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const day = 24 * 36e5,today = Math.floor(Date.now() / day) * day;const options = {chart: {plotBackgroundColor: 'rgba(128,128,128,0.02)',plotBorderColor: 'rgba(128,128,128,0.1)',plotBorderWidth: 1},plotOptions: {series: {borderRadius: '50%',connectors: {dashStyle: 'ShortDot',lineWidth: 2,radius: 5,startMarker: {enabled: false}},groupPadding: 0,dataLabels: [{enabled: true,align: 'left',format: '{point.name}',padding: 10,style: {fontWeight: 'normal',textOutline: 'none'}}, {enabled: true,align: 'right',format: '{#if point.completed}{(multiply ' +'point.completed.amount 100):.0f}%{/if}',padding: 10,style: {fontWeight: 'normal',textOutline: 'none',opacity: 0.6}}]}},series: [{name: 'Offices',data: [{name: 'New offices',id: 'new_offices',owner: 'Peter'}, {name: 'Prepare office building',id: 'prepare_building',parent: 'new_offices',start: today - (2 * day),end: today + (6 * day),completed: {amount: 0.2},owner: 'Linda'}, {name: 'Inspect building',id: 'inspect_building',dependency: 'prepare_building',parent: 'new_offices',start: today + 6 * day,end: today + 8 * day,owner: 'Ivy'}, {name: 'Passed inspection',id: 'passed_inspection',dependency: 'inspect_building',parent: 'new_offices',start: today + 9.5 * day,milestone: true,owner: 'Peter'}, {name: 'Relocate',id: 'relocate',dependency: 'passed_inspection',parent: 'new_offices',owner: 'Josh'}, {name: 'Relocate staff',id: 'relocate_staff',parent: 'relocate',start: today + 10 * day,end: today + 11 * day,owner: 'Mark'}, {name: 'Relocate test facility',dependency: 'relocate_staff',parent: 'relocate',start: today + 11 * day,end: today + 13 * day,owner: 'Anne'}, {name: 'Relocate cantina',dependency: 'relocate_staff',parent: 'relocate',start: today + 11 * day,end: today + 14 * day}]}, {name: 'Product',data: [{name: 'New product launch',id: 'new_product',owner: 'Peter'}, {name: 'Development',id: 'development',parent: 'new_product',start: today - day,end: today + (11 * day),completed: {amount: 0.6,fill: '#e80'},owner: 'Susan'}, {name: 'Beta',id: 'beta',dependency: 'development',parent: 'new_product',start: today + 12.5 * day,milestone: true,owner: 'Peter'}, {name: 'Final development',id: 'finalize',dependency: 'beta',parent: 'new_product',start: today + 13 * day,end: today + 17 * day}, {name: 'Launch',dependency: 'finalize',parent: 'new_product',start: today + 17.5 * day,milestone: true,owner: 'Peter'}]}],tooltip: {pointFormat: '<span style="font-weight: bold">{point.name}</span><br>' +'{point.start:%e %b}' +'{#unless point.milestone} → {point.end:%e %b}{/unless}' +'<br>' +'{#if point.completed}' +'Completed: {multiply point.completed.amount 100}%<br>' +'{/if}' +'Owner: {#if point.owner}{point.owner}{else}unassigned{/if}'},title: {text: 'Gantt Project Management'},xAxis: [{currentDateIndicator: {color: '#2caffe',dashStyle: 'ShortDot',width: 2,label: {format: ''}},dateTimeLabelFormats: {day: '%e<br><span style="opacity: 0.5; font-size: 0.7em">%a</span>'},grid: {borderWidth: 0},gridLineWidth: 1,min: today - 3 * day,max: today + 18 * day,custom: {today,weekendPlotBands: true}}],yAxis: {grid: {borderWidth: 0},gridLineWidth: 0,labels: {symbol: {width: 8,height: 6,x: -4,y: -2}},staticScale: 30},accessibility: {keyboardNavigation: {seriesNavigation: {mode: 'serialize'}},point: {descriptionFormatter: function (point) {const completedValue = point.completed ?point.completed.amount || point.completed : null,completed = completedValue ?' Task ' + Math.round(completedValue * 1000) / 10 +'% completed.' :'',dependency = point.dependency &&point.series.chart.get(point.dependency).name,dependsOn = dependency ?' Depends on ' + dependency + '.' : '';return Highcharts.format(point.milestone ?'{point.yCategory}. Milestone at {point.x:%Y-%m-%d}. ' +'Owner: {point.owner}.{dependsOn}' :'{point.yCategory}.{completed} Start ' +'{point.x:%Y-%m-%d}, end {point.x2:%Y-%m-%d}. Owner: ' +'{point.owner}.{dependsOn}',{ point, completed, dependsOn });}}},lang: {accessibility: {axis: {xAxisDescriptionPlural: 'The chart has a two-part X axis ' +'showing time in both week numbers and days.'}}}};// Plug-in to render plot bands for the weekendsHighcharts.addEvent(Highcharts.Axis, 'foundExtremes', e => {if (e.target.options.custom && e.target.options.custom.weekendPlotBands) {const axis = e.target,chart = axis.chart,day = 24 * 36e5,isWeekend = t => /[06]/.test(chart.time.dateFormat('%w', t)),plotBands = [];let inWeekend = false;for (let x = Math.floor(axis.min / day) * day;x <= Math.ceil(axis.max / day) * day;x += day) {const last = plotBands.at(-1);if (isWeekend(x) && !inWeekend) {plotBands.push({from: x,color: {pattern: {path: 'M 0 10 L 10 0 M -1 1 L 1 -1 M 9 11 L 11 9',width: 10,height: 10,color: 'rgba(128,128,128,0.15)'}}});inWeekend = true;}if (!isWeekend(x) && inWeekend && last) {last.to = x;inWeekend = false;}}axis.options.plotBands = plotBands;}});Highcharts.ganttChart('container', options);//container这里是div的id



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