", "44"};TrainManagement tm = new TrainManagement(from, to);tm.arrange();}// expected output//// move car 33 from U to T// move car 11 from U to T// move car 11 from T to S// move car 44 from U to T// move car 22 from U to T// move car 22 from T to S// move car 44 from T to U// move car 33 from T to S// move car 44 from U to T// move car 44 from T to S